Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

I remember that report from a while ago. I never experienced it nor could ever find a reason for it, though. What system are you running?

Thing is, you really don't have to do that part of the quest. He just tells you about something you can find to help your village. Even if he doesn't tell you about it, you can still get into the sewers by helping Slim (proving you are good guy and finding Smiley) or by proving yourself as a bad guy and helping Sajag.
I'm running on XP Pro SP3.
I had done a fresh install of the game and mod per the instructions for 2.33. (BTW that scorpion in the temple was a nasty surprise. :> Liking the mod so far. Thanks)
I tried the fight at night and in day. I removed all my items on one try. It just locks every time. I tried recoping all the scripts over to the proper folder again.
Are only the Critter and Items folders supposed to be read only or are other folders supposed to be the same?
I even tried Killaps latest gametweak 1.3.

I'm thinking of trying a new game to see if that makes a difference.
Ediot said:
Are only the Critter and Items folders supposed to be read only or are other folders supposed to be the same?
I even tried Killaps latest gametweak 1.3.

The other folders don't matter. The only things that have a tendency to disappear are the contents of critters and items, so those files need to be read-only.
And what gametweak are you referring to?
I set them off of read only and it didn't make a difference. So I started a new game and this time it worked. Prev saved games did the same. I did feed the dog this time.
Dunno what happened.
I may try it again from when I first entered Klamath and not feed the dog again and see if it makes a difference.
Oh and something I didn't do before also was change Klint's armor. He was still his default. I don't know if that makes a difference.

Two other things.
When getting the trader boost from Slik, it says I received x "experience points" . Barter instead of "Skill points". Minor dialog error. Saw some other minor stuff in dialog but they have been mentioned already. Not sure if this one has.

The other is only partially related to your mod.
I have moded the f2ie2.inf file by Borg Locutus so it works mostly with you rmod. I may have to find out the hard way which items I don't have quite right yet. To get it perfect I would need a list of the new items and what type they are (Armor, Weapon, etc.); and ,in the case of weapons, how much ammo they hold and which ammo they use. Then with BL's permission I could give it to you guys to post. Well, I have the list, I just don't know what they all are yet. :>
I'll upload a savegame in that I cannot become a Shaman - even after failing the warrior path and resting for a whole day. Also, there is no way of getting a Flint for the Sharpened Spear.

Hint: use one cigarette to gain 6 PE to ask Mynoc for his spear.

I've read the MIB88 Megamod Guide, but it didn't helped.

I hope this link works(this is for the savegame) :

Sorry for posting this in the gameplay thread, I was viewing both threads.....whatever.
I've done some more testing with both the old game and the new one and so far nothing I try in the old game stops the lockups and nothing I change in the new one causes the lockup. So it seems a random glitch caused the problem and only starting a new game will fix it.
@ Ediot,
For your item list, you could try to compare 'PRO_ITEM.MSG' (in Data\text\english\game folder) with an unmodded version to see what has been added. It does not give any indication of what is different however.
@ Ediot,
There is an easy way to fast check out items statistic (including type of them, which and how much ammo they hold):
F2wedit - tool for editing prototypes (imo much better than fime).
Download and any required info at author homepage
(I wish that it would not be treat as spam)
Thanks to both of you. I used the Proto_item.msg to get as far as I did. But I couldn't look up the new items with fime.

Thanks again. :>
Blackened said:
Won't anyone take a look at my savegame and help me to fix this issue?

Your problems are not bugs. Those quests all work fine. Reread Morticia's guide. And pay attention to what the characters tell you.
If you already failed to become a warrior, then that most likely means you didn't accomplish everything in the required time. And, if you didn't complete that task in the required time, then you already passed the deadline to become a shaman.
MIB88 said:
Your problems are not bugs. Those quests all work fine. Reread Morticia's guide. And pay attention to what the characters tell you.
If you already failed to become a warrior, then that most likely means you didn't accomplish everything in the required time. And, if you didn't complete that task in the required time, then you already passed the deadline to become a shaman.

No, I failed the quest for warrior by using one of the dialogue options that fails it - I cannot get it anymore(I saved before this). However, everyone keeps telling me that Lucas is looking for me and I don't get the dialogue option to tell that I'm done with him. Whatever I do, I cannot get the shaman quest. I am still on day one - after I completed the Temple of Trials, however resting 2 or 3 days doesn't help.

When I talk to aunt Marlis she tells me "So you've returned. Did you find the holy Thirteen?" and my only possible reply is "Then get yourself out of here and find it! People are depending on you!", then she tells me "Yes, Aunt Marlis." and my only option is "Yes, Auto Marlis, but..."; when I talk to her again she tells me "I see you're having a good long slack hereabouts... so, whatcha be needing?" and regardless of if I got the sharpened spear quest of not, my only option is "You're just an old crabbed hag. I'm leaving.". However, when I return in the village after some days, everything works as intended - when the people think I cheated. However, after I solve this quest, I still cannot ask her for the sharpening stone. I had other minor issues. If I continued playing - going to Klamath and forward maybe I would had encountered more glitches.

