Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

MIB88 said:
No, it's no problem. I also said in one of the readme files that it was accessible (even though it wasn't yet).

Just a note: another release sould be ready before this month is finished. It includes a number of small fixes/changes, and many fixes by Aleksm to include fixes to the BOS bunker, corrections to a quest given in the Vault City outer courtyard, and finally being able to visit the town of Scraptown without corrupting your game.

Is the release still envisaged "before this month is finished" as planned? I'd like to know how long it's gonna take before being able to see the BOS bunker.

... BTW =>
good work as regards the Megamod.
McRae said:
Is the release still envisaged "before this month is finished" as planned?

Unfortunately not. Things have been really hectic here. I still have a number of fixes I want to add before I make another release. I'm guessing another 2 weeks. But, I promise that I will have another release sometime in March before I take an extended hiatus.
I don't know if this is the right thread. I just wanted to know if there are any plans to include the infinite party members mod in this mod pack?
SkynetV4 said:
I just wanted to know if there are any plans to include the infinite party members mod in this mod pack?

No, I am not going to put that one in. If you want to get all party members, though, you can, as the mod includes the Cult of Personality mod. If you get that perk, then you can get all available party members to follow you at once.
I've juste restart a game withe the Megamod 2.3 and at The Den I can't trade with Klint...
It's said: " You cannot trade with this critter" or something like that.The fact is he got a leather jacket and I want to give him another armor.

There is someone with the same problem?
This problem usually occurs with Klint when there are missing .pro files. Go back into the archive you downloaded. To be on the safe side, I recommend that you recopy all Klint files. Recopy the following files from the data/proto/critters folder of the archive into the corresponding location of your game:

When you recopy them, unmark the box showing they are read only, then mark them as read-only again. Klint should not give you any more problems after that. If you have a weird but rare bug with corrupting games and Klint's armor, make sure you look through this thread.
MIB88 said:
This problem usually occurs with Klint when there are missing .pro files. Go back into the archive you downloaded. To be on the safe side, I recommend that you recopy all Klint files. Recopy the following files from the data/proto/critters folder of the archive into the corresponding location of your game:

This file is missing! :s is that normal?
Ok then,
I reopen the archive, copy all the proto, reload but still can't trade with hin..
It was working until some days from now...
The only time this error comes up is if there is a missing proto file. If there is another cause, then I don't know. Just try going to another map and trying again. Or, have him remove his armor, go to another map, and retry again.
MIB88 said:
The only time this error comes up is if there is a missing proto file. If there is another cause, then I don't know. Just try going to another map and trying again. Or, have him remove his armor, go to another map, and retry again.

You were roght, I remove his armor and now I can trade again! :)
THX!! :D

stange, every time Klint have an armor I can't trade with him.
I've to ask him to remove it,
quit dialog,
takl to him again; now i can trade with
then ask him tu use the armor.

very strange... :|
Then there is still a problem. That is not normal. If the correct .pro file is being used, then you can trade easily. Watch the Klint's hit points. If they are not really high when you put armor on him (meaning more than 45) then the wrong protos are being used. Keep checking your data/proto/critters folder to ensure those files are not being deleted.
1- Still the same,
I re-copy the .pro files
put then read-only
reload the game and still have the same problem. And now Klint wear a metal armor but have only 30 hp.

Other bug,
2- I was in New Reno, select to go in Broken Hill and on world map I've been "teleported" to BH. No travel time. Now can get back in the car! :(
The map was still with shadows around BH. I travel back to NR and return to BH but can't use the car.
I can see it, go into the trunk but can't "drive" it...
When I click to enter the car, it's do nothing... --> You see a car.

3- Last thing, in Ghost Farm have some stack ammo problem.
I steal .44 ammo, 12 ga shells from Slag guards and when I look back in my inventory the total was not the same. I steal 20 .44 ammo twice but have 20 .44 ammo total... Have the same problem with 12 ga shells.

Have any idea why?
Touquet said:
1- Still the same,
I re-copy the .pro files
put then read-only
reload the game and still have the same problem. And now Klint wear a metal armor but have only 30 hp.

Pay attention. You say you recopy the files. Are you just recopying? Or, when you recopy, are you also overwriting those same .pro files? If you are overwriting files, then I have no idea what the problem is. If you are just copying those files, and the computer does not ask you if you if you want to overwrite files, then the problem is something I already told you about: The files are not being set to read-only. If certain .pro files are not set to read only, then they are deleted, and the game will not work right.

Touquet said:
2- I was in New Reno, select to go in Broken Hill and on world map I've been "teleported" to BH. No travel time. Now can get back in the car! :(
The map was still with shadows around BH. I travel back to NR and return to BH but can't use the car.
I can see it, go into the trunk but can't "drive" it...
When I click to enter the car, it's do nothing... --> You see a car.

I don't know what to say to this. I have never experienced this and is definitely not normal. Does this happen every time?

Touquet said:
3- Last thing, in Ghost Farm have some stack ammo problem.
I steal .44 ammo, 12 ga shells from Slag guards and when I look back in my inventory the total was not the same. I steal 20 .44 ammo twice but have 20 .44 ammo total... Have the same problem with 12 ga shells.

Have any idea why?

Due to a change made from a mod from TeamX, ammo values have been changed in many areas, but not all. New ammo in stores and random encounters have been modified from the original game. However, all old maps have the original numbers. This is the reason for the disparity. So, in this case, when you steal 20 rounds, you are really only stealing 10. So, steal 2 sets of 20 and you end up with a total of 20 rounds. It will correct itself in the game. But, I have no immediate plans on changing EVERY map to update this... not for a long time.
I will dot it again then:
I will erase the .pro files the
copy then from the archive --> redownload it first v2.32
mark them read-only
reload the game and try to trade with Klint.

If I go the same bur, I will unistall F2 and erase all fallout files.

For now I'm running 3 diff version of F2 so I make some clean up.

For the car I will restart before going to BH from an old save as I told you via pm.

Please let me know what happens. Remember: there is a problem with some .rar files. They may be marked as read-only when they are extracted, but they really aren't. Remember to uncheck the read-only block and apply those changes, then recheck those files as read only and apply the changes again to ensure that those files really are read only.

And just to clarify something: I will one day update the ammo quantities on the various maps, but I have other priorities for now.
i just installed vista ultimate 64bit. now at the start of a new game, i get a spear. am i suppose to? i never did while running xp 64bit.

edit: my bad... i forgot to remove patch000.dat
Car problem:
Since the reload of a previous save I can get in the car in BH and the "teleport" from NR to BH have not happen again.

In Modoc when I enter the B&B area I appear in the toilet! Eurk!
Is that happen to someone else?
I would like for you to do something. Please try to repeat the bugs you encounter before you post them. If it only happens one time, never to be repeated, then it was most likely just some random bug. These are rare, and there is nothing I can do about them.
MIB88 said:
I would like for you to do something. Please try to repeat the bugs you encounter before you post them. If it only happens one time, never to be repeated, then it was most likely just some random bug. These are rare, and there is nothing I can do about them.

The car bug happen if I reload the save just before getting to BH from NR. If I reload from a previous save, it's not happening.
So for this one is quite random.

The bug in Modoc happen several time already so it's why I'm posting it. I think is when I go into the mine to find the watch then return it to Cornelius. When entering the B&B area I'm appear in the toilet. Just a weird bug I think.
I try to find how to reproduce it correctly.