Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

Just started going through New Reno and went through the boxing ranks. After the fight with the Masticator I couldn't speak to Stuart nor did I get the title. Happen to anybody else?
Curious, how buggy is this "Carson City" and the nearby reactor? Every soldier at the reactor has a (13-19) or something of the sort after it. Actually, the combat armor wearing ones all have one specific one, and the power armor ones have another, slightly different number. I also did a Look on some combat armor wearing woman outside the walls as I went inside, and it said, "Female Hero" for what she was. (@_@) If its common knowledge that Carson is buggy, sorry to be repeating myself. I've not seen this mentioned in this new thread, I think. >_> Sure hope not. *Duck and covers.*
It's mentioned on the wiki.

And it occurs just because the creators of that area reused certain proto files, including those that were labeled by the original BIS team as "Not to use".
Skynet (robobrain version) seems to ignore Cult of Personality perk and don't want to join my group.

Should fixation of the voice computer in EPA for Security Hologram remove all robots in EPA? If so, one still remaining at enterance to the electic chair room.

In EPA, in president room (with Mona Lisa), there are some missing roof tiles.

In Vault 23 you can repair light generator, but it's still dark in Vault.

There's a russian label on the elevator option menu. Not a bug, just reporting.
Strange. You know the little trick to do faster NPC-trading? Using Steal on them to change inventory without having to speak to'em. Won't let me do it with the Robobrain Skynet. He could be empty and when I try planting, says he's full. XD
About BoS Main Bunker:

Game crashes after I tell to bunker guard I have delivered holodisk to Professor Steel AND I have machinery device. If I tell him that I have done only delivery and nothing else, game won't crash.

General Klodt will send me to the Den for local BoS PC data. But there's no computer! I've tried NCR and SF too, but nothing.

About that huge battle with monsters - Could be possible to set BoS soldiers as our allies? Because during this fight there's a big chance that you hit them or they hit you or your buddies.

I don't get part with Professional PA testing. I see only cockroach (telling OMG there will kill me!) and one scientist. I get message "You have been criticaly hit to eye", but my eyes were okey. Weird.

Do I have to examinate bodies in order to complete quest Find out where the Enclave troops disappeared to? Because I have done MB earlier and I get all holodisk but still doesn't seems to be enough for general Briggins.
Tom9k said:
Skynet (robobrain version) seems to ignore Cult of Personality perk and don't want to join my group.
There's a russian label on the elevator option menu. Not a bug, just reporting.

I did not alter Skynet's script to work with Cult of Personality. It didn't seem right to me that a machine (even an advanced AI like Skynet) should be affected by it. I don't think I added it to the robotic dogs either.

Do you know what location that label is for?

I'll look into those other items.
Hello, sorry for asking in ths thread, but search doesnt help me. How do I learn Fixit recipes from Skeeter and Wooz? Cant seem to figure out...
Raengar: look here

Well I think that russian labels were in SAD.

Robodogs are affected by CoP.

Now I'm in the Glow. That new creature, Moloch are pretty weird. It can be hited only for 5HP. I found that nice elegant melee weapon.

As for main computer in the Glow (Zax or something like that), it has attached metal door script. And on 4th floor, I can't reach red elevator (blocking girds are there). You told us that there are no scripts. Was it fixed in 2.35.1?
Tom9k said:
About BoS Main Bunker:

General Klodt will send me to the Den for local BoS PC data. But there's no computer! I've tried NCR and SF too, but nothing.

No. You're right. When I added the Den Residential area, I used Killap's map. I forgot to add that computer back to the BOS bunker there. I'll add it.

Tom9k said:
I don't get part with Professional PA testing. I see only cockroach (telling OMG there will kill me!) and one scientist. I get message "You have been criticaly hit to eye", but my eyes were okey. Weird.

I must have forgotten to change which art file is called in another file. You are supposed to appear in the new armor at that scene, and be critically wounded during testing.

Tom9k said:
Do I have to examinate bodies in order to complete quest Find out where the Enclave troops disappeared to? Because I have done MB earlier and I get all holodisk but still doesn't seems to be enough for general Briggins.

I honestly don't know the answer to this one. I'll take apart some scripts and find out.

Tom9k said:
Well I think that russian labels were in SAD.

Are you saying the label says SAD using the Cyrillic alphabet?

Tom9k said:
Robodogs are affected by CoP.

Hmm. I didn't remember adding the code to them. I really don't think that they should be affected. I need to think about this one.

Tom9k said:
As for main computer in the Glow (Zax or something like that), it has attached metal door script. And on 4th floor, I can't reach red elevator (blocking girds are there). You told us that there are no scripts. Was it fixed in 2.35.1?

