More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

wutang36 said:
killap said:
I am confused with VATS. Do you never miss with it or something? I swear I saw really low hit percentages (even 0% once I think) and Todd was still hitting the target.

I would guess he has some code that allows him not to miss... But i could be wrong.

I am sure ive heard somewhere that at depends on gun skill and type of gun. He probably did not want to look worse at playing then he already did.

Did not seem to me he was very good at his own game.

I'm assuming this is this case. Todd probably has dev cheats on so he's always hitting the targets (I was confused by that as well). The turret he killed had a 2% of hitting, he shot twice, exploding it.

The two hosts, Adam and Kevin, seem to be confused by VATS and what it was in Fallout. It obviously does not make FO3 turn-based in any way and seems to be there to try and appeal to fans of the original series. Also, the injection of "PC dead?" was expected. All game reviewers/previewers talk about it these days, but at least Todd thought of it differently. Fact: PC gaming is not dead. Morgan Webb, the other host on G4's X-Play, is more of a computer gamer herself and has expressed her opinion on the matter before.

Also, in the real-time combat, it seems (hopefully ONLY for the console version) you don't need to directly aim at the enemy to kill them. I would expect that for any console game, especially an FPS where you play with a crap controller. At least that's the impression I got.

6:08 - He shoots the soldier in the left leg, which looks like it got shot off. The soldier stands there staggering or stunned, and the leg is still there or reappears? A bug perhaps or did the leg never come off?

I really don't like the mini-nuke launcher, because it just does not make sense period. Perhaps it's for players who simply like being mindless, blowing shit up, and not worrying about the consequences (if there are any at all)? I really liked how radiation was a serious problem in the first two Fallout games and something that should be avoided.

Granted, this has only been a gameplay demo, but after seeing it in action, it's not super interesting. Fallout in a 3D environment could have been done a lot better. I might consider playing though, but that's not a promise for 'ol Bethsoft. Also, I wish they would at least show more of origins of the Fallout universe, so people know what it was all about! The footage they showed from the originals was super short.
fedaykin said:
Havok4 said:
In Bioshock I actually did enjoy it throughout, but oblivion had fairly bad mini games, and the mini games from mass effect were okay but unnecessary in my opinion.
How were Bio's and Oblivion's minigames more necessary? If I want to play pipe dream, I'll play it, but it's hardly entertaining to play it hundreds of times in a first person shooter.

What I meant by unnecessary is that the it seemed like it was slapped on the game and completely nonsensical, while with the others they were much more integrated with the game play and seemed to play as part of the game rather then an addition.
How is it even possible to fuck up so bad? I halfway expected something a bit less retarded, but I guess the console-cattle won this one hands down.

-a headshot makes the Soldier Of Fortune-ish crap ragdoll physics suddenly release all limbs
-cannon-fodder raiders with no personality or sense of survival (confirmed by Russian Igromania)
-tube-stations scattered around with dead chinese commandos and unlooted stash. God forbid having to plan ahead
-mini-nukes with little or no consequence for radiation
-teddy bear launcher makes promise of sheepish frat-humour instead of the sophisticated antisocial sci-fi geek humour of F1/F2
-running ghouls is wrong
-putting in orcs from Oblivion is fail, giving them the color of banana is plain evil
-seems like you are forced through corridors in a lot of so called open areas (aka non-dungeons)
-enemy targets are quickly dispatched, looks more FPS and less tactical. A quick buckshot in someones foot and voila off with limb, hey that´s a bit too realistic Beth!
-generic enemies of same type are identical. Even RTS´s like TW have figured out a way to fix this immersion breaker with at least minimal variations.
-F3 plays a lot like Bioshock, and not in a good way.
-computer hacking mini-game is silly (now why would hacking be like scrabble?)
-level-scaling in any form is a killer for immersion, even when done right and minimal like T.H claims for F3.
-no VATS for melee, like that would be really hard to implement
-too few levels and perks, and no traits
-enclave-uniform is wrong. And didn´t I nuke those guys anyway?
-At higher levels (aka minigun touting with power-armor) VATS seems unnecessary
-Seems to have a unavoidable DOOM-like endgame
-Graphics are crap compared to RAGE or similar next-gen titles.
-no weather-effects, talk about wasted opportunity
-fallouty bobble-heads increase stats permanent if found because... well, it´s a Fallout-3 thing.
-Radiant AI is back in, but wait now it´s been "enhanced with animation". That´s real reassuring Todd.
-music sucks and blows
-a compass to point out where the "interesting stuff" is. Please hold my hand Todd, because I am a toddler.

