New here, and may I just ask a stupid question for once?

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First time out of the vault
Why do you all despise Fallout 4? I mean, I've played Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics MULTIPLE times, and I'm nothing if not an RPG fan, but seriously, can I just get a decent conversation out of a cool Fallout 4 experience, or something that maybe reminded you of the "old days" of Fallout? I get it, you don't like that Bethesda stole the opportunity for Van Buren to ever become a thing, but they did the're own thing with it, and without Bethesda, Interplay would have faced bankruptcy and probably couldn't have created another Fallout game anyway. Seriously though.. I remember when you were all screaming, kicking, and crying for another Fallout game, and you were probably the most ignorant community the internet had ever known back then, and 3 games now have come and gone. Fallout 3 took the game to the east coast, and while there are many inconsistencies in the lore due to the game being thrown around like a football by developers, it never should have taken away from the overall experience as much as you people make it out to be. Fallout New Vegas took what people liked about Bethesda's new iteration and brought it back to the west for a chance to take the series back to the Role Playing roots. Now, Fallout 4 is out, with a whole new world to explore, characters to meet, and 3 new factions that you hadn't even heard about before Fallout 3 with the Replicated Man questline. My question to you people is, what is so fucking bad about Bethesda's new iteration. And no, I don't want to hear "Ohhh but it messes with the lore" or "Ohhh the shooting actually feels fun uuuhhhhh". No, I want you to give me a real reason of what's keeping you from picking up the disc and playing some Fallout 4. I don't care if I get a ban for this. I don't care if I get death threats and people encouraging me to kill myself in my email like the last time I posted here on my old account. I just want to know, so that I can explain to people why you guys are so misunderstood, to the next person who comes limping out of the ancient hellhole that is this forum.
Why do you all despise Fallout 4? I mean, I've played Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics MULTIPLE times, and I'm nothing if not an RPG fan, but seriously, can I just get a decent conversation out of a cool Fallout 4 experience, or something that maybe reminded you of the "old days" of Fallout? I get it, you don't like that Bethesda stole the opportunity for Van Buren to ever become a thing, but they did the're own thing with it, and without Bethesda, Interplay would have faced bankruptcy and probably couldn't have created another Fallout game anyway. Seriously though.. I remember when you were all screaming, kicking, and crying for another Fallout game, and you were probably the most ignorant community the internet had ever known back then, and 3 games now have come and gone. Fallout 3 took the game to the east coast, and while there are many inconsistencies in the lore due to the game being thrown around like a football by developers, it never should have taken away from the overall experience as much as you people make it out to be. Fallout New Vegas took what people liked about Bethesda's new iteration and brought it back to the west for a chance to take the series back to the Role Playing roots. Now, Fallout 4 is out, with a whole new world to explore, characters to meet, and 3 new factions that you hadn't even heard about before Fallout 3 with the Replicated Man questline. My question to you people is, what is so fucking bad about Bethesda's new iteration. And no, I don't want to hear "Ohhh but it messes with the lore" or "Ohhh the shooting actually feels fun uuuhhhhh". No, I want you to give me a real reason of what's keeping you from picking up the disc and playing some Fallout 4. I don't care if I get a ban for this. I don't care if I get death threats and people encouraging me to kill myself in my email like the last time I posted here on my old account. I just want to know, so that I can explain to people why you guys are so misunderstood, to the next person who comes limping out of the ancient hellhole that is this forum.

Wow. Just pure fucking wow. You know what? Look around the bloody forum.
There are literally dozens of posts with explanatory points either as their title or within their body, even a half-assed glance at a few of these will give you probably a fistful of the reasons we don't like the game...

But sure, make a post about it why not.

Also, why does nobody paragraph their posts? I personally didn't read the whole OP because I find wall-of-text to be an internet forum faux-pas of grand proportions (and also I really hate having to try and pick out sentences or even words from the fist-mangled WOT)

Anyhoo, here's one of the reasons (which have been explained in many threads) why I don't like FO:4

  1. Shitty Dialogue wheel limiting interactions.

(Although this makes me wonder, would it be funny enough / interesting enough to spend time to catelogue all the reasons I can gather into one list of why this game is such utter horse-crap? Like some strange appendix or index of glittering hatred??)
I remember when you were all screaming, kicking, and crying for another Fallout game, and you were probably the most ignorant community the internet had ever known...the ancient hellhole that is this forum.

Why do we allow these posts from new users that all ask "Why do you all hate Fallout 4 so much?"

