[late to the party]
Mutants: Do not want. I just can't shake the notion they've intentionally been made with the same sort of proportions as humans so they can use the same animations. Makes sense in a way, but it also gets rid of a lot of the charm and style of Fallout's Super Mutants and their very distinct comic-book pose. Mind you, does anyone else find it strange that none of the supermutant concepts have them wearing the plate armour that's so common in the screenshots?
Weapons: I'm sure the stupidity of the flame sword is well documented, but of all things, why a petrol tank, and not a propane cylinder? It still wouldn't fit Fallout, and the complete lack of petroleum products, but at least it would have been a bit more plausible from an engineering perspective.
But I digress. The rest look like something for a Half-Life mod. There's the suck-o-matic, which looks like a Gluon Gun (but functions like a Gravity Gun, go figure); the couple that look too high tech to be post-war, and too scrappy to be pre-war; and then the bug-juice thing, which doesn't seem to make much sense, but I could deal with if using "bug juice" was somehow tactical. I'm guessing poison spell.
Fashion: There's precious few elements that I actually like here. The merchant is too anime with the baseball hat, two pairs of googles and pockets like Devil May Cry's Dante has belts. Leather Girl is spot on, but the shrunken-headed raider with the tiny helmet has too many random metal/tech pieces.
Calo Nord should stick to shitty Bioware games rather than trying on ladies' hats. The little guys are pretty goofy, but there are as many bits I like as don't like. Either way, it looks like we're playing dress-up again.
Vault Dwellers: Love the hairstyles, don't see why they felt the need to "innovate" the vault suits.
Industrial: This one is full of goodness. The vending machine is really good, as are the other assorted bits and pieces, though the Duck and Cover Booth is dumb, and the traffic light and parking meter completely overdone. Oh, and "Typotron"? Does
everything in Fallout 3 really need its name appended with "-tron", "-matic", "-ator" or "Boy"?
Environmental: 1) The middle panel is too "City 17", the rest are needlessly complex. Fallout was never about a multitude of pipes and cables, yet they're fucking
everywhere in this installment.
2) The statues are good, the globe too busy, the airliner tail baffling, and the "Blastproof Home" doesn't really fit the setting.
3) Mostly good, but again - fucking pipes!
Robots: Sputnik I is kind of cool, but a little obvious. The
Shield Guardian needs a chimney instead of the coil on his back hump. Mr Handy would be cool if it wasn't supposed to be Mr Handy. The Brain Bot is another "innovation" we could have done without - it's close, but too much of a grim 70s/80s futuristic look to it, rather than a whimsical 1950's look. The war bot below is pure 70s/80s, and belongs in FOT, not Fallout.
Creatures: Of all the good things they could parrot from X-Com, they choose a fucking Lobsterman. Also, crab people, crab people. The deathclaw is close, but it needs longer arms, and bigger hands to lope along on, as well as smoother skin. The scorpion is overdone, and should be like a regular scorpion rather than the fucking predator. The brahmin looks like a Dire Brahmin, though the molerat and cockroach aren't bad. The tongue guy looks like he belongs in
D&D 3E Monster Manual XIV: We Ran Out of Ideas IX Volumes Ago.