First, I installed the Megamod on my patched US game(latest official patch) - according to the text file, everything was okay(yes, I deleted the patch000(or something) file and did everything else needed). Then I had there bugs and reinstalled Fallout 2, then deleted the "Data" folder, copied everything except the text files and runned Fallout 2 - this time without patching it. Before reinstalling it, I deleted all my savegames. Now I have the same problems. I readed several times Morticia's guide and the text file with instructions for installation. The only things that could be the problem are:
1: I reinstalled several times Fallout 2 before and didn't used registry cleaner.
2: After I uninstalled my Fallout 2, I didn't restarted my computer after that.

Now, I will
•uninstall my Fallout 2 (done, however there was message "there were errors during uninstalling. See Details to see which filed couldn't be removed" or something like that - I think that is normal, because some files were read only)
•delete all the files in the folder (done)
•use some kind of registry cleaner (will do it after several hours)
•restart the computer
•install Fallout 2 on a different location(C/Fallout 2 - Usually I use C/Games/Fallout 2)
•remove the Data folder
•download a new install of the latest version of Megamod from
•copy all the necessary files from the Megamod folder to the Fallout 2 directory
•make sure that all the files in the "proto" folder are set to read-only
•run a virus check for the whole Fallout 2 folder(my antivirus is ZoneAlarm)
•launch Fallout 2, make a speedrun through the Temple of Trials, go to aunt Marlis and see if her dialogue is still bugged
•edit this post, telling what happened(IMHO it will still be the same).

If you want, I may tell you more information about my OS and hardware.
Ok, then this is odd. I doubt the the problem is installation related. You aren't running Windows 98, are you?

You need to make sure that you are not playing this like the regular game. Forget all you know.

First, the flint quest:
After you asked Mynoc about the flint, did you do as he told you to do? Did you talk to Slim? (I know her dialog is reversed. I have already fixed this in 2.34.)

About being a shaman:
What does Hakunin say to you? Is your Perception 6? And, did you kill the plants in his garden? How? Did Klint help you?
According to "properties" under "My Computer" I am running
Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

Actually, earlier I started a test character - he was able to become a shaman, but still unable to do the flint quest. Maybe now I am not able to get the shaman quest because my PE is 5. I know what to do after I get it - it is described in the guide.

I didn't talked to Slim about the flint.

This explains all my bugs. Sorry, it is not described in the Megamod guide. My only other issue is when I enter Klamath I get message telling me that I am in something in the middle of a cathedral or something like that.

Also, I have a suggestion about adding something to the mod, but I am not sure it will fit it, because it just combines some other mods, but don't adds nothing, AFAIK. Do you want to hear it anyway? I think it should be easy to implement with Mr. Fixit or by other way.
Blackened said:
Also, I have a suggestion about adding something to the mod, but I am not sure it will fit it, because it just combines some other mods, but don't adds nothing, AFAIK. Do you want to hear it anyway?

This thread is for suggestions, too, so go ahead and post them. Or you can send your ideas to me via PM.
As we're talking about suggestions... here's mine. Like many of you, I've been playing Fallout 2 for a long time. But there's something I always thought was stupid ... and it's the fact that when you're driving in the Wasteland, you stop when you got a gang of farmers (or whatever) standing in front of you.

You see what I mean? Let's just imagine you're in you car, driving in the Wasteland. But suddenly, there's a pack of wolves attacking your car... what you do?

1) You go outside of the car hoping you'll be able to kill them all?

2) You comfortably stay in you car (yeah, what the dogs will do? use a blowtorch?)

So, I think that when the character is in his car, he should only stops for certain reasons =>

1) Out of fuel (hehehe)

2) Ambushed by heavy armed robbers/thiefs... or whatever has two leggs and is heavy armed (like the remain of the Master's army). The reason is that guys like this could wait someone to come through their area... and when you come under ennemy fire, you stops or you keep driving (except that if our character always keeps driving, you'll never meet anybody... so maybe we could make it random... what you think?)

* When there are dogs, centaurs, or whatever animals, we could run over them (we wouldn't see them being runned over. But when we'll enter the map, we could see smashed bodies, a wounded dog or mantis,etc...)

So give your opinion. You're even allowed to laugh loudly.
I got this idea before I saw the vault dweller's weapon in some chest in Temple of Trials and before I saw Mr.Fixit..... can make it upgradeable - an early energy weapon - AFAIK there is a gauss minigun in EPA, this balances the big guns; but the energy weapons are still nearly as strong for their phase of game as the small guns, however they are not available until mid-lategame and in migdame(New Reno) they are weak anyway(laser).