How can these be anything but trolls after the first thousand of these exact same posts? In the last 1.5 months there must have been 5 of these "Why y'all hate on Fallout 4 so much" posts.

It's patently obvious these people are just trying to stir sh*t up. The entire forum answers the question with dozens of posts explaining positives and negatives of Fallout 4, so why else post that as a new user unless you're just a troll?
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If you look at the steam page for FO4 it clearly says "Be whoever you want" "Do whatever you want," except this isn't true. Bethesda was given a template by Obsidian on how to take their version of Fallout and make it a solid ARPG, yet they ignored every bit of it. Instead of a good RPG we got gimmick. Worst of all is the laziness I've come across, examples being;

1. An institute full of scientists yet none of them can grasp the concept of true AI referring to escaped synths as "Nuka Cola machines"
2. Instead of writing meaningful side quests ala TW3 we get radiant quests.
3. Cant be bothered to even have weapon models show on the player.
4. Game takes away player agency in favor predictable ham fisted plot twists
5. Bugs

I still play FO4 but only the same way I play COD, brains off guns blazing. It boggles my mind though the amount of loyalty supposed consumers give a corporation, I saw a comment on youtube saying that they hope hardcore mode comes back in a DLC, as if it's ok to pay extra for a feature of a previous version of the game. The question you should be asking OP isn't why people dislike this product, but why you hold the kind of loyalty you do for an entity that is only after what's in your wallet.
Why do we allow these posts from new users that all ask "Why do you all hate Fallout 4 so much?"

How can these be anything but trolls after the first thousand of these exact same posts? In the last 1.5 months there must have been 5 of these "Why y'all hate on Fallout 4 so much" posts.

It's always the same story. Uninformed twats spread about this site that it's the spawn of Satan and that we hate Bethesda and its fans and would burn them on a pile of tires or something. It's also usually the people who have never ever set a foot here and just "heard it from someone who heard it from someone else/read it somewhere). A newcomer sees that, gets intrigued and either:

1) Joins the site, starts reading up on it and understands that it's complete bullshit. NMA is not a cult.
2) Joins the site, thinking he already knows enough from the vague description, doesn't read any of the topics and with no basis, accuses us of being "unfair" without actually knowing half the arguments that are presented here. You know, NMA is the spawn of satan after all.
3) Mostly like number 2, but instead starts trolling, thinking he'll teach us "a lesson", only to be proven wrong and ridiculed all the time, until he or she snaps and gets banned.

Mind you, most of these people usually post once and dissapear into aether. But not all of them.

If these people wanted to see an actual "spawn of satan", I'd gladly send them to RPGCodex. Those guys would tenderize them into little pieces and terrify the fuck out of them. NMA is like a sanctuary compared to that place. :D
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Why do we allow these posts from new users that all ask "Why do you all hate Fallout 4 so much?"

How can these be anything but trolls after the first thousand of these exact same posts? In the last 1.5 months there must have been 5 of these "Why y'all hate on Fallout 4 so much" posts.

It's always the same story. Uninformed twats spread about this site that it's the spawn of Satan and that we hate Bethesda and its fans and would burn them on a pile of tires or something. It's also usually the people who have never ever set a foot here and just "heard it from someone who heard it from someone else/read it somewhere). A newcomer sees that, gets intrigued and either:

1) Joins the site, starts reading up on it and understands that it's complete bullshit. NMA is not a cult.
2) Joins the site, thinking he already knows enough from the vague description, doesn't read any of the topics and with no basis, accuses us of being "unfair" without actually knowing half the arguments that are presented here. You know, NMA is the spawn of satan after all.
3) Mostly like number 2, but instead starts trolling, thinking he'll teach us "a lesson", only to be proven wrong and ridiculed all the time, until he or she snaps and gets banned.

Mind you, most of these people usually post once and dissapear into aether. But not all of them.

If these people wanted to see an actual "spawn of satan", I'd gladly send them to RPGCodex. Those guys would tenderize them into little pieces and terrify the fuck out of them. NMA is like a sanctuary compared to that place. :D
This is the only forum I've seen where everyone tries to debate obvious trolls rather than ban them, and I think that is actually a good thing because they don't get what they want and they don't get to go running around claiming they were banned by the horrible people at NMA. However, I'm also tired of trolls that just don't put any effort into it. Back in my day, trolling MEANT something. You had to work for it.

