NFL 2011

Remember back in ye olde days when teams actually developed backups into servicable players since it was accepted practice to knock the QB out, and a given that the #2 would get significant playing time?
Jesus, Frank Reich would be an All-Pro today. Curtis Painter? Get fucked.
Over-expansion is profitable I'm sure, but there's still not a qualified pool of QBs to support the current number of teams, even if they never get hurt.

Then you got the CBA dictating how often coaches can practice in pads.

Tebow Vs. Sanchez tomorrow, the two most system protected QBs in the league. Even then they can barely keep from collapsing under their own incompetence. No DivIII games on tomorrow?
Cimmerian Nights said:
Remember back in ye olde days when teams actually developed backups into servicable players since it was accepted practice to knock the QB out, and a given that the #2 would get significant playing time?

ye olde days were just last week if you're a pats fan.

I'm sure the 70s, or whenever, had their share of crapass qb's.
VOLDEMORT you fools!

If I named him he would no longer be He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, would he?

Training camp long over and not far to travel from his home to Houston...I think he'd do it if they sucked up to him enough. They might just have to if Leinart stinks.
Yeah, Miami keeps winning now. They have a new swagger, it seems. I dunno if Sparano got laid or something, but the offense is finally clicking, and the defense is drawing the line in the sand. I'm guessing we'll still lose a couple games, but after the trainwreck of the first seven games, I'll take one more 7-9 if we are finally playoff-ready next year.
Foregone conclusion: Green Bay is going to be the second team to have a completely undefeated season since the merger.
Nology5890 said:
Foregone conclusion: Green Bay is going to be the second team to have a completely undefeated season since the merger.
That's a foregone conclusion already? They still have six games to play, and they really don't have much other than a ridiculous passing game. They're vulnerable, despite being 10-0.
The Pats almost did it. Then again, I hate the Pats. There's no other team right now I'd like to see pulling off that accomplishment, because Rodgers just has swagger. The rest of that team, too.
It's hard to imagine a scenario where they don't get the #1 seed, their schedule isn't that tough, especially with Cutler gone and Bad Eli back. They're one of those teams where homefield adv. goes a long way too, especially since they will likely be hosting fast, southern, dome teams like NO or ATL.
Packers are so good it's boring.

The Lions might keep it interesting Thursday, not because they'll contend, but because they're good for 4-5 cheap shots a game. Punks.

DeSean Jackson is a punk too, but negating plays due to deadball fouls like that is just lame. No Fun League. :cry:

Miami/Dallas on Thanksgiving - doesn't get better than this:
It's Leon Lett! Naaoooo!
This week is the best chance they have to lose the rest of the way, mostly because it's their third game in ten days. Detroit's obviously going to be "fired up" with "something to prove."

The Giants won't be a cakewalk, but they get a long week to rest up for that one.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Miami/Dallas on Thanksgiving - doesn't get better than this:
It's Leon Lett! Naaoooo!

Man, schadenfreude on the Cowboys is always fantastic to watch, but on Thanksgiving, and by my Dolphins?! It's almost like the coma-like icing on a cake for Thanksgiving.
UniversalWolf said:
Detroit's obviously going to be "fired up" with "something to prove."
They will be, but for them that doesn't involve playing smart, but playing chippy, agitating, after the whistle garbage ball.
Teams like the Lions, that DeSean Jackson play - they make me wish there was more self-policing and less fines. You do that kind of thing in the NHL you'll get punched in the face repeatedly. Even in baseball you'd get beaned. Players could police themselves over this non-game related conduct issues better than fines.

The Giants won't be a cakewalk, but they get a long week to rest up for that one.
I'm thinking about getting tickets to that one. Giants can hang with about anyone, or play down to anyone depending on the opponent. NYC sports media is getting worked for their favorite epic sports meltdown meme where they rip the local team to shreds.

Man, schadenfreude on the Cowboys is always fantastic to watch
I don't hate on the Cowboys for it's own sake, but that 90s team was pretty high on the all time most loathed list. Loved to hate them, and all their front running fans that came out of the woodwork.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I don't hate on the Cowboys for it's own sake, but that 90s team was pretty high on the all time most loathed list. Loved to hate them, and all their front running fans that came out of the woodwork.
I respected Aikman and Emmitt, but I got sick of watching Irvin commit offensive pass interference on every spectacular catch.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Punkass Lions couldn't even cover the spread at home. meow.
Suh is an idiot. He's not dirty - he's stupid. Okay, he's dirty too, but the stupid is much worse. He hurts his team.

I like dirty players. Or rather, I like players who will do anything and everything that doesn't involve intentionally injuring opponents to win. Someone like Cortland Finnegan: he's dirty as fuck, but he almost never hurts his team with penalties. He gets under opponents' skin, hinders their play.

That kind of thing is a lot more obvious in soccer. You have a lot of players there who constantly play close to the line, but manage to avoid red cards while constantly abusing their opponents, stepping on toes and provoking stupid retaliatory actions.

Continuing that: Suh is Nigel de Jong, Finnegan is Mark van Bommel.
Finnegan is the worst kind of punk, he starts shit and never backs it up. He turtles. If you want agitators, the NHL is full of the worst, but they're forced to back it up due to self-policing, no gaily colored cards.

Finnegan, Suh, Haynesworth - there's a common denominator here.
Thanks for the free touchdown, Ndonkeykong. :clap:

Well done, Evan Deitrich-Smith, a.k.a A Guy No One Has Ever Heard Of except die-hard Packer fans. Getting Suh to blow his top is going to be a standard part of game planning against the Lions from now on.