Norwegian Massacre

Hmmm... this leads us far from our initial discussion, wouldn't you say?

I wouldn't say that, not on the discussion about xenophobia at least. We are talking about a guy who committed mass murder on the basis of fear of foreigners, mostly. Definitely xenophobia.

But yeah, let's drop the rest. Opinions are like asses, agree to dusagree, blah blah.
During the last year, there was similar incident in Slovakia. A man armed with SA vz.58 assault rifle killed whole neighboring family. It was a result of a long-term multicultural neighbourly conflict, where our bureaucratic system was not able to solve the situation before. I think those mass murderers are an emotionally imbalanced sociopaths and as Alec wrote, it's result of the frivolous and empty lifestyle.,8599,2086464,00.html

The confessed killer in Norway's twin terror attacks that claimed 77 lives has presented a long list of "unrealistic" demands, including the resignation of the government and that his mental condition be investigated by Japanese specialists, his defense lawyer said Tuesday.

Geir Lippestad told the Associated Press his client has two lists of demands. One consists of requests common among inmates such as for cigarettes and civilian clothing. The other is "unrealistic, far, far from the real world and shows he doesn't know how society works," Lippestad said by telephone.

Wow.. Just wow... :roll:
Doesn't the fact that he successfully divided his demands into "realistic" and "unrealistic" show that he does understand?
Per said:
Doesn't the fact that he successfully divided his demands into "realistic" and "unrealistic" show that he does understand?

But if he knew it was unrealistic why did he ask?
Per said:
Doesn't the fact that he successfully divided his demands into "realistic" and "unrealistic" show that he does understand?

Yeah. If any of those judges and psychological experts are doing their jobs right, then he shouldn't pass on the claim that he is "insane" his lawyer probably will come up with. This is clearly a man who knows what he is doing and isn't "insane". He should be hit with the full "hammer of justice" if you can call it like that by norwegian standards (looking at those pictures of norwegian prison cells...)

Also, I really wonder how many lawyers refused to defend him on court.
Crni Vuk said:
considering the publicity probably not many.

Really? I mean, the chance to bail this guy out is almost nill. The only thing they can try is to pull the " insane" ticket like written above. And even that won't work ( I hope atleast). Defending that guy is almost a guaranteed fail.
Surf Solar said:
Crni Vuk said:
considering the publicity probably not many.

Really? I mean, the chance to bail this guy out is almost nill. The only thing they can try is to pull the " insane" ticket like written above. And even that won't work ( I hope atleast). Defending that guy is almost a guaranteed fail.

It is a paradoxal opposite that is occuring:

Breivik himself insists that he is sane, because to him, it's his political agenda that's important. To him, if he's declared insane, his agenda loses credibility, so his lawyer is pushing hard for his declaration of full sanity.
Frustratingly to everyone else, the court seems mostly in agreement that he is insane :roll:
yes, I am sure that insane people perfectly well know when they are insane or not.

The fact alone that he killed 80 or more innocent people speaks for it self I guess.
Crni Vuk said:
yes, I am sure that insane people perfectly well know when they are insane or not.

The fact alone that he killed 80 or more innocent people speaks for it self I guess.

The bodycount alone doesn't mean that he's insane. A sociopath, maybe. But not insane. Ordinary, sane people are also capable of doing horrible and worse things during a war. And for Breivik, this is a war. As it should be for us: a war between his twisted, harmful ideology and the concept of a free and open Europe.
Evil Banana said:
nobody is innocent truly..they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time..

Give me a break dude. Is that supposed to be enlightening?
i love precision..i havent met anyone in my life who was completely innocent of not saying its karma cus that would be damned hard to explain..just..wrong place wrong time..sympathies wont bring back the sympathies and tears for the living..for they still suffer and leave the dead to rest in peace..
Evil Banana said:
i love precision..i havent met anyone in my life who was completely innocent of not saying its karma cus that would be damned hard to explain..just..wrong place wrong time

Yeah, I get you dude, but it's a bit presumptuous don't you think? I am sure one of those 80 people was a complete jackass, but when someone gets killed, the first thing that comes to mind isn't, "Well, they had it coming anyway."

Sure, no one is truly innocent (innocent of what?), yes, they may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time (obviously), but it just sounds a bit silly when you say it like that (pedantic?).
Tagaziel said:
Crni Vuk said:
yes, I am sure that insane people perfectly well know when they are insane or not.

The fact alone that he killed 80 or more innocent people speaks for it self I guess.

The bodycount alone doesn't mean that he's insane. A sociopath, maybe. But not insane.
Its a very complicated field, but sociopathy or better known as Antisocial personality disorder can be seen as a form of "insanity".

Now without going in the "what is normal?" discussion which does not lead to any results, going around killing 80 people for apparently no reason is for me a very strong indication of being "insane" - what ever if he deserves his punishment now or not is a whole different situation and I don't claim to be a professional that can really judge it. I am just saying.

Also when you talk about "normal" people, how many do you know that killed someone?

You don't have to be a "sane" person to achieve a very high position though. What happens when insane people get a lot of power is well recorded among history.




you already say it by your self that he has a "twisted, harmful ideology". Something cant be working "correctly" in the mind of people when they really go around preaching hate in such drastic ways or if they even do kill others for such reason. There concept of the human mind is extremly complex I give you that. But we are NOT talking here about a very stressfull situation like Vietnam, Stalingrad etc. where people are actually becoming sick.

I am not saying that he is really sick. But I would not be surprised he turns out that he isnt healthy either.
im preety Jaded too such things i guess..i was a kid when a civil war ended in my country plus a life of cinicism, satire and dark humor and complete disgust with the human being leaves little to surprise anymore..