Cimmerian Nights
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

It's not just integration, it's also the evolution of the NFL play and p[layers since that era.
The thing with Babe Ruth is, his was a power game. He hit home runs. He could still hit home runs today. Probably moreso because they'd wean him off the booze, stogies and whores the fat bastard.
The NFL teams prior to the 50s couldn't beat a good SEC team today. The players are so much faster, stronger and the game is so much more complex and swift. Linemen are small now if they aren't 300+lbs, linebackers if they aren't 245. We just saw a 9-7 team with three 1,000 yard receivers put up 375 yards on the #1 defense in the league. Compare that to the game they played in the 30s?
It wasn't until the NFL merger that the forward pass took even prominence over "10 yards a cloud of dust". Guys of that era were semi-pro at best, and the sport of football was in it's infancy developmentally.
Contemporary players like Barry Sanders would stomp all over those old teams. Think of the damage USC would do to one of those teams from the 30s.
Anyway, all baseball/football comparisons should end with George Carlin:
And I don't like the Steelers one bit, but this recent "their dynasty was in the steroid era" smacks of haterism. It's sour grapes. I'm pretty sure they juiced as much as anyone else, just ask Lyle Alzado...
I highly doubt guys like Bradshaw, Lambert, Stallworth, Bleier and Swan were juicing based on their size anyway. And it's like juicing ever stopped in the NFL, that tool Merriman got busted for juicing and went to the pro-bowl the same year. Way to crack down on 'roids.
Besides GB fans want to talk about roids...
The thing with Babe Ruth is, his was a power game. He hit home runs. He could still hit home runs today. Probably moreso because they'd wean him off the booze, stogies and whores the fat bastard.
The NFL teams prior to the 50s couldn't beat a good SEC team today. The players are so much faster, stronger and the game is so much more complex and swift. Linemen are small now if they aren't 300+lbs, linebackers if they aren't 245. We just saw a 9-7 team with three 1,000 yard receivers put up 375 yards on the #1 defense in the league. Compare that to the game they played in the 30s?
It wasn't until the NFL merger that the forward pass took even prominence over "10 yards a cloud of dust". Guys of that era were semi-pro at best, and the sport of football was in it's infancy developmentally.
Contemporary players like Barry Sanders would stomp all over those old teams. Think of the damage USC would do to one of those teams from the 30s.
Anyway, all baseball/football comparisons should end with George Carlin:
And I don't like the Steelers one bit, but this recent "their dynasty was in the steroid era" smacks of haterism. It's sour grapes. I'm pretty sure they juiced as much as anyone else, just ask Lyle Alzado...

Besides GB fans want to talk about roids...