I long for the days of the Dragonborn. And these people pale in comparison.
This is the only forum I've seen where everyone tries to debate obvious trolls rather than ban them, and I think that is actually a good thing because they don't get what they want and they don't get to go running around claiming they were banned by the horrible people at NMA. However, I'm also tired of trolls that just don't put any effort into it. Back in my day, trolling MEANT something. You had to work for it.

I long for the days of the Dragonborn. And these people pale in comparison.

I guess you have a point, but I usually feel like it's a waste of time trying to engage with these trolls. Either way if they're not banned, you could see them running back to their circle jerk community at Sugarbombed or Bethesda forums and yelling "see! I trolled them hard, now they're all nerds and shit. high five, brah!", and it's a never-ending circle because idiots have already branded NMA a certain way, sadly.

I do admire your patience, though. So uh.. keep it up? :D
Why do you all despise Fallout 4?

I have been reading this forum a lot more in the last few day than i have read it in years and I have seen people debating Fallout 4 around and I don't think all of them despise the game.

I mean, I've played Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics MULTIPLE times, and I'm nothing if not an RPG fan

I am not trying to be insulting here but English is not my first language and I don't know how to write this without sounding like that: If you're nothing if not a RPG fan than you should know why other RPG fans dislike Fallout 4, because you can see for yourself that it is missing most of what a RPG game should have.
RPG games are not just make a character and level up, there is a long debate about what defines a game as RPG but I can say that FO4 is not much of one, it is a good action, open world shooter game, but not a good RPG.

but seriously, can I just get a decent conversation out of a cool Fallout 4 experience, or something that maybe reminded you of the "old days" of Fallout? I get it, you don't like that Bethesda stole the opportunity for Van Buren to ever become a thing, but they did the're own thing
We are having a decent and cool conversation (at least I hope we are, because I am not typing anything with the intent of being rude or insulting).
I can't talk for the others NMA members, so I will just use my opinion:
-I don't think people don't like Bethesda because they stole the opportunity for Van Buren, I think people don't like Bethesda's Fallout games because the way they were made, Bethesda's Fallout 3 doesn't make much sense at all, I will point out just a few examples or we will be here all day:
  • Little Lamplight makes absolute no sense at all
  • There are not enough food sources for the people there
  • Megaton makes no sense at all (unless who made it doesn't know what an atomic bomb is but everyone knows about the bomb in there), even the Bomb in Megaton makes no sense (the USA was bombed by ICBMs and not old fashioned A-Bombs like the one in Megaton)
  • etc
Also RPG games should have good story and good text, and Bethesda is not very good at it. I can imagine people waiting so long for the sequel of one of the best computer RPGs ever and then delivered a weak RPG instead, of course they will not get happy about it, then Obsidian comes by and in a very limited time delivers Fallout New Vegas which was an improvement on the RPG side of gamebryo Fallouts and Bethesda instead of learn from it and adopt some applauded features from FNV goes and delivers Fallout 4, which I already said is a good action, open world shooter game, but not a good Fallout game.

I think I covered why Fallout 4 is not well received by RPG fans so I don't need to keep going point by point replying to your whole post, but just to resume it:
Fallout 4 is sold as a RPG but it is not a RPG, so that is one of the main reasons it annoys people (being lied to annoys people anywhere, especialy if it is a product they bought and paid quite a lot of money for based on that lie).
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like the last time I posted here on my old account.
I just want to point out to everyone that this guy titled his post "New here, and may I just ask..." but he then claims he is actually NOT new here and has another account. Then it proceeds to call this forum an "ancient hellhole" and "the most ignorant community on the internet."

I think I need to start a school for trolls because they're just getting worse.
I find Fallout 4 to be sooo boring and it's not an RPG but a hiking simulator, there's my answer..oh and because I quit the game to play way better games like replaying Fallout 1 and 2 again, Underrail, Deus Ex 1, ect.

What a shitposter.
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like the last time I posted here on my old account.
I just want to point out to everyone that this guy titled his post "New here, and may I just ask..." but he then claims he is actually NOT new here and has another account. Then it proceeds to call this forum an "ancient hellhole" and "the most ignorant community on the internet."

I think I need to start a school for trolls because they're just getting worse.
Claiming to have been here before is simply to add credibility to bad material, you know like labeling your game "Fallout" 4.
This is the only forum I've seen where everyone tries to debate obvious trolls rather than ban them, and I think that is actually a good thing because they don't get what they want and they don't get to go running around claiming they were banned by the horrible people at NMA. However, I'm also tired of trolls that just don't put any effort into it. Back in my day, trolling MEANT something. You had to work for it.