I have little hope for the so called RPG elements now, I figure this will be on par with the RPG elements of Bioshock (meaning none).

Although I´m holding out the very least for tonights 30 minute presentation. Maybe these early clips were just Todd Howards low self-esteem trying to impress the frat-party hooligans of E3.

On a more positive note, At least the PIP-boy looked good! Hell they might just have gotten that one thing right. :shock:
Here are some of the criticisms I've read on these forums that I disagree with:

-Ridiculous weapon concepts (fatman at close range, teddybear launcher, etc): Have you not played fallout 2? Maybe you should reinstall it, I recall surviving point-blank range RPG rounds. And what about the insane amount of easter eggs in FO2? (Aliens, Bridge Keeper, 50% of the names taken from pop-culture). Even some of the original Fallout fans didn't consider FO2 a part of the series, not that it was bad, a lot of those crazy things made the game twice as good as the original IMO.

-Poor gameplay/converting FO's turn-based style into an FPS: So far we've only seen short teasers and 5 minute gameplay sessions. I wasn't too impressed by the first gameplay vid, but it's very hard to judge without playing it myself. The bird's eye view/turned based combat is not what attracted me to the FO series. The main thing I loved about the original FOs was the 1: the story, 2: the unique futuristic 1950s atmosphere, and 3: ability to engage different scenarios in a variety of ways. As far as I can tell Bethesda is paying close attention 2 and 3 but there is no footage of actual in-game dialogue so I'm a little worried about 1.

Criticisms I agree with:

-Some of the characters looking way too Oblivionish: The main character, mutant with dagger, and dog (I'm assuming Dogmeat) look like they were taken right out of Oblivion. I'm hoping Beth does some work on these models before Fall.

-Unrealistic deaths: Unless if it's a zombie, limbs shouldn't be flying everywhere after targeting the head via "vats".

Overall FO3 is positive for me.
Being a neutral character

In the gameplay footage it looked like everyone was automatically wanting to kill the player. In the original Fallout nobody really attacked you unless you did something or said something to provoke them. I hope that you are not expected to have to go through FALLOUT3 having to kill everything and everyone for no apparent reason.
pyrock said:
-Ridiculous weapon concepts (fatman at close range, teddybear launcher, etc): Have you not played fallout 2? Maybe you should reinstall it, I recall surviving point-blank range RPG rounds. And what about the insane amount of easter eggs in FO2? (Aliens, Bridge Keeper, 50% of the names taken from pop-culture).

Ridiculous weapons and easter eggs in Fallout 2 have been criticized by us, a lot, as well. Are you saying we can criticize it when it's in Fallout 2, but for some reason not for Fallout 3?

pyrock said:
-Poor gameplay/converting FO's turn-based style into an FPS:

Well, there's two sides to that. If you mean "is it a poorly implemented combat system", we don't really known. I've seen more footage of it than anyone here, and I don't know. It doesn't look good, but who knows, maybe it turns to magic interactively.

But "is it a bad parody of Fallout's turn-based system"? Of course. RTwP is always a bad parody of turn-based.

pyrock said:
-Unrealistic deaths: Unless if it's a zombie, limbs shouldn't be flying everywhere after targeting the head via "vats".

Remember he has bloody mess, tho'.
Re: Being a neutral character

Steel_Ball said:
In the gameplay footage it looked like everyone was automatically wanting to kill the player. In the original Fallout nobody really attacked you unless you did something or said something to provoke them. I hope that you are not expected to have to go through FALLOUT3 having to kill everything and everyone for no apparent reason.

I guess you haven't played the original games. There are a FUCK TON of random encounters in which the NPCs automatically try to kill you.
pyrock said:
Ridiculous weapon concepts (fatman at close range, teddybear launcher, etc): Have you not played fallout 2?

FO2 had RPGs? Wow, maybe I *should* reinstall it! I remember only rocket launchers but damn, RPGs, how did I miss them?

