Harry Canyon
First time out of the vault
ummm... i thought i read somewhere that this was fixed:
Boosta said:Any chance this will be compatible with older saves from 2.32 ?
Boosta said:...There is a guy with a SMG, the MPK9 I think, who has - illogically 9mm BALL ammo. Should be the regular 10mm, right?
On the third level, I believe there is also someone with wrong ammo, most likely one of the personal guards of....ehm, whathisname. I think it was a hunting rifle, not sure.
Boosta said:Secondly:
sometimes when I ask Klint to move out of the way when he is in a doorframe, he will rotate but won't move in any direction. Sometimes he is even just in a room, but can't be 'asked' to move.
Haven't seen this before in this thread, so I'm hoping it's new.
Boosta said:Furthermore, in the new release: since you'll be able to go to scraptown AND Cafe of broken dreams, will you be able to get two Dogmeats ?
I haven't been able to find anything that tells me if Dogmeat levels up like all the other npcs ? If not, is there a chance you might fix this ?...
Btw, does K-9 level up ?...
Harry Canyon said:found a bug with the crashed verti in klamath and the TC map. i was able to get 2 maps and the exp. both times i used the binocs on the verti.
EDIT:i also get 2 yellow key passes.
MIB88 said:Wait a sec. Could you be more specific, please? Did the map reset? Did you get two passkeys from the same corpse? And, as for looking at the Vertibird: did you get those two maps at the same time? Or did you leave the map and use he binoculars again?
JMH said:In Version 2.32 of the mega mod at the 2nd level of Military Base at entrance to large room of mutants, my game has crashed repeatedly.
steelsoldier said:Onswe i installed megamod i usually get crashes x time to x time, my savefiles become uneseful after, is there a way to fix the crashes in xp or vista?
I have tried a few patches that come with a xp vista shortcut, but neither of them work for me
Is there a way to fix this, or maybe i shouldnt have applied a previous patch to this game.
Do i have to install the game again then the megamod then do nothing else?
Boosta said:First off, I'm wondering if the game has become harder in the endgame ? ... Is the 'container' / Horrigan's legs supposed to contain his armor ?
I was under the impression it would, but I didn't find it....
Boosta said:Secondly, I had a somewhat disturbing discovery when I noticed that Klint changes his HP back to 30 if he gets the improved PA M2, or improved PA...
Boosta said:Thirdly, has anyone else noticed that the endgame 'screens' that tell the tales of what happened to all the places you visited fades to black after just a couple of seconds - cutting the narrative short ?
MIB88 said:Boosta said:Secondly, I had a somewhat disturbing discovery when I noticed that Klint changes his HP back to 30 if he gets the improved PA M2, or improved PA...
Either you have a missing proto file, or the wrong proto file is called when he puts on the armor (meaning it is a bug on my part). I will make sure the right proto files are called.