I long for the days of the Dragonborn. And these people pale in comparison.

I guess you have a point, but I usually feel like it's a waste of time trying to engage with these trolls. Either way if they're not banned, you could see them running back to their circle jerk community at Sugarbombed or Bethesda forums and yelling "see! I trolled them hard, now they're all nerds and shit. high five, brah!", and it's a never-ending circle because idiots have already branded NMA a certain way, sadly.

I do admire your patience, though. So uh.. keep it up? :D

Well, it's not for them! We are doing it for our own sanity ;)
Why do you all despise Fallout 4? I mean, blah bla bla, I'm butthurt.
People who enjoy F4 for longer than 30 minutes, are either liars, suffered severe head trauma or suffer from a low IQ. I honestly did not read your message past "I mean" so I will only reply to what I have quoted.
A comparison to Fallout 4 fans and Fallout 4 Both containing elements of:

- Basic story/plot that follows the formula of a preschooler, and that the audience that is most defensive are of the same demographic, preschoolers as the story appeals to there senses and is not over complicated so they can wrap there head around everything, please see for reference on how writing a simple plot is achieved for children.

The story/plot is an all encompassing statement, from art direction, to written dialogue, to dialogue choices, character depth, setting believability, product placement, perks, skills, settlements, weapons and armor. Everything must be considered from a story perspective as even the back drop and the toxicity of the water play a factor in story telling. They have fed you Gerber and you seem to like the taste.

I am not here to insult you, you are entitled to enjoy any flavor that suits your pallet, I prefer complexity and can not feel satiated on baby food.

- Less bad writing. We all know the writing is terrible for anyone who has more then Disney in there watched movie repertoire or Charlotte's Web, but the fact that if you combine all the quests for F4 it would fit into F3 twice, FNV four times and Skyrim sixty times, it's just unexceptable. Sure there is a big sandbox for the kiddies to play in, but it doesn't feel like an adult world, dirty, pathetic, raw, struggling. NPC's seem plopped in from a different world, unaffected by war, devastation, drugs and every day being a struggle to find a reason to keep going, a mixture of life and death, faith and depravity, addition and sobriety. Your reward for exploration is seeing how raiders creatively place teddy bears and pink flamingos. This can be connected to people like you as well, bad writing and not very much of it. I encourage you to prove me wrong and actually debate.

- It wasn't made for me. Not an entitlement view, as I do not expect that, but it is a familiar feeling when purchasing a Bethesda title. This feeling started when I bought Morrowind. I though, "Wow, there was actually a video game made for me specifically" I played it for months, just trying to complete the main quest. I had the same feeling with F1, F2, and FNV. It doesn't call to me. I never played Fallout so that I could get power armor or so that I could endlessly and mindlessly fight a number of shallow factions on repeat. I never played Fallout for the customization of items or being able to make a makeshift player home 10 minutes into playing. I play fallout for rich story, hard choices, punishing game-play interwoven into dialogue not combat.

There is more, I tried to sum it up. If you are still poking around the forum here I hope I answered your question, sorry for not reading the whole thing! It just came across as butthurt comment of someone who doesn't look for challenge or to have to think their way out of a situation, Unfortunately for you, you just can't pew pew your problems away here. The people on this site are many things, thoughtful comes to mind. I have a feeling that you won't return though, engaging in deep dialogue is probably out of your attention range, based on your opening sentence.
Here is my fundamental problem with Fallout 4: It's a game about traveling the wastes and killing 80%+ of the people that you meet. The game is frankly uninterested in letting you solve problems through means other than violence, so it's not the sort of thing that can hold my attention for 70+ hours. The dilemmas the game presents you with are frequently of the form "Kill those guys or those other guys" (or "go there and kill everything, else don't go there at all.")

I suppose the idea was that settlement building was supposed to provide variety to keep your reign of terror in the wasteland from getting dull, but frankly I've never really been able to get into that sort of thing.

There's also the major problem that the game isn't really interested in letting you roleplay all that much, since it makes assumptions about your character basically constantly.

I won't come right out and say it's a bad game, since "bad game/good game" is generally shorthand for "game I disliked/game I liked" (possibly with reasons for either) anyway. I just know that it's not really a game that connects with me, it's even a game that connects with me less than Fallout 3 did, and that's saying something.
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