NFL 2011

Nology5890 said:
Ugh. My Fins lost, then my Hawkeyes lost. I feel adrift in mediocrity.
Iowa was kind of down this year. Must be all the seniors they lost. I'll be interested in seeing how Marvin McNutt does in the draft process, not least because I love his name.

Badgers rematch with MSU this weekend. Too bad it's in a dome. With two games left, Montee Ball has a legitimate shot at Barry Sanders's single-season TD record.

Lots of good NFL prospects from the W again this year.
To be honest, I want to see Wisconsin rip Michigan State's still-beating heart from their football team. Namely, gash them along the ground to the tune of 300 yards, and then utterly destroy the players who fake injuries to stop the clock. Iowa was coming back against MSU until they did that this year, and I'd like to see them pay for it.

Also, McNutt got robbed for not even being considered for the Biletnikoff, aside from the Nebraska game. He's BEST EVAR. [/homerism]
Don't sweat it, the NFL is now defense optional.

U-dub said:
Lots of good NFL prospects from the W again this year.
I can already guess Berman's nickname for Monte Ball.

Watching Tebow the last couple weeks, he's worse than I thought possible, and seems worse since college. I think every win actually sets his team back, because he gets more popular, more justified as starter to the faithful. "See, we told you he's a winnar!" I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the Tebowmania, but I only watch the last 10 minutes of his games and it's probably just my anti-Jetism.

Jets would be so scary good if they had, at the very least, a marginal QB with some consistency who could piece together a drive. I feel embarrassed for offense and QBs in general to be represented on national TV by Nacho, and I hate offense and QBs.

You can't make this shit up:
Tebow speech helps inspire Broncos to OT win

The night before Sunday's overtime 16-13 win over the San Diego Chargers, Denver Broncos coach asked quarterback Tim Tebow to deliver the pre-game message to the squad.

Tebow quoted scripture from Proverbs 27:17 that says, "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

On Sunday afternoon, the Broncos and Tebow proved themselves to be sharper than the slumping San Diego Chargers, claiming the OT win and pushing their record to 6-5 and in the thick of both the AFC West race and the wild-card chase.

"He said iron sharpens iron and men sharpen other men. And I think that's totally true. He gave us a great speech. We came out (for the game) fired up. And that was a wrap," linebacker Von Miller told the Denver Post.

The fact that Helu wasn't starting the last two games is a joke, only chance the current team has to win games is to realize that they'll never win throwing it, and they've 4-0 when running 40% of the time, 0-7 when not.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:

The fact that Helu wasn't starting the last two games is a joke, only chance the current team has to win games is to realize that they'll never win throwing it, and they've 4-0 when running 40% of the time, 0-7 when not.
Oh god I hate that stat. You can create a variant of that stat for every NFL team. And it has nothing to do with running the ball more, it's because when teams are ahead late in games, they run it. While when they're behind, they pass it. Running correlates with winning not because it causes winning, but because winning causes running (and losing causes passing).
Sander said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:

The fact that Helu wasn't starting the last two games is a joke, only chance the current team has to win games is to realize that they'll never win throwing it, and they've 4-0 when running 40% of the time, 0-7 when not.
Oh god I hate that stat. You can create a variant of that stat for every NFL team. And it has nothing to do with running the ball more, it's because when teams are ahead late in games, they run it. While when they're behind, they pass it. Running correlates with winning not because it causes winning, but because winning causes running (and losing causes passing).

I generally hate stats like that too but looking at Washington's games they're rarely running the ball to kill clock while holding onto a lead, half of the time they're behind late in the game.
Umm, I went to the Jet game last night with a friend :)

Was very fun, still do not get football though :lol:
Six years ago, I was the same way. You take an interest, then immerse yourself in it. You get it eventually.
Sander said:
Running correlates with winning not because it causes winning, but because winning causes running (and losing causes passing).
I get what you're saying, but ahead or behind, your hands are kind of tied strategically when your QB is Rex Grossman.

Sabirah said:
Umm, I went to the Jet game last night with a friend :)
I can't remember seeing a home team get booed so much by the home crowd in a victory. I still haven't been to the new stadium, nobody want to carpool for Giants/Packers next week?
Cimmerian Nights said:
Sabirah said:
Umm, I went to the Jet game last night with a friend :)
I can't remember seeing a home team get booed so much by the home crowd in a victory. I still haven't been to the new stadium, nobody want to carpool for Giants/Packers next week?

Eh, those guys are party poopers. Dunno how you boo a team that is gracious enough to play in front of you.
Gracious? You pay for it. With hard cash. Through the nose. With that you purchase a right to cheer or boo as you prefer.

Besides which, Jets fans are a joke.
Shot in the arm that franchise needs, I guess/hope. People who don't pay attention will probably float rumors about it moving but the stadium lease lasts a decade and is not easy to get out of (have to prove you're not profitable for three years running and pay 70 million).

Lotta racists coming out of the woodworks with a Pakistani buying his way in. He must really love the game to jump on "opportunities" like the Rams or Jax, tho.
Mendacious BN said:
Besides which, Jets fans are a joke.


Just because they enjoy something you don't doesn't make them a joke. I don't call rugby fans jokes for example
Mendacious BN said:
Shot in the arm that franchise needs, I guess/hope. People who don't pay attention will probably float rumors about it moving but the stadium lease lasts a decade and is not easy to get out of (have to prove you're not profitable for three years running and pay 70 million).
That deal is a drain on the city of Jacksonville and they can't get people to go see games. Jacksonville is not long for the NFL. Mistake putting them there to begin with.

Mendacious BN said:
He must really love the game to jump on "opportunities" like the Rams or Jax, tho.
What's not to love? When was the last time an NFL team lost money?
Sabirah said:
Just because they enjoy something you don't doesn't make them a joke. I don't call rugby fans jokes for example

What? Jesus fuck. Can you stop being a n00b and commenting on things you have no goddamn idea about? Jets fans are "a joke" because they're notorious for being assholes, fair-weather fans and booing the shit out of college kids during the draft. They're a joke. Not to mention Jets fans are Jersey rats.
Cimmerian Nights said:
That deal is a drain on the city of Jacksonville and they can't get people to go see games. Jacksonville is not long for the NFL. Mistake putting them there to begin with.

Oh really? I didn't know you felt that way.

Reality is this lease lasts until 2027, and there's no obvious way to get out of it. Read more here. As much as Mike Florio, you and the rest of your ilk would celebrate to see Jacksonville lose its team, they're not going anywhere.
I'm not putting a timetable or destination on it Mr. Presumptuous, but to think they are staying there indefinitely, that the stadium deal for the city doesn't suck, or that the NFL wants a team there over other cities is silly. Things happen, but they take time. Maybe that's 2027, shit, I plan on being around then. I wouldn't celebrate them losing a team either, I could care less about them. I'd like to see the team thrive in a more supportive city though, to the benefit of the league. The city would probably be better off, and if attendance is any indication I doubt they'd notice.

Teams and cities like that drag the NFL down.