most overrated movies?

No more arguments? Just call cognitive dissonance.
"They don't punch through walls."
-> proven wrong
"Well that's no true wall"

You also complain about "stupid one-liners" in superhero movies, ignoring this:


Not only does Snyder change this kill to be much more violent for some reason, he also gave Rorschach a fucking one-liner.

And that's basically the point, the movie is fine when it sticks to the comics. The parts that are faithful to the source material are the saving grace. It goes down the drain when Snyder gets carried away and introduces what he thinks is cool. Gratuitous slow-motion, exaggerated violence (I realize the comic isn't exactly tame but the film takes it into exploitation territory), "stupid one-liners" and of course the obligatory Big No!

I mean, why?

And remember the prison fight? Daniel and Laurie gleefully smiling at each other before and after slow-mo-punching their way through a hallway of goons is so out of character it hurts.
I still like Watchmen. It stuck to the comic for the most time and did really well when it did, but yeah, it has some issues. Although I don't really mind those deviations too much.
It is. But the big NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO is still the silliest trope in movie history. And it was added for the movie, Daniel did not actually witness the scene in the comic. His reaction to his death was very different.
Interstellar (2014), period. This is actually a pretty damn mediocre movie which Bethesda-tier problems with suspension of disbelief are hard to overlook, and a really big plothole at the end of the movie. Hell, Back to the Future has more "hardcore sci-fi" than this supposed "best sci-fi movie evar".
Scarface (1983) - Dony Montana is a degenerate whose only trace of humanity is shown in that scene where he refused to blow up the car with kids.
The Matrix.

It assumes that you are going to root for Neo simply because "Real life good, fake life bad!", without really giving arguments in there favour.

Really the machines are the good guys. They are letting humans live there lives(In a virtual reality which is far better than the post-apocalyptic real world), while at the same time allowing themselves to get the food/batteries they need to survive. It's a win, win for both parties.

The Matrix is essentially about an extremist group of rebels who are convinced that only real real life can be valuable, and assuming you are going to root for them anyway.
The Matrix.

It assumes that you are going to root for Neo simply because "Real life good, fake life bad!", without really giving arguments in there favour.

Really the machines are the good guys. They are letting humans live there lives(In a virtual reality which is far better than the post-apocalyptic real world), while at the same time allowing themselves to get the food/batteries they need to survive. It's a win, win for both parties.

The Matrix is essentially about an extremist group of rebels who are convinced that only real real life can be valuable, and assuming you are going to root for them anyway.
Not to mention that the Matrix trilogy is just a dumbed down copy-paste of Dark City.

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Really the machines are the good guys. They are letting humans live there lives(In a virtual reality which is far better than the post-apocalyptic real world), while at the same time allowing themselves to get the food/batteries they need to survive. It's a win, win for both parties.

The Matrix is essentially about an extremist group of rebels who are convinced that only real real life can be valuable, and assuming you are going to root for them anyway.

Well, the Animatrix does elaborate and almost clearly states that machines are good guys, if we generalize it a bit.
That being said, yeah, the original film assumes humans are good and what not and expects viewers to with it. IIRC it gets a bit muddled along the way and it turns out machines ain't that bad by the time of the last film, Smith is.
On the other hand, I've seen those films ages ago. I could be very wrong.

I like Matrix, but yeah, overrated.


Terminator 2

I love this film, but it's overrated as hell. It baffles me that so many people consider it to be superior to the original. It's nowhere near as deep, revolutionary or horrifying as Terminator. Fuck it man, the final scene when the machine is chasing them still gives me the creeps with all the outdated special effects.
Not to mention that the whole plotline of the second is kinda weird from a time-travel perspective.
It's still a fantastic film and one of the best sequels ever, but overrated.
Star Wars (every single one) - No suns in any of the movies wage war with one another. Misleading title.
Aliens - It's an action movie. All characters are competent marine archetypes. You never feel the suspense that the first movie had.