Megamod 2.43 technical issues and suggestions

@the people with burst mode == 0 damage :

the scripts in "add this for a challenge" are installed?

those are part of a mod i wrote,just wondering,if they are,i will fix it

Nirran said:
@the people with burst mode == 0 damage :

the scripts in "add this for a challenge" are installed?

those are part of a mod i wrote,just wondering,if they are,i will fix it


no, I didn't use anything from that folder

BTW - what do these files are supossed to do?
total re-write of the combat damage routine,i wrote because of adding perks that add damage, resistance etc,my custom perks mod mainly,but a few others too

in that case it is most likely an sfall thing,play around with this setting in ddraw.ini

;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;Don't set this to anything other than 0 unless another mod you're using explicitly tells you to!
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod.

kkeciap said:
3. A little bug in collyweb. After quest "kill lumpen leader" you can talk with his brother Josie about his future life time after time and gain 130 XP repeatedly.

Fixed for next release.

mac402 said:
- in the eastern part of Broken Hills (both outside and in the mine) when i click a place to go my character stops several times before going there uninterrupted. Sometimes a message that the way is blocked pops up in the small window but not always (it does not happen because of being blocked, the way is free, the character just stops when walking).

Well, it makes sense if you are in the mine and have to stop every so often if you are not wearing power armor or a gasmask. Or, did you mean that the problem occurs in the tunnels? If you are getting this error outside, though, then again I have to say I have never seen this problem nor have any idea what could be causing it.

mac402 said:
- I stumbled upon it only once and it crashed my game so I can't give too much info but: I found a map with a letter in a mailbox. When I clicked the "use" icon on it (the letter) it crashed the game.

Fixed for next release. Problem with the location of the dialog file. I have moved the dialog to another working file (Combining text files seems to be the only way to fix this bug).

Still don't know what could be wrong with Skeeter. I'll continue to look at it.
Nirran said:
total re-write of the combat damage routine,i wrote because of adding perks that add damage, resistance etc,my custom perks mod mainly,but a few others too

in that case it is most likely an sfall thing,play around with this setting in ddraw.ini

;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;Don't set this to anything other than 0 unless another mod you're using explicitly tells you to!
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod.


I tried to change settings in that line, without result.

I guess the problem with burst mode lies in the file in scripts folder - I deleted it and everything works fine (I don't get almost permanent "no damage" when using burst weapon anymore).

Will the deletion of that file cause the lost of any special feature of gameplay?
That file is in the "add this for a challenge" folder. I didn't know it was required for normal play. I'll add it back to the regular folder for the next release.
Good thing this burst mode problem got resolved.

For my older reports:

Skeeter - hmm... my error stopped now that the game progressed. It disappeared after the Gecko Enclave encouter though IDK if those 2 were related. Strange... I can talk to him normally now. I also had this freeze once with the molotov cocktail in Mr Fixit and once (but this eventually ended) when the doctor at Vault 14 was healing me.

Broken Hills - it's not in the tunnels, it's also in the town (but only the eastern part), and not related to damage, the air purifier in BH is fixed.

New feedback on potential bugs:

1. After the Doctor in Vault 14 made me an armor for Marcus there was a cutscene, Marcus changed appearance and after his last quote which was "Eh! And why is it that the player hasn't taken advantage of the new armor animation?" he changed back to his vanilla looks. Now I don't have neither the armor nor there's any change in Marcus' stats. Is that how it's supposed to go?

2. Pretty minor stuff. Some dialog choices in Vault 14 don't start with a capital letter.

3. He he... this was rather advantageus but I suppose it was left there by mistake. There is a power armor and some grenades lying on the ground in plain sight at the entrance to Vault 15 map. :)

4. Gorris left my party to return to V13. However if I go to either Guardian of Forever (by Taxi) or to EPA (possibly some more locations but it occured in these 2 till now) he is in my party again.

5. The Enclave patrol that now is sent to Gecko. They seemed to be cloned, standing 2 guys in the same spot if I chose to battle. If I don't combat them then there's only one Enclave guy left and he is starting his dialog anew in a loop unless I kill him. And he has 6 gauss pistols on himself.

Good luck in making the mod!
mac402 said:
Broken Hills - it's not in the tunnels, it's also in the town (but only the eastern part), and not related to damage, the air purifier in BH is fixed.

New feedback on potential bugs:

1. After the Doctor in Vault 14 made me an armor for Marcus there was a cutscene, Marcus changed appearance and after his last quote which was "Eh! And why is it that the player hasn't taken advantage of the new armor animation?" he changed back to his vanilla looks. Now I don't have neither the armor nor there's any change in Marcus' stats. Is that how it's supposed to go?

3. ...There is a power armor and some grenades lying on the ground in plain sight at the entrance to Vault 15 map. :)

5. The Enclave patrol that now is sent to Gecko. They seemed to be cloned...

Of course that is not how the encounter is supposed to go. He should be using the new art... and have a number of perks. By the way, how do you know there is no change to Marcus?

