most overrated movies?

Boring? What is this Kindergarten?
The very bare minimum that is to be expected from a film is that it is entertaining. If we spend and inordinate amount of time in the film with characters who are not entertaining then that is a legitimate problem with the film whether you insult me or not.
If superhero movies aren't about stupid one liners and exploshuns with boring composition and photography they are just no good man. What is that? Watchment is one of the most influential comics of all time? Nah man, the characters didn't have funny quirks, that's unlikeable.
If superhero movies aren't about stupid one liners and exploshuns with boring composition and photography they are just no good man. What is that? Watchment is one of the most influential comics of all time? Nah man, the characters didn't have funny quirks, that's unlikeable.
Name any personality trait of nite owl and whatsherface beyond the fact they sex each other.

Don't get me wrong I hate this trend of every character has to be witty and make quips because then every character ends up the same. But for fucks sakes the characters have to have something compelling about them.

And it may be one of the most influential comics ever but its adaptation isn't the comic.
Niteowl: A Nerd fan of the original Niteowl who wasn't ready for the pressures of vigilantism and abandoned the cloak when the government made masked vigilantism illegal. Guy is full of insecurity even before he became a superhero and it just got worse on his midlife.
Silk Specter: Young woman who was forced into the superhero life by a helicopter mother that was too proecupied with continuing her legacy rather than worrying about her daughter. She has very deep daddy issues because she has known for a while that she is the offspring of her mother and a guy that tried to rape her. She was attracted to Jon's intellect but his growing distancing from humanity and her forced retirement from heroics makes her feel like a groupy.

It's a deconstruction of a number of classic superhero archetypes and conventions.
The very bare minimum that is to be expected from a film is that it is entertaining. If we spend and inordinate amount of time in the film with characters who are not entertaining then that is a legitimate problem with the film whether you insult me or not.

You praised two mediocre MCU movies this year. GotG 2 is the kind of silly shit you like to watch. More power to you. Watchmen felt like a realistic depiction of what something like that would be like. You want jokey jokes while people are getting dive bombed by thousands of spaceships. While Ego is spilling massive amounts of boring exposition, Ozymandias is doing the same - except he already won. Ego was a shit villain with a great actor forced to pull his weight and make the role watchable. Watchmen had real stakes. GotG 2 was a stopgap before the next big budget MCU tie in.
She has very deep daddy issues because she has known for a while that she is the offspring of her mother and a guy that tried to rape her.
Doesn't she not find this out until way into her adult hood?

At any rate all of what you said happens way before the movie starts. We get little snippets and peekaboos into a much more interesting movie via flashbacks but everything in the present of the movie is pretty lackluster and pointless.
So... it does happen in the movies, because we see flashbacks along with their own development... It just isn't shoved in your face with a formula.
And the flashbacks are part of the movie... so.... Reminds me of the guy that said The Artist was bad because if you took away all the style choices and cinematography it was just a linear story....


Not enough jokes. There could at least have been another fight scene in between that one.
And the flashbacks are part of the movie... so.... Reminds me of the guy that said The Artist was bad because if you took away all the style choices and cinematography it was just a linear story....
Are you guys dumb? The flashbacks aren't the problem. I'm saying they're the best parts. Its everthing in the present that sucks. Apart from everything with dr Manhattan. And rorsach.
"I am bored by human drama, the movie sucks".
I am bored by boring characters. Dr manhattan is an interesting character. RORSACH is an interesting character. The comedian is an interesting character. Unfortunately most of the present stuff deals with nite owl and silk spectre who bore me.
I am bored by boring characters. Dr manhattan is an interesting character. RORSACH is an interesting character. The comedian is an interesting character. Unfortunately most of the present stuff deals with nite owl and silk spectre who bore me.

If it was Nite Owl and Comedian in a hot tub I bet people would be thrilled.