The computer hasn't been implemented yet. You are not supposed to be able to visit all areas just yet. There is the weapon, the new critter, and the crazies. That's it. It's a work in progress. While I have a story worked out, I haven't done scripting for it yet. And the scripts I was talking about that were missing were corrected 2.35.2. The scripts that were missing were the map scripts.
I`m useing latest version of this mod on my freshly instal of Fallout 2. Problem: files like movies and etc. loads from the cd, but I took the largest option of instalation which (I think) does not requere files to be loaded that way. Traveling in world map mode is very slow and I get lags all the time and this problem apeared after instalation of this mod. Is there anything I can do?

P.S. I have legit version of F2. Sorry for this noobish question :).
I don't know. I mean, is your computer really sluggish? Or are you trying to say only worldmap travel is slow? If the latter, then you can adjust that inside the ddraw.ini. If your computer is sluggish, I really have no advice for you.
MIB88 said:
I don't know. I mean, is your computer really sluggish? Or are you trying to say only worldmap travel is slow? If the latter, then you can adjust that inside the ddraw.ini. If your computer is sluggish, I really have no advice for you.
Or alternatively, for someone who's only played fallout on a modern computer and doesn't know how it's supposed to behave, suddenly playing with the world map patch to restore the original behaviour might cause some misconceptions.

Edit: I guess that's what you meant when you suggested changing the ini; just pointing out to MaToX that the speed with the megamod/sfall is closer to what it's supposed to be than the speed without it, and changing ddraw.ini to speed it back up reduces the frequency of random encounters below what was intended.
About SAD: Ou, it wasn't SAD, Elevator option in Vault 14 used Azbuka.

Another mistake of my: I mentioned that you can repair light generator in Vault 23. I meant Vault 14. V23 light switching computer works right, except for second visit - it uses only Error options and describtions

I checked robodogs once again and they do ignore CoP.
Tom9k said:
About SAD: Ou, it wasn't SAD, Elevator option in Vault 14 used Azbuka.

Yeah, that location was part of a Russian mod. I can't do anything about that one.

Tom9k said:
Another mistake of my: I mentioned that you can repair light generator in Vault 23. I meant Vault 14. V23 light switching computer works right, except for second visit - it uses only Error options and describtions

The computer in V23 suffers from the same error as Max. I don't know why it does that. But you've confused me. What's the deal with Vault 14? I don't remember having to fix a generator there.

Tom9k said:
I checked robodogs once again and they do ignore CoP.

Ah... that's what I thought.

Edit: Computer added back to the BOS in the Den.
Well, my cpu is really old (1.8 ghz, 256 RAM, geforce 2 mx 100/200). Movies are laging to me, travels betwen towns too, I get some lags then the map loads. Oh, and I forgot to say that then I played first time this mod, I saw a massage in a text screen: "your video card does not support shaders" or something. My OS - WIN xp. Another strange thing: I can`t press alt+tab to minimize the game, bicause F2 crashes all the time then do that (its the first time I encounter this kind of crash).

P.S. Thanks for quick support. :)
P.P.S. Sorry for bad english.
The shader deal was just in reference to the weather mod. It wouldn't have anything to do with this (I doubt it, I mean). I don't know what to tell you. Could be that something else on your computer is interfering with Fallout. Other people have mentioned serious memory leakage. However, it's pretty random. I have never never learned the reason why it happens, what fixes it, or why it spontaneously happens and sometimes goes away.

(And never apologize for "bad English". You write it just fine. And, you have at least taken the time to learn another language. However, if you are a native speaker, well, then, yeah: shame on you! :P)
Thanks anyway, I will look further in to this problem.

P.S. Great mod.
P.P.S. "However, if you are a native speaker" - no, I am not 8-).
MaToX said:
Well, my cpu is really old (1.8 ghz, 256 RAM, geforce 2 mx 100/200). Movies are laging to me, travels betwen towns too, I get some lags then the map loads. Oh, and I forgot to say that then I played first time this mod, I saw a massage in a text screen: "your video card does not support shaders" or something. My OS - WIN xp. Another strange thing: I can`t press alt+tab to minimize the game, bicause F2 crashes all the time then do that (its the first time I encounter this kind of crash).

P.S. Thanks for quick support. :)
P.P.S. Sorry for bad english.

All this looks like error with DirectX9 mode...

go into ddraw.ini in main Fo2 directory and change graphic mode from 4 to 0

  • [Graphics]
    ;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
    ;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
    ;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
    ;A dx9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
    ;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported