"My precious" - GFW on fans, industry and media

Crowfoot said:
I am assuming that you didn't know such a cliched portrayal of NMA posters would accompany the article.

Here's what I'm curious about: Did the author of the article know?

I've never written for a magazine, not even as a freelancer, so I don't know how it works. But, don't most magazines have someone seperate who comes up with the artwork?

How much control does the author normally have over the "final" title that gets used for their article, as well?

The only reason I bring this up: While I do admit that the article has some problems, I honestly thought the artwork was far more biased and insulting.
Crowfoot said:
Come to think of it, Brother None, were you offended by this cartoon? I am assuming that you didn't know such a cliched portrayal of NMA posters would accompany the article.

The cartoon I would normally laugh away as a good-humoured prank, in other hands. MCA loves drawing the Codex as trolls, too, and if JES had done something like it during Van Buren we'd all have a good chuckle.

It's highly context-sensitive, and the showing us as Gollum comes in the tail of a year-long campaign by the press to dehumanize the Fallout fans with all means possible.

Am I insulted? Nah. Tired, though. Tired of their shit.

I've never written for a magazine, not even as a freelancer, so I don't know how it works. But, don't most magazines have someone seperate who comes up with the artwork?

How much control does the author normally have over the "final" title that gets used for their article, as well?

Depends on the magazine and what kind of guy your chief editor is. Note that Jeff Green was also interviewed for this article, and he's the editor'n'chief, so the Gollum might've been his call.
Roshambo said:
Wild_qwerty said:
Also used by some NMAers to say "Bethsaidia is shit" rather we should be saying "the potenial for Fallout 3 to be shit is quite high" ;)

Through the quality of their own work as a developer and a publisher in light of their own claims, I can honestly and safely say "Bethesda IS shit" with all certainty. I'd include a few more things such as "console whores" and "lying cuntrags", <s>but that just makes them cry off to mommy</s> but they are actually proud of those Traits they picked. :twisted:

Welcome back Roshambo!

The pirhana pit has been quite calm lately, glad to have you with us again. :mrgreen: :clap: :notworthy:

Seriously, your posts are very entertaining.
Paladin Solo said:
To me, there are times for civility, and times for hostility.

:D And a tactful mix of both can confuse and dismay the proponents of our superior logic and knowledge.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
~ Theodore Roosevelt (a classic and valuable quote)

You're right, not everyone is level-headed.
But its only fair for us to understand that being accepting of that also means we ought to be accepting of the repercussions of that choice.
Games for Windows is a damn solid magazine, like most other ZDNet publications. It was a decent article. Naturally, there are a lot of retarded conclusions above based on hardly 0 info, but that's to be expected.
Bias against a race is called 'racism', but bias against an entire community (as shown by GFW/others), what do we call it?


EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
Games for Windows is a damn solid magazine, like most other ZDNet publications. It was a decent article. Naturally, there are a lot of retarded conclusions above based on hardly 0 info, but that's to be expected.

It's disturbing how some people always try to defend Fallout 3 with "not enough info" even when there is plenty of it already buzzing about (or are people just that lazy/stupid to not notice) and are regular updates about it in the magazines people seem to respect so much more than sites like NMA. Yet, those magazines keep selling the same recycled shit with opinions that are frightfully in-sync with eachother. Conspiracy theorists beware!

Naturally, those editors suffering from mass groupthink come to some retarded conclusions of their own, but that's to be expected, as well as the sheep that dance to their music. I want to believe in evolution, but it's hard to believe in it when too many people share the same joy of bloom effects and giant 'nukular assplosions' that a monkey gets when it uses a stick to scratch its own ass. Or are we just devolving into some easily entertained house-pets who just want to fucking chew something?
Brother None said:
That's not a very constructive addition to the thread either, Euphoric.
Yeah, probably not. My point was that GFW is, and always has been a solid choice if you want to read a decent PC gaming mag.

My other point was, as always, the sheep are quick to eat up the 2% of the article posted, draw conclusions from that ("that" being quotes taken out of context), then include GFW into their "vast videogame media conspiracy theory" (tinfoil hats not included).

Meanwhile, I'm guessing hardly anyone read the WHOLE article. It was a decent read and made some valid points.

Paladin Solo said:
It's disturbing how some people always try to defend Fallout 3 with "not enough info" even when there is plenty of it already buzzing about (or are people just that lazy/stupid to not notice) and are regular updates about it in the magazines people seem to respect so much more than sites like NMA. Yet, those magazines keep selling the same recycled shit with opinions that are frightfully in-sync with eachother. Conspiracy theorists beware!

Naturally, those editors suffering from mass groupthink come to some retarded conclusions of their own, but that's to be expected, as well as the sheep that dance to their music. I want to believe in evolution, but it's hard to believe in it when too many people share the same joy of bloom effects and giant 'nukular assplosions' that a monkey gets when it uses a stick to scratch its own ass. Or are we just devolving into some easily entertained house-pets who just want to fucking chew something?

You misunderstood my quote. We've been over the whole "it's not out yet" crap and the folks on here made some very valid points about being able to judge some points of the game based on existing info. The "0 info" I was referencing was about people not having read the article.
I read the article, though only after I read the preview here on NMA. My thoughts were confirmed. Sure, so far, it's the most impartial article I've read about NMA, but so far doesn't mean it's still point-blank on how the community works. It's some improvement, but I have yet to have a reason to not be judgemental of improvement that isn't still solid. I thought we were all about progress, no? Or is that just some more stuff Bethesda and the gaming mags fail to practice what they preach?

Also, I did not say you were arguing over the "it's not out yet" "crap." I was making a point of how some people do while completely ignoring that "credible" journalists have already covered the game.
xdarkyrex said:
It's a bit sad that being insulting is the favored method of dissent for so many Fallout fans. Civility is always worthwhile, ESPECIALLY when addressing the enemy. Maybe if the collective tact of the Fallout community was a little better we wouldn't have quite the reputation we get? It saddens me that we are so constantly misrepresented, but it's the harshest among us who facilitate that negative stereotype.

This is hardly me being an apologist to all the parasitic journalists out there who constantly misrepresent us, but if they had nothing to leech off of, it wouldn't be a problem like it is (most likely).

You know what?


Smile and nod - you'll be ignored. Niceness does NOTHING in an industry where these assholes can simply buy a louder voice in the form of money. That is also how they pay off their morals and any sense of integrity as a developer, too.
EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
Yeah, probably not. My point was that GFW is, and always has been a solid choice if you want to read a decent PC gaming mag.

My other point was, as always, the sheep are quick to eat up the 2% of the article posted, draw conclusions from that ("that" being quotes taken out of context), then include GFW into their "vast videogame media conspiracy theory" (tinfoil hats not included).

Meanwhile, I'm guessing hardly anyone read the WHOLE article. It was a decent read and made some valid points.

I would've loved to have posted the whole thing, but I can't. Ever since we posted the GI scanns, someone has been painstakingly watching NMA and runs off to tell on us when we put a hint of a scan on the frontpage.

And as much as the quotes are taken out of context, I feel they're representative of the article. I don't think the article is magically more fair than these quotes indicate. Or you think we should not be insulted by the fact that we're represented by Gollum, or that it shows good journalism to not juxtapose Todd's remark on innovation with my remark on what we expect from a sequel, or that it's good journalism to let Levine and Bethesda have the last words with no counter-word from the fans or media?

I sure don't.
Slightly off-topic, but does GFW have Tom VS Bruce and Robert Coffey's Scorched Earth articles in it? I think I remember reading that Computer Gaming World was re-branded Games for Windows, and I always got a kick out of those at the end of the magazine.

Managed to snag a free subscription to GFW but it'll probably take a few months to get rolling.

Edit: Scraped up a different free subscription offer if anyone else wants to try it and if it's still working. https://www.zdmcirc.com/forms/secure/GFW_Sayswap_Partn.html
I read through the entire article, once and rather quickly, and don't think it represents the fallout fans adequately. Furthermore I don't think it depicts Bethesda's relationship with the fcan communities in an honest fashion.

But what bothers me is the underlying theme I see in the article- that fans should be grateful and trusting of a big company that's giving us, the fans, a sequel. Never mind the quality of that sequel, but we should just sit at the table Bethesda has made (pay the $40 for the meal) and smile.

I also don't like the notion that the article accuses of being extreme merely because we have strong opinions or that a few of our members are rather vocal about their feelings. I damn well don't like the tenor that we should be somehow apologetic for our feelings or our members outrage.

Fallout fans are some of the strongest, most out spoken and most loyal out there. Any individual who has made a game that commands such loyalty from fans should be proud of that accomplishment. ANy company that seeks to improve upon that franchise or to make a worthwhile sequel should feel honored that they have a chance to make a game that is respected by those fans. If Bethesda bemoans the fact that Fallout Fans have such strong opinions, than perhaps they should have known what they were getting into before they bought the license.

That the fans are outraged with what Bethesda has promised and has failed to deliver, than Bethesda should consider carefully that criticism and utilize it constructively.

What galls me about the article is the notion of the article that such communities might have such strong opinions. The gall! As if we should all be numbed down by prozac so that we honor mediocrity.

We are a community fan site, a large a rather open community with a few rules that we govern by, and which supports and encourages thoughtful argument. Are we rabid? Some of us are. Are the feelings justified, generally. Should they have the right to be articulated- absolutely. We encourage debate and discussion- and if that is emotional or unpleasant to developers, so be it. Yes, we say things that are not fit to print. But at least we speak from honest emotion and sincerity.

