Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

Turn based is still fun as hell. While I never got into Jrpgs like Final Fantasy, the combat in the Persona series was a lot more fun than any bethesda RPG combat i've ever played. I hope to gob that the south park RPG combat is good enough to sway the general (western) thinking that turn based is old hat. If this game is truely successful, it could mean a new era of next gen RPG gameplay in regards to combat. Perhaps the popularity of something like South Park is what is needed to tip the scales back to a good tried and true gameplay mechanic that has been sorely overlooked by western developers. (Does this even make sense? I'm drunk)
Mendacious BN said:
I seem to remember one Fallout artist ended up working over at South Park's studios too, don't remember who though.

@makagufuzkl dsiii was nearly bugfree (just not really ambitious since it probably was Obsidians cheapest game). Onyx is an incredible flexible Engine from what we've seen so far.

Avellone said in his twitter that one of the artist back at interplay made South Park versions of the torment charachters. Don't know if it is the same guy though.

Also if this wasn't posted (or read) before. The game is going to have (some sort) of faction mechanics. This seems to be due to the South Park creators wanting the team to focus on the kids and their interactions rather than normal rpg troops (Go into caves, fight ridiculous monsters)

@Makagufuzkl DSIII was nearly bugfree (just not really ambitious since it probably was Obsidians cheapest game). Onyx is an incredible flexible Engine from what we've seen so far.
This will be interesting to keep a eye on. I would enjoy a Family Guy RPG more though.
Can't wait to hear some more info on this. And there really isn't much harm done if it turns out to be bad, is there? But all the details so far sound great. Having Cartman as a party member is gonna be interesting for sure.
I can see them doing multiple dialogue trees, just eachline better be damned funny and relevant to the current quest/world situation.
I just got my Game Informer in the mail and it had a exclusive on this. So far it looks like a side-scrolling, hack and slash game with some RPG mechanics. I could be wrong though.
TorontRayne said:
I just got my Game Informer in the mail and it had a exclusive on this. So far it looks like a side-scrolling, hack and slash game with some RPG mechanics. I could be wrong though.

No! No! Nooooo!

Your right. Maybe I worded it wrong. It is being compared to Paper Mario in the article, so I think it may be less than I hoped for. I liked Paper Mario a lot, but the Super Mario RPG style would be better in my opinion. Maybe they are going for the Castlecrasher's crowd?
I would think that something like Costumequest would be pretty fun. I just hope they don't skimp on the dialog, and make the game too simplistic.
Was hoping for a new Icewind Dale. I've seen way too many South Park episodes to be interested in this. Perhaps if it turns out really good I may change my mind, otherwise not even remotely interested.
Neither did I.
It will look exceptionally well, that's certain. Seems that all the cartoon's assets are provided to Obsidian, which is a really good thing.
hmm. Now that the game looks pretty much like the show it suddenly feels much more interesting.
THQ will focus now on breaking even on a title-by-title basis by releasing low-cost triple-A titles, such as Obsidian Entertainment's South Park: The Stick of Truth, which will release next March.

South Park requires a relatively smaller investment than other titles due to its simple animation. That project's break-even point is also 2 million units, though the publisher believes it can sell well above that, THQ told Pachter.


What? WHAT!? To break even with a game like South Park they need to sell two millions!? What's this lunacy?

The trailer shown at E3 looks great, by the way.
