most overrated movies?

Chill, no one is trying to take away your Pixar and Marvel movies.

More overrated movies, Ghibli movies. Don't get me wrong the majority of them are really good but Ghibli is so often over elevated by people who have an aversion to anything Japan animated as "the only good anime" and eill even refuse to look at anything else. Appropiately they are owned by Disney on the West.
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Toy Story 3
We like toy story 3 because we like toy story 2. they are the same movie.

>open the movie with a large scale action sequence that is later revealed to be a game being played by another character

>unwanted toys are gathered and a mistake is made wherein one or more of the main characters end up where the unwanted toys are supposed to be.

>then we get placed in new environments with new characters. one of them being a plump and seemingly kind toy with a deep voice and a cane.

>this toy is later revealed to be the bad guy fueled by the feeling of being unloved and unwanted. and then they take their anger out on others.

>the bad guy temps the main characters to stay with promises of being loved for generations.

> a delusional factory setting buzz locks up one or more of the protagonists

>the protagonists enter a large scale industrial area in which the antagonist is disposed of in the process and ultimately left to the care of an owner with no care for their well being.

just saying.

Credit to Adam from YMS
Every single Marvel Cinematic Universe movie so far. Evidence? People now go back and say the first ones of Iron Man before the MCU are great even though they were "meh" at best.
Nah, they were good back then and they're good now. I mean, they basically started the MCU, and for good reason. Although I do credit the Tobey Maguire Spiderman movies with bringing back superhero movies after Batman, the Iron Man movies kicked off the success of the MCU.
Don't misundertand, I liked the Iron Man movies (third one sucked though I think but never bothered to watch it so I can't say) but I get the feeling people now put them on pedestals simply because they either are part of the MCU or started this big mistake. And I consider the MCU a mistale because it has started this trend that has not worked for anyone else yet where they make a movie to create a foundation to make a cinematic universe instead of focusing in making a single good movie.

That's not what the Iron Man movies did. The whole MCU was a big fluke and it shows.

I honestly only liked the second Iron Man movie. The first one was boring and the third is horrible. This is where I bring up my opinion that people are weighing the entire MCU instead of judging the movies separately.

But that's just a theory... a mov- no, wait, screw that.

I did enjoy Winter Soldier though. Now that was a damn good movie. The rest of the MCU I can care less about really.
I liked most of the MCU movies tbh. The Thor movies were sub-par, but the Captain America movies were good, and I quite liked Ant-Man and the Avengers. Also, Guardians of the Galaxy was fun.

Also, pet peeve of mine, it's "can't/couldn't care less about". "Can/could care less about" is about the same level of nonsense as "could of".
English isn't my first language and I feel like a dirty troglodyte having to use that as a defense epecially considering I speak it better than some native speakers. Nobody ever pointed that out to me though.

I blame public schooling and standarized testing.
It's not my first language, either. Kinda the reason why it's a bit of a pet peeve.
I feel like movies altogether are in a decline. There's also the whole "Illuminati Luciferianism" that has become so blatant in recent years. I'm not kidding, once you know the symbols you see them everywhere and they're only getting more brazen with their usage and display.

People laugh but Secret Societies are real. The Freemasons are no myth and it's known that their deity is Satan/Lucifer. I'll stop before I get too preachy.

Point is, I've stopped going out to the movies and my overral enjoyment of cinema has declined since Hollywood and otherwise have ramped it up in the whole "we need more occult symbolism in the next summer blockbuster!"

I feel like I've become a cynical party pooper towards movies because of it. Woe is me, yadda yadda.

Sorry, I got preachy again, this topic does that to me.

Gonna go play Town of Salem to unwind.
Oh really? Never noticed that, what do you mean, exactly? I'm always interested in such theories.
Marvel movies were fine when they were just fun action movies you got every now and then. Now they are conveyor belt mass produced Dreadnoughts that have steered the whole movie industry into an annoying trend while they themselves lose more and more heart.