Mods you hate or dislike

How far does it go then? I criticize your criticism on my criticism of the mods someone's made?
Hey, it's kinda what I've been doing after my initial response to the OP :D
I don't really see much of a problem with disliking certain mods and discussing that on this board. Like the myriad of slutty outfit mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4. There's some high quality mesh and texture work there, but in my opinion it's kinda wasted towards outfits that don't really fit the tone of the game. That's my own taste, because as I've stated before, I don't really like modding a game to be another game. If I wanted another game, I'd play that instead. But hey, others like it, so more power to them.
I like how DOS seems to think that by being overly mean he can "stick it" to those meany bullies who dare to criticise mods. It really is perfectly valid to criticise opinions, so fire away. Spiders, snakes, rats, insects, skunks etc. are not deplorable, though, that's just wrong and a complete misrepresentation of the ecosystem :P
I have to admit I am confused from what I just read (this entire thread.).

A little background about me to temper responses;
I am a modder (not for the fallout franchise, but other games.)
I am a game developer in my free time (No I will not elaborate.)
I'm a business man

Now I understand that the concept of feedback from the general public is being scrutinized. However I can't see a viable reason why it is being debated. The reason I say this is because of perspective. At no point in time can another individual make a judgement on another persons perspective and be "accurate". (I strongly feel art cannot be judged simply because, I find it to be a form of perspective communication.)

However judgments that focuses on art do generate something. Demographics. Demographics are viable statistics that help developers such as myself gauge a perspective audience. For modders these same demographics can aid them in popularity, and give them a leg up on their competition if they are trying to develop a stand alone product. However this does not include all modders, as the vast majority of modders are only in it for fun, and that I feel is wonderful.

But casting aside statements on the product makes no sense to me, if you are modding just because (insert random reason), then why does the feedback matter? You aren't collecting the data for anything useful, what it sounds like is someone trying to massage their ego.

Now bear in mind that my intention is not to deflate anyone here, but at least try to see the larger picture generated content is. A lot of people don't know this but, a lot of game developers look towards modders to innovate, mostly because the relatively low risk that entails. Examples: (Mojang/Microsoft, Bethesda, Valve).

While this is great from a business perspective, it does tend to trample on those who don't wish to generate feedback. But the data generated is still valid and is often used else were to gauge responses to up coming features.

Therefore I submit this, don't censor anyone when they have an opinion on a product. Because you cannot justifiably state whether or not the content creator is or is not using the data. However if you do not wish for your product to be judged in any fashion then do not distribute your content publicly. At the same time I must admit, making any statements based on generalization such as "like" or "dislike" when referring to the product as a whole is always subtractive even when styled as positive.

TLDR version:
Let people have their say, it's not the end of the world, and not something to get butt hurt over.
How far does it go then? I criticize your criticism on my criticism of the mods someone's made?
I am fine with you criticizing my criticisms of your criticisms of mods and would not criticize you for it.

People who release mods must accept or expect their mods to be criticized. You can't just decide who can criticize and who can't.
They shouldn't have to, there is something wrong with Earth that if you share a gift you should expect shitty talent-less people to surface and tell you how to do things or what you objectively did wrong.

You know nothing about me. Just because I don't share your opinion on criticizing mods does not mean I have no idea of what goes into modding.
I know some things about you. I know that you don't like your criticisms being criticized. And I know that you have no creativity. I know that you are frustrated. and I know that you have a sense of entitlement. I also know that you don't know what goes into modding.

My lack of experience according to you. Again, just because I don't share your opinion doesn't mean I know nothing about modding. Not only do you make presumptions but you're condescending as well.
I think that you are ignorant and lazy. Your posts are lazy and your arguments are lazy.

Complaining and constructive criticism are two different things. There's no need to be insulting. I don't fully agree with what @Risewild said but he at least has been civil about it.
I think that your comments are lazy and uninformed. I think you lack in skill in many areas in life and I would suggest that going forward you put more thought and effort into your words. There may be some truth to a small amount of what you say, but your approach comes across as butthurt or entitled.
That was my constructive criticism of you.

Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one
I think that you are ignorant and lazy. Your posts are lazy and your arguments are lazy.

I think that your comments are lazy and uninformed. I think you lack in skill in many areas in life and I would suggest that going forward you put more thought and effort into your words. There may be some truth to a small amount of what you say, but your approach comes across as butthurt or entitled.
That was my constructive criticism of you.

Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one
This is just hilarious.

Sounds like this could be used to fuel this:
Sounds more like this should go down the path of the vats...
I am fine with you criticizing my criticisms of your criticisms of mods and would not criticize you for it.

Wouldn't you.

They shouldn't have to, there is something wrong with Earth that if you share a gift you should expect shitty talent-less people to surface and tell you how to do things or what you objectively did wrong.

If you release something public, people are going to say good and bad things about it. That's life, if you can't handle people criticizing your work then don't release it.

I know some things about you. I know that you don't like your criticisms being criticized.

I don't mind being criticized or having a debate. It's you making presumptions about me I take issue with.

And I know that you have no creativity.

Because I disagreed with you?

I know that you are frustrated. and I know that you have a sense of entitlement. I also know that you don't know what goes into modding.

How am I entitled? I don't expect anyone to do anything for me and I don't expect anything to come to me.

Like I said, you don't know me.

I think that you are ignorant and lazy. Your posts are lazy and your arguments are lazy.

Whereas you've just been attacking people as "lazy" and "entitled".

I think that your comments are lazy and uninformed. I think you lack in skill in many areas in life and I would suggest that going forward you put more thought and effort into your words. There may be some truth to a small amount of what you say, but your approach comes across as butthurt or entitled.
That was my constructive criticism of you.

Ok now you're just having me on. End line, I don't think anything is above criticism or below praise whether it is a paid product or a free mod. People have the right to say what they think whether or not you think they are "qualified".

Let's just leave it at that.
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Are you Vatting this?

if only to mention the slooty companion mods, namely for Skyrim. There is ALWAYS a 4-5/6 ratio on the hottest files of the front page of Skyrim Nexus.

It can be the most useful mod ever, but the bigger portion are always that kind of mod. That's how in the "Mods of the Year" list I had not seen any of these across the year; either they slipped or "Bae the pedophilebait Elf" was all over the screen.
Are you Vatting this?
Soon, my child... I still have hopes that this can be turned back into a proper thread.

if only to mention the slooty companion mods, namely for Skyrim. There is ALWAYS a 4-5/6 ratio on the hottest files of the front page of Skyrim Nexus.

It can be the most useful mod ever, but the bigger portion are always that kind of mod. That's how in the "Mods of the Year" list I had not seen any of these across the year; either they slipped or "Bae the pedophilebait Elf" was all over the screen.
Yeah, I dislike these as well. A lot of mods seem to be basically wank material that just feels out of place. As I said, some of these mods have some serious work in them, from textures to meshes and even voice acting, but it just feels so out of place in games like Skyrim. Like the DX Mini Armors Collection mods. Top notch textures and meshes, but apart from a few exceptions it just looks so out of place and useless, turning the Chainmail Bikini trope up to eleven. I mean, am I wrong for not wanting outright porn in my video game? Or Manic Pixie Dream Girls as companions? Maybe real life jaded me too much to enjoy these phantasies anymore...
So i skipped through this thread and on one hand i am really glad nobody mentioned my mods, on the other hand i kinda wish for some attention, no matter if good or bad. :>

On topic, I stopped caring much about other mods. If i like something, i comment it and specify what exactly i like about it, what could be done better, etc. as i feel the modder deserves feedback. If i dont like a mod, i usually delete it and thats it... this of course also results in me thinking my shit is bad, because people rarely comment it. Oh well. :>

Uh, there is one thing, though... anime hair in fo3/fnv mods. I hate it so much, if a quest mod - no matter how good - has anime hair in it, i am out.