NMA Podcast Round 6 - Nuka World

What did you guys decide about the future of the podcast, now that all the Fallout 4 bullshit is over?
Oh cool. More guest speakers would be nice, I wouldn't mind listening to an interview with someone from Bethesda for example, though I don't know how such an interview would work.
I've got all the audio from the podcast and I'm starting on the compilation of the parts. In the meantime, here's the title screen that'll be on YouTube when it's done.

EDIT: After the podcast, I forgot to rerecord the lines that were botched during Chris' interview. I'm working late in the evening Monday, so I'll get on TeamSpeak when I can that day and rerecord those lines.

NMA Podcast - Round 6.png
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The test render came out beautifully, so I'm rending the whole thing, both video and audio only, now.

Looks like it'll take about two hours to finish them both so while that's working, I'll reinstall The Division.

EDIT: I take that back. Four hours.

EDIT #2: The video render's done. Starting the YouTube upload.
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