Mothership Zeta trailer and dev diary

It's pathetic how the Fallout franchise is just a pissing ground for every idiotic whim Bethesda gets now.

You wait. Next DLC will probably be time traveling...
Cimmerian Nights said:
Patriot is right, it's a Takeda Shingen thing - pretty iconic deal there. The horned helmet is synonymous with him
Whoops, skipped over the name in Patriot's post. I can't say that I know much about japanese history and I have seen depictions of him with horned helmets (granted most of the time they are metal horns) so that would make sense.
Eternal said:
Once again Bethesda proves that RPG doesn't stand for Role Playing Game but instead stands for Rocket Propelled Grenade.
:clap: Thanks... I have been wondering about that.
YAY! Judging by the trailer, Mothership Zeta is about SHOOTING STUFF!

(though I still think it's worth my time)

That was brilliant. :clap:
I LOLed hard, good job man. :drunk:

Now with the Zeta DLC it is clearer than ever, that the post-apocalyptic, surviving Fallout main dish
has been transitioned by Beth's..."ardent individuals" into a salad-mix of every 50’s pop-culture reference.

And the excuse; it'so 50's dude!!!
It fits. No need to explain.

Besides, salad is easily digestible. Soon you will be hungry again and ask for more.
Graphically seems nicer than vanilla FO3 and I like the overall art desing. That's all I can say, really.

Radwaster said:
Samurai armour: bamboo is proof against 99% of all known alien weaponry? :?

You don't understand. Alien weapons use the same power source of the original golden age Green Lantern, and therefore they can't destroy wood. See? Another 40/50's reference. Bethesda sure knows their stuff. :clap:
To all naysayers: Just think how HUGE bonus this armor will give to melee weapons skill! Also this is a ROLE-playing game, meaning I should be able to play the role I want, and they are giving us more choices to that. I mean Fallout 1/2 had like 4 different armors. That will limit your roleplaying ability A LOT. Remember you don't have to wear it!
I really don't get the mentality with these DLCs. It seems when they kinda take a somewhat step in the right direction (In terms of atmosphere in The Pitt) it starts going all screwy then derails off the tracks and smashes into a pre-school. Oh the humanity!

It just feels so wrong. Considering aliens canon. Not only does that happen but they also had, HAD to add the Samurai armor? I mean REALLY?! It's horse Armor for a new generation? Hell.

I guess the good points would be general design of weapons and some of the Sci-fi style music. Then again when everything's just a chrome colored it just makes it feel like even less work went into it. I dunno. Maybe that's just me.

This is $10 they will not be getting from me. I will not even use free points for this one.
To all naysayers: Just think how HUGE bonus this armor will give to melee weapons skill! Also this is a ROLE-playing game, meaning I should be able to play the role I want, and they are giving us more choices to that. I mean Fallout 1/2 had like 4 different armors. That will limit your roleplaying ability A LOT. Remember you don't have to wear it!

Yeah, Role Playing is about having lots of clothes, so you can have a little dress up to fit your imagined chracter...
It's all a clever ruse from beths side, when they're done with their DLCs people will look back at vanilla FO3 and say "What the hell, that is how a Fallout game is supposed to be like". Sneaky bastards.
"Bethesda smacked the living shit out of Fallout Franchise hitting it for 1535 damage in the groin, knocking the air out it slumps to the ground. The death is instantaneous. There are not enough words in the universe to describe the pain your are feeling at this moment."
What? Aren't you guys happy that Bethfans get their "falloutfix", Bethesda makes money and the saga goes on and on and on?

But really, seeing as Fallout franchise has been turned into a dumpsite and testingground of cheap, unrelated and shitty ideas, I really don't care much anymore.
mountaingoat said:
"Now with the Zeta DLC it is clearer than ever, that the post-apocalyptic, surviving Fallout main dish has been transitioned by Beth's..."ardent individuals" into a salad-mix of every 50’s pop-culture reference."
Very well said. :clap:

I was thinking about the overall theme of Fallout 1 and the idea that humanity had actually destroyed 99% of civilization, and the potential hopeless feeling that would bring; the lawless struggle to rebuild in a shattered and radiated environment; the brilliant timeline shift the original devs used to show that this didn't have to be our fate - that this was the fate of a parallel universe.

When I see Mothership Zeta I feel it can be fit into the Fallout universe, on the loose association to the alien crash. Especially since it is in line with the '50s vision of the future'. But something doesn't feel right, and I think mountaingoat hit the nail on the head for me. You can't just cram in anything from the 50's vision of the future and call it 'Fallout-y'. It must fit in with humanity's self destructive nature and the struggle to begin anew. I think Mothership Zeta can fit into the universe if written correctly. Unfortunately, as with much of the writing of Fallout 3, I am sure it will miss the mark.

All that being said, I will buy the DLC for Fallout 3 since I enjoy the game for what it is: A character building exploration sim.
gregor_y said:
I would rather that no one would buy maybe bethesda would act more mature...

Next DLC will add dinosaurs or sims...
I love dinosaurs! But I prefer mammoths and saber-tooth tigers in the next DLC.

Godzilla is still one of the best ideas to me.

Maybe there will be something to connect Washington to New Vegas somehow, eventually. That is, if the action in Fallout3 and New Vegas will take place at the same time.
FO3 is like high fructose corn syrup. No matter how fat and stupid it makes you, you just can't stop eating.
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
"Bethesda smacked the living shit out of Fallout Franchise hitting it for 1535 damage in the groin, knocking the air out it slumps to the ground. The death is instantaneous. There are not enough words in the universe to describe the pain your are feeling at this moment."

You see a rock.
I like the trailer, there's a ton of new areas now. They weren't lying when they said they weren't going to reuse the old game assets, that part where the mothership blows up something on Earth intrigues me too. And I wonder if Lincoln will be there. :mrgreen:

The Dutch Ghost said:
Public said:
Yeah, Role Playing is about having lots of clothes, so you can have a little dress up to fit your imagined character...

I think he meant it sarcastic.

No he didn't... :lol:

"Bethesda smacked the living shit out of Fallout Franchise hitting it for 1535 damage in the groin, knocking the air out it slumps to the ground. The death is instantaneous. There are not enough words in the universe to describe the pain your are feeling at this moment."

:Toddy, Petey and Emil[y] jumped into the air and said loudly together:


All that being said, I will buy the DLC for Fallout 3 since I enjoy the game for what it is: A character building exploration sim.


@TamaNeko- the last scene is awesome (the others are a bit less-awesome). But IMO there should be a bullet coming out from that pistol. The Matrix style.