@everyone: Thank you very much for the bug reports. I have a list that only seems to keep growing, especially when I add a new mod. However, I am happy to try to correct them to make the Megamod better.
NeoSeether said:
Miria dialogue, MegaMod v2.34... gives "Error" as her default reply. Currently playing as a female PC.
...most likely case was the script itself.
Thus, used Int2SSL to de-compile mcMiria.int; error located within procedure Node000:
After re-compiling, issue was resolved.
Thank you very much. I have corrected this script typo.
Prethorius said:
... in v23, underground there is light but it should be dark i think, couse the vault is abanadoned
Will be nice to add some music there too.
...Sir i'm curious, that experience issue it's all about script in CrisiVT.map file? I tried to correct it with myself couse it's really anoy me
but Fallout 2 Mapper says that no map script is using in this location
You are correct about the cave lighting. I will make it dark.
I see that music was originally planned for this location, but was never included in the original mod. I have added added music and sound effects.
As for the experience issue, I think it is in a map script... that makes the most sense. However, I have been unable to locate the source of the problem. I'll keep looking.
Blackened said:
When I use Steal on Hakunin's chest it doesn't seem to open, but it still gives me 10 xp. It can be abused forever for the xp. Maybe if you fix it without removing the xp bonus you should increase it to 50-100 xp.
You should set some bugfixes on by default that .ini (or so) file with the text.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Please, fix the cockroaches soon!
Hakunin's chest is not supposed to open. If you successfully steal from the chest, you will get experience and a few shaman-type items (i.e. herbs). However, this is only supposed to be available one time. I'll check this out.
I don't understand what you mean by setting bugfixes on by default.
The cockroaches. I know their AI is messed up. Not sure why they run away. I mean, I really want to hear about those mean cockroaches killing characters with their spit weapons!
Outcast said:
When arriving at the BOS bunker to dump of that machine part that seems to attract mutants, Mr, general congrats me and then a alarm sounds, and shit-loads of mutants arrive on the scene, in my oppinion this is just overdoing it, becuse there's so many NPC's and monsters that it'll take ages before it's my turn again, i also encountered that if i quick save the game there, and quick load the same spot, (tought i would quick save it every now and then and if anything went fubar i just load the game again)....
You quickloaded/quicksaved in combat? Well, then, if your game is jacked up, then that is your fault. Don't save/load during combat. Also, you say it's "overdoing it." Not sure what I can do about it as there is no way to make everyone happy with that scene. Someone might say it's a perfect number for the situation. Some say the number needs to be 20 critters. Another says 14 critters. I haven't even played through that section, though. My initial sentiment is to keep things as they are. However, I'll make a more informed decision later when I get to actually play that part in the game. But, you're playing a game! How big of a rush can you possibly be in!?
Outcast said:
Also, i can ask for fuel to fly away, i asume that this is for the vertibird mod, never used a vertibird, dont know but i asume it's buggy one way or another, cant understand how you can put in something that big in the game, either way, logically? is it okay for my PC to ask for air-fuel if i dont even have a chopper to use that fuel on? how do my PC know's that i'll ever get him a vertibird, or is all this just a lame excuse that my PC made up to get over 10x Flamer fuel.. i dont know...
Never played the vertibird mod, and don't know how to use it, but you assume it's buggy. Nice.
Vertibird fuel in the Fallout world can be used for more than vertibirds. The flamer fuel IS THE SAME as vertibird fuel. Please don't mention realism in the game.
Outcast said:
I can't talk about this location. I haven't been to that location either. I'll note that it is a bugged location in my log.