Maybe Vic will teach the player the first upgrade(done by Mr.Fixit), then Valerie/Skeeter, then the guy in New Reno near Elridge and the final - somewhere in NCR. They could just upgrade the weapon instead of teaching the player, or could also teach the player of two or more upgrades, so that he could modify the weapon in different possible ways and maybe reverse it to its original form.

I don't recommend adding Repair requirement, since with the lootable armor mod already makes Repair somewhat overpowered.

It will be nice to add a superb update available after beating the game.

By choosing the numbers for this weapon's damage you could fully balance Energy Weapons.

Also, any upgradeable features fit very nicely to any RPG, especially Fallout 2.

The only problem is its ammunition - at the beginning there are no small energy cells/micro fusion cells, so maybe it could use some kind of sun batteries that provide you certain number of ammunition for it every day or maybe just like Solar Scorcher. There are a lot of possible solutions for this, it could even "melt rocks" to shoot with them. Anyway, this will make tagging Energy Weapons tempting and balanced.
Klint the wimp

Klint, again, suddenly turned into a wimp:
HP: 30, Skill: unarmed, Carrying capacity: 150, Melee damage: 1, Aps: 5

I restored an earlier game and investigated.

Klint, wearing a metal armour, had the following stats:

HP: 135, Skill: throwing, Carry: 375, Melee: 7, APs: 10.

I had him wear a Combat Armor MkII.

HP: 215, Skill: doctor, Carry: 465, Melee: 8, APs: 11.

I had him take it off. He turned into a wimp.

I reloaded my game. This time I had him wear the Bridge-Keeper's robes.

HP: 45, Skill: melee weapons, Melee: 275, Melee: 5, APs: 10

I had him take them off. He turned into a wimp.

I reloaded my game, had him wear a Power Armor.

HP: 275, Skill: big guns, Carry: 525, Melee: 9, APs: 12

I had him take it off. He didn't turn into a wimp!

I reloaded my game, lent him my armor (Advanced Power Armor)
He turned into... this!

HP: 30, Skill: unarmed, Carry: 250, Melee: 4, APs: 5

A sort of wimp in a power armor!

When I had him take it off, he turned into a wimp.

I remember that he had turned into a wimp long ago when I was in Modoc, having the smith upgrade our metal armors.

So I suspect that Kling is "allergic" to all "non-standard" armour. If I am right, then he will turn into a wimp after wearing a leather armour MkII.

Meanwhile, I am happy with Klint in plain Power Armor. He packs a wallop and he is a joy to see wielding his bozar or his improved flamer!

Seriously now, there is a bug there. It is as if those improved armors behaved a bit like drugs, which boost your stats instantly, but bring them down below normal later
You could add the infinite party members "mod" - it will fit nicely this mod, because there are much NPCs to be recruited, but you should balance it somehow - maybe it should only work when the player has 10 CH and Magnetic Personality.

Anyway, when will be 2.34 avaialble for download? Because I just reinstalled my Fallout 2 and according to what you posted yesterday, it should be avaialble for download already. Or maybe its release is delayed? I see that you edited your post.
@Sir Robin: A number of wrong protos were called for various stages of Klint. These issues have been resolved in 2.34. He should no longer have any issues (with the exception that he won't attack certain critters unless he is right by them, but Sulik and other party members do that sometimes as well).

@Blackened: For the umpteenth time from this thread and almost every other thread about the Megamod- I WILL NOT add the infinite party members mod. If you want to get all party members, you can. It's called the Cult of Personality perk.

As for when 2.34 will be ready for download, that depends. It will take over an hour for this thing to finish uploading. Wild_Qwerty said he would create an installer for it. It will take an admin here a little while to put it on this site. Cubik from Fallout Modding Centre though will probably have it too. So, it will probably take a couple of days.

Oh, and regarding the car and enemies idea. Yes, it makes sense that, in real life, if you come across bad guys, you just keep going. However, in my own mind at least, I have rationalized how this occurs:
Sure, time passes the whole time you are moving on the worldmap. And it does appear as though you always move. But, REALLY, you can't drive nonstop for days at a time. The Chosen One and his entourage have to stop to eat, sleep, and stretch their legs from time to time. That is when all these ambushes happen. And, maybe sometimes they occur when you are actually driving, thereby giving you the choice to bypass them. Just my thoughts on the issue. Even if I were inclined to modify that, there's not a whole lot I'd be able to do about it anyway, as it is stuff driven by the engine. (Pun intended).

As for modifying weapons, that is something that is already in the Megamod. However, an energy weapon? Right at the start of the game? Nah, I don't think so. As for some of the other weapon stuff, I don't usually mess with weapon stats. There are so many people out there who have their own ideas about what constitutes balance.
Speaking of balance, repair skill, and lootable armor, I don't think the skill is overpowered at all. It isn't fully implemented yet. I have changed the gangs in the Den, Navarro personnel, and Enclave patrols only. If you want the high-tech armor, you have to have a high enough skill... in some cases, a very high skill. I don't think that makes the repair skill overpowered.