Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

C2B said:
This is so wrong. Season 3 was terrible and rushed (especially Thief chick) and Castiel was an excellent addition.

I thought season 3 was pretty good. Castiel was a good addition but all the other angel bullshit they added was awful.

And the whole apocalypse story arc? Talk about rushed. The "epic battle" the show had been building up to for several seasons lasted about five minutes and consisted of a couple people falling into a giant hole.
C2B said:
Surf Solar said:
Farmerk said:
There's quite a bit of difference between EA and Obsidian.

Who's publishing the game could have a pretty big impact on the whole thing. I'll start holding my breath

But THQ will be the publisher...

Also, the plot and the elements are already written - this is even more funny since having good writing is one of the few things Obsidian has a reputation for in the industry - what they will do when the main stuff is already carved in stone? Puzzling together some RPG elements and that's it. It really sounds like nothing but a quick buck to score by doing minor contract work, the "Slamdunk" strategy they so often used.

What elements? You know something we don't?

Considering this is most likely going to be a parody the main meat will be in sidequest and sidestuff in general. (Which Obsidian will use plenty) And apart from that theres also a lot "more" in a game, especially in an RPG, than the main plot.

Apart from that the SP guys are "just" overseeing the project. Obsidian still has full creative freedom regarding design.

Parker and Stone are writing the script, performing the dialogue, and overseeing the development
Surf Solar said:
Parker and Stone [b]are writing the script, performing the dialogue[/b], and overseeing the development

Writing the script is just as easily the "plot". Performing the dialog means VA work.

Your point?

Or yes, of course. They are probably during the entire dev- time at Obsidian, designing and writing all the sidestuff and so on while somehow still running their show and all their other projects.

Makes totally sense. Especially after Tim Cain said that the dev team is pretty open with creative ideas . That liar!!!!!!!!!
Kyuu said:
I haven't actually seen much of it, so I'm genuinely asking. Is Supernatural actually a good show?
Now that you mentioned I did realized after browsing on the net about the new seasons (which are not released here yet) how 90% of the posters have something "girlish" in them.

But hey. I am not the usual TV watcher anyway. Besides Super Natural is pretty good most of the time. Probably not everyones taste. But I think the characters are well written and the actors do a decent enough job.
You do realize that sidequests even if they are small still need to be considered inside the script if they are about to make sense? :S It is highly doubtful that they let Obsidian do whatever the hell they want.

Or yes, of course. They are probably during the entire dev- time at Obsidian

They are known to be very vocal and harsh about what they want in their show and what not.

Especially after Tim Cain said that the dev team is pretty open with creative ideas . That liar!!!!!!!!!

We don't even know if he was talking about the SP game or the unnanounced game of Sawyer, or where have you been pulling this quote from?
1. Irrelevant. And, no they don't. Depending on how the script is written.

2. Irrelevant. So far at least. (Several Obsidian devs have spoken out positivly about this game)

3. He was talking about New York. New York was the animation project. New York is South Park. Sawyer is North Carolina.
So first you say "irrelevant", then you say it's sorta not irrelevant by not knowing how the script is written etc. That really helps you making the argument believable.

3. He was talking about New York. New York was the animation project. New York is South Park. Sawyer is New Carolina.

You know, it's common practise that you might actually provide a link to that so others can read it too?
Looks like this will be a continuation of their Lord of the Rings episode.

Looks like Butters isn't Golem anymore
Sabirah said:
Never saw South Park, But from what I hear it isn't exactly a deep lore filled universe, I wonder how bad this will turn out
You can watch almost every episode for free here:


...and I recommend that you do. There's South Park, and then there's everything else. It has lore aplenty, trust me.

Supernatural should have an RPG. It's a perfect setting.
I've seen that show a bit. Never noticed the actors were prettyboys, but I guess so. It could work as a cRPG. I prefer the "generic monsters" portions to the "overarching plot" portions though.
C2B said:
2. Irrelevant. So far at least. (Several Obsidian devs have spoken out positivly about this game)
Well it woulod be kind of stupid to speak ill of a product your company is making and you are seeking to sell to pay the bills...

People getting confused because South Park is not Rich in lore..... well duh, it's obviously gonna be a humorous rpg. I am not a fan of SP at least not a fan of the last 4 years or so, but let's see what they do with this.
Sabirah said:
Never saw South Park, But from what I hear it isn't exactly a deep lore filled universe, I wonder how bad this will turn out

It's not deep, but it also has the tendency to go out on crazy tangents, so the possibilities are only limited by imagination. Imagina-a-a-a-a-a-tion. :lol: But seriously, take the Coon'n'Friends mini-sub-series for example, that could work great in an RPG setting. So could lots of other random episodes like that. It's just up to them to realize the potential.

Supernatural should have an RPG. It's a perfect setting.

I'm pretty sure I could name a pretty long list of settings that deserve it a lot more than some fairly uninspired TV show.
Supernatural? you mean Buffy with dudes instead of blond bimbos with bad dialogue? ehmmm no thanks, make an rpg out of something else.

Maybe they are gonna make the game take place in Imagination Land? they woudl need to pay some serious amount of money for the copyrighted characters.
I found South Park to be relatively tasteless and even if I didn't I don't see how it could be a setting for a quality RPG. It will probably just be a hack 'n slash set in and around the town with constant references to specific plots in previous episodes of the show.

The Vault Dweller
Surf Solar said:
So first you say "irrelevant", then you say it's sorta not irrelevant by not knowing how the script is written etc. That really helps you making the argument believable.

3. He was talking about New York. New York was the animation project. New York is South Park. Sawyer is New Carolina.

You know, it's common practise that you might actually provide a link to that so others can read it too?

Both of those steps are irrelevant. Because both of them is not based on ANY actual information regarding the game. (Except for said devs responding)

Step 3 we know from several sources. Posting all possible links here isn't worth the trouble and you know them probably anyway.

@Walpknut Another option (and the one most devs take) Shut up about it till you can. Moreso their comments were very specific to the point where they would be lying if not.
Will Ooi: Hi Mr Cain, thank you very much for taking part in this interview series, and first of all congratulations on securing a role at Obsidian. How do you feel about this move, and what does it mean for your and Obsidian's future plans?

Tim Cain: I really enjoy working at Obsidian. I know many of the people there from our time at Interplay or Troika, and I have played all of Obsidian's games, so in many ways this new job was the smoothest transition I have ever made. Everyone there has been very friendly and welcoming, and I am excited to be