"The whole reason we wanted the license is that we're fans as well" Says Howard, "Reinvention is one of our core philosophies" so they decided to make a Bethesda game.

Hey, asshole, most fallout fans could give a fuck about a Bethesda game. In fact, they ccould give a fuck about Bethesda. What we want is a Fallout game.

We're Fallout fans, and many of us had concerns when Bethesda picked up the license because we knew we weren't going to get a Fallout game but a Bethesda Game.

We have our objections and we have our ideals. What we want is the best Fallout possible. And yes, we hold developers to a high standard because we are formed as a community due to our shared admiration for what many consider one of the great CRPGs of all time.

High standards is a good thing because it makes high demands and accepts few compromises. Critical feedback is a good thing, especially for a company like Bethesda which, so far, has shown a rather poor appreciation of what Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 were about.

Instead we get Pete Hines, "If you don't want us to make this game, you're going to be disappointed, because we're making it, and if you're not willing to give it a shot- well, then we appreciate what you want, but we're going to move on."

Which we can rephrase to- Bethesda is going to make a Bethesda game, and if you don't like it, fuck off, because we're going to do it anyway. Add Howard, "Oh yeah we love it so much we're going to change it."

(Sorry Howard- did I call you asshole? Oh, that's terrible. But maybe if you didn't have your head up your ass, I wouldn't call you ASSHOLE). How fucking stupid do you have to be not to "get it."

Hey, what about that love of fallout you were talking about? What about the "we listen to the community" stuff? What that all... what's the word.. bullshit?

I am not sure which is worse- being called a rabid fan because we use "bad words"? Or is it a company exec working for a multimillion dollar company lieing to a community of fans who have been waiting ten years for a real sequel and thus have maintained the value of the brandname of the game you multi-million dollar company has bought. Look, you want me to respect your commercial avarice, ok. But at least respect our admiration and love for this game.

So tell me, am I justified if I call Peter Hines and the Bethesda staff a bunch of lieing fucks? Or is that impolite, to give voice to how I feel. Should I be so sensitive to your feelings when your ambition is to make millions by spinning off a chip exploitive game based on what I think is valued?

Hey, you want respect- earn it. As a member here I was one of the "let's see what happens" crowd. But I have seen enough. I know what Bethesda wants to deliver. And they haven't respected our feelings. And its' not just me saying it. Bethesda's own forums say that loud and clear.

And as for our concerns about Bethesda-

Have the concerns and fears of the fallout fans of this site been generally realized? Absolutely? Has Bethesda done much to allay your fears and concerns? No.

And its not a matter of wait and see anymore. We have seen. We had to go to Leipzig for ourselves to see. And what we see isn't much for Bethesda to be proud of.

Games for Windows? Yeah, as posted earlier -

jfreund said:
The Xbox is the worst thing to ever happen to PC gaming. It used to be that console games and PC games were well separated and each group of gamers got what they wanted. There were PC ports of some console games (most crap, some good), and rarely a PC game ported to a console (there was actually a Playstation port of Civ2).

When M$ started selling a PC (running Windows CE) as a gaming console, things took a sharp downhill turn. The first thing M$ did was buy Bungie in order to make Bungie's in-development PC/Xbox FPS into an Xbox exclusive (though there was eventually a poor PC port). I can see how Halo is a huge deal to a console gamer, but after playing it on a friend's Xbox, I was underwhelmed. It's the same basic FPS mechanics PC gamers have been enjoying since Wolfenstein 3D (limited by a console controller), though it does have the actual 3D environments PC gamers have had since Quake I.

One of the idiosynchrasies of the console gaming market is that hardware manufacturers will (especially at the launch of a new console) take a loss on the hardware of the console and make it up in royalties from game developers who will pay the console manufacturer to have their game playable on a particular platform. So now M$ has convinced a lot of PC game developers that the PC is not a profitable gaming platform to develop for, and gotten them to go "cross platform", i.e. dumb down their games to accomodate console controllers and gamers accustomed to all the depth and complexity of Super Mario Bros. Even M$'s "Games for Windows" initiative is a hoax designed to drive developers to Xbox and PC users to Vista. One of the requirements for a game to carry the "Games for Windows" logo is that the game is designed to use the Xbox 360 controller. We PC gamers are used to using most of our 10 fingers when playing a game, not just our thumbs and index fingers.

Bethesda drank the Xbox Kool Aid (or Flavor Aid to be more historically correct) starting with Morrowind. Morrowind was still a decent PC game, but Oblivion was clearly an Xbox game with a PC port. For reasons incomprehensible to rational human beings, Bethesda spent around 6 million dollars to acquire the Fallout intellectual property and turn it into yet another Xbox game with a port to the PC. The true fans of Fallout are casualties of the unholy union between M$ and console gaming.

I think the most we Fallout fans can realistically hope for now is success for the independent developers/fans who have been working on the type of RPGs we enjoy playing. Age of Decadence looks promising, and FIFE looks like a great asset waiting for an ambitious execution. Unfortunately I don't have the programming/scripting/art skills to contribute to such efforts.

Bethesda lies like the Republican Party and the Bush administration. Why? Money. Considering the investment in this game and Window's interests, are we to be faulted to raising issues of conflict of interest in all of this? Should we not wonder if some venal interests at underlying this article?

Honestly, I hope that the independent developers are the ones who resurrect the Fallout Franchise, because I have little faith in Bethesda.
welsh, you dissapoint.

what reason in the world gave you cause to have any amount of faith in bethesda?

have you seen the videos on youtube showing off their revolutionary AI that takes gaming backwards decades that not even comparing to an autistic 5 year old would be fair comparison... to the autistic child.
welsh said:
Bethesda lies like the Republican Party and the Bush administration. Why? Money. Considering the investment in this game and Window's interests, are we to be faulted to raising issues of conflict of interest in all of this? Should we not wonder if some venal interests at underlying this article?

Honestly, I hope that the independent developers are the ones who resurrect the Fallout Franchise, because I have little faith in Bethesda.

Holy crap, I love when people bring politics into a discussion in the most idiotic possible way when it is in no way relevant to the discussion in any way, shape or form. Seriously, a lib cannot get 2 sentences out without some inane comment about Bush or "teh evil republicans!!"

"I'm going off on this sick rant...I better throw in how much I hate Bush too. After that, I'm going to go looking for a job because Bush stole my last one!!"

Recession - Bush's fault.
9/11 - Bush's fault.
Katrina - Bush's fault.
Bethesda not making the right Fallout game - Bush's fault. hahahaha this one tops them all. I love it.
EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
welsh said:
Bethesda lies like the Republican Party and the Bush administration. Why? Money. Considering the investment in this game and Window's interests, are we to be faulted to raising issues of conflict of interest in all of this? Should we not wonder if some venal interests at underlying this article?

Honestly, I hope that the independent developers are the ones who resurrect the Fallout Franchise, because I have little faith in Bethesda.

Holy crap, I love when people bring politics into a discussion in the most idiotic possible way when it is in no way relevant to the discussion in any way, shape or form. Seriously, a lib cannot get 2 sentences out without some inane comment about Bush or "teh evil republicans!!"

"I'm going off on this sick rant...I better throw in how much I hate Bush too. After that, I'm going to go looking for a job because Bush stole my last one!!"

Recession - Bush's fault.
9/11 - Bush's fault.
Katrina - Bush's fault.
Bethesda not making the right Fallout game - Bush's fault. hahahaha this one tops them all. I love it.

Riiiiight... I'm sorry do disappoint but that was not what Welsh was indicating what so ever... Unless your comment is in jest I suggest you re-read his post.
Maphusio said:
Riiiiight... I'm sorry do disappoint but that was not what Welsh was indicating what so ever... Unless your comment is in jest I suggest you re-read his post.

Yeah, I'm aware of that. The main point was that is one of the dumbest comparisons in the history of the internet.
I have yet to see bethesda answer these extremely simple questions. In fact, its all I want.

1. How are they revolutionizing Fallout 3 by using 1st person "immersion"? As has been stated numerous times, the first person genre extends back to the days of wolfenstein and doom.

2. Why bother using the name Fallout if your not going to make it Fallout? You could easily do TES 2075, a post apocalyptic adventure game. Other games have already begun the trend like Battlefield1942/Battlefield 2041, Warhammer/Warhammer2000 something, Warcraft/Starcraft, etc. Those games have proven successful despite a fundemental setting change.

3. We are in contact with those communities and they receive the same treatment as all the other communities. We frequently read them and we understand exactly what it is they want. The problem is however that they've had years to think about what they wanted and create a view of what Fallout 3 should be that could never be possible today. They're still stuck 8 years back in their views of Fallout 3. It simply wouldn't work".... Pete Hines.

Isn't that a good thing? It is because of fans like us Fallout 1 and 2 are still appreciated while 90% of the game trash out there would be lucky to be remembered for 3 to 4 years after release. It is called a cult classic and cult hit for a reason.

4. Why can't Bethesda take constructive criticism? In another thread, someone tried to reason that if a gaming magazine actually critiques instead of bootlicks, they get cut out of the loop totally. This isn't 1984 folks, the "we know whats best" mentality is out and is proven not to make money. Just look at Fallout BOS.

I am sure I have more questions but it is late and I am tired. Instead of feigning ignorance and citing our anger due to erroneous reasons, why not just address the issues?
Frackin eh DarkCorp.... Frackin eh. It's disappointing that those questions and many more will fall dead at bethesda's feet... You apparently did not read the "Deaf people xing" signs. :)