And what about the insane amount of easter eggs in FO2? (Aliens, Bridge Keeper, 50% of the names taken from pop-culture)
How nice. You know these are easter-eggs and yet you compare them to fucking fatman which is not an easter-egg but a "normal" weapon in FO3.
but it's very hard to judge without playing it myself.
Good luck with that
Brother None said:
pyrock said:
-Unrealistic deaths: Unless if it's a zombie, limbs shouldn't be flying everywhere after targeting the head via "vats".

Remember he has bloody mess, tho'.

Was that ironic? Even with the bloody mess perk shouldn´t there be at least some remote connection between the damage done and the "mess"? :crazy:
Re: Being a neutral character

pyrock said:
Steel_Ball said:
In the gameplay footage it looked like everyone was automatically wanting to kill the player. In the original Fallout nobody really attacked you unless you did something or said something to provoke them. I hope that you are not expected to have to go through FALLOUT3 having to kill everything and everyone for no apparent reason.

I guess you haven't played the original games. There are a FUCK TON of random encounters in which the NPCs automatically try to kill you.

The gameplay footage was in a city. You must not have played the original games because random encounters occured in the wasteland. I cant ever remember walking into a city in FALLOUT 1 or 2 where weveryone started automatically trying to kill you.
Re: Being a neutral character

Steel_Ball said:
The gameplay footage was in a city. You must not have played the original games because random encounters occured in the wasteland. I cant ever remember walking into a city in FALLOUT 1 or 2 where weveryone started automatically trying to kill you.

It doesn't work that way in Fallout 3. Random encounters are implemented differently, and almost the entire game is city.

That said, yes, quite a few people are automatically set to hostile, probably depending on how good or bad you are. I don't know if we'll see a situation as we did with the Khans in Fallout 1, or if they'll just attack you. Regardless, quite a few ghouls, super mutants, enclave soldiers and robots will.
You know these are easter-eggs and yet you compare them to fucking fatman which is not an easter-egg but a "normal" weapon in FO3.

A lot of the easter eggs in FO2 were FORCED on the player (fighting aliens, random encounters, dialogue ("kick ass and chew bubble gum").

OK it was a rocket launcher, I'm not a fucking weapons expert.
Re: Being a neutral character

Brother None said:
That said, yes, quite a few people are automatically set to hostile, probably depending on how good or bad you are. .

Being good or bad was included in my statement about provoking people to attack you.

But in the footage wasn't in raiders and other humans attacking?...If I remember correctly, FALLOUT 1 and 2 gave you a chance to talk to nearly anyone before you attacked them or they attacked you. Usually, you would have a NPC telling you to "go about your business" or "ask you what you wanted" then they would attack only if you pissed them off.
But the easter eggs were that - they were hidden, they weren't the game's selling point presented by the devs at every occasion.
Re: Being a neutral character

Steel_Ball said:
But in the footage wasn't in raiders and other humans attacking?...If I remember correctly, FALLOUT 1 and 2 gave you a chance to talk to nearly anyone before you attacked them or they attacked you. Usually, you would have a NPC telling you to "go about your business" or "ask you what you wanted" then they would attack only if you pissed them off.

I dunno. There were few people to talk to in the Cathedral Vault or Mariposa.

Enclave Oil Rig and Navarro are good examples of the Fallout Way, tho'. If you're smart about it, you should be fine. Go in disguise, you're fine. Otherwise, you'll get shot.
I'm really disappointed... not with what they showed, mind you, i allready know it wouldn't be my thing, but with reactions on different sides toward what they showed.

Enginge wise it seems to be a better 'Shivering Isles', while the madness theme now has become a gore and dump-humor theme, it seems.

Oh and on all the 'When the mod tools come out'-Guys.
Their 'Modding-Tools' aren't that great. Oblivions tools lacked a damn lot of important functions (scripting wise), also it lacked converters for models and skins and such (at least as far as i got it), so modders for this game had to change that themselves (OBSE and some tools from the Civ-IV community).
And even know i guess they are pretty limited (didn't look at it for a while).
So don't make yourself illusions that you will ever get a Fallout 3 mod, that changes all the things as you want them. Or that you will get changes you think of as important within 6 month or something like that.

So i'm really waiting forward to at least see some real RPG-conversation. Until now they didn't impress me.
While Vampire Bloodlines really did with their teasers consisting of brilliantly animated conversations...