Power armor and EMP grenades have been removed.

Regarding the Enclave patrol, do you remember what level you were? Also, how many guards could you actually see? (The number should be either 2, 4, 6, or 8.) Weird. At a minimum, though, there should be at least two guards, so I don't understand how you get into a dialog loop when there is only one guard on the screen. (I am looking at this one now. Hope to have it fixed soon.)
Marcus' stats - I can see them in combat mode when manually controlling the party via ddraw.ini settings. The HP, AC etc. are the same before and after the encounter.

The Enclave guys - I was level 99 and there were 8 of them. The dialog started. When I told them I don't know anything they were all gone except for one soldier. Then the same dialogue starts and on and on until I chose to fight him. If I chose to fight them in the first place there seems to be actually 16 of them (2 guys standing in one hex, when one moves the other is still there). Hope this helps.
mac402 said:
Marcus' stats - I can see them in combat mode when manually controlling the party via ddraw.ini settings. The HP, AC etc. are the same before and after the encounter.

Then you don't really know if the other changes took effect. His stats don't change. He is supposed to use different graphics and he gets some new perks. That's all. However, I will still look at this to see what is going on with the artwork.

mac402 said:
The Enclave guys - I was level 99...

Wait. You used a cheat program to change your level to 99? What level were you before you modified it? And have you gotten enough enough experience to level up past that? Maybe it doesn't matter. I'm not going to (and in some cases can't anyway) change things around just in case the player is using some sort of shortcut. But, in this case, the number of enemies is determined by your level. Maybe the game is seeing two different levels. The script looks right. So, unless someone else can confirm this who hasn't modified their character, I am not gonna keep trying to work on this issue.
Hey all!

Is there a setting I can select that causes my party members' avatars to reflect what armor they are wearing? Right now, they always walk around with their default avs, but their avs do reflect which weapon they are carrying.

@Darpaek: Read page 4 of this thread. While you are at it, read the other pages of this thread to deal with some other potential issues you are sure to see.

I asked because I thought I saw an answer when I looked thu this thread a couple days ago, but I couldn't find the specific post this morning.

I'm really enjoying the Megamod and appreciate all the work you've put into it.
Slaver Camp - still the same bug in my opinion or something is not finishing yet.

If you go there for Sulik sister - you talk with Dan or Don - and if you have HIGH Speech, he give you the key to unlock the door. He give you permission to take some SLAVES and give Metzger best regards.

Nice - but this completely not working - you must kill all slavers to rescue Sulik sister. The Question is: Why this option in dialog exist???

Secundo: When I killed Don or Dan I saw text from EPA.

In the left corner of the map is two morons with Assalut Rifles guarding the Slaves - if you kill them, one of this weapon cause CTD (Moron with Metal Armor I think) - If you want to use the weapon or you give to another Character exp. Sulik - CTD

Also if you open the Cage with the Slaves sometimes CTD when they escape - I always go up and its oki.
Marcus' armor issue - I fixed it like this (

if (Complex_Float_Stage == 14) then begin
	Complex_Float_Stage := 0;
	set_global_var(398, 0);
	anim(self_obj, 1000, 3);
	animate_move_obj_to_tile(party_member_obj(16777377), 24326, 0);
	anim(party_member_obj(16777377), 1000, 3);
	float_msg(party_member_obj(16777377), message_str(1594, 210), 7);
	start_gdialog(1594, self_obj, 4, -1, -1);
	call Node043;

instead of what was in this script part. I also noticed there is an older unused version called and it has different variables being changed. The one that corresponds to Marcus having armor is var 777=1 in the newer script and 762=4 in the old one. In the older (original?) version this makes him don't say the line "I don't wear armor...." after he gets one but it is bugged as changing var 762=4 makes the game exit to title after a few seconds. :/

Hope this helps.
I just recently discovered all the fascinating mods for this great old game and am now playing the Megamod for the first time. Looks great so far!

However, there are a few minor things that I have noticed.

* The gecko skinning perk seems broken. I learned it from Smiley after rescuing him from the toxic caves and it is present in my character information. But I can´t skin any geckos. I tried little geckos, tough little geckos and golden geckos. None work.

* The pipboy and jumpsuit seems to have been removed, cause I did not get it after completing the temple of Trials. Is this intended or is it a bug?

* In Klamath, first time you enter the Golden Gecko, there is a floating text (over the new midget?) saying something like "you there, in the blue jumpsuit". That comment seems a bit off, since the PC hadn´t got the jumpsuit and was still wearing the tribal clothes.

* There are references to the pipboy being used despite the PC not having it (yet?). I could download the information from the black box at the crashed helicopter and the new guy in Vicks house could use it to point out where he comes from on the pipboy map. But the PC has no pipboy...

* On a personal note, I would like to suggest that the PC should recieve the pipboy and jumpsuit after completing the temple of trials, just like in the original game. Playing without the pipboy is a bit awkward, IMO, since it is impossible to rest and you can´t acces any of the information usually accessed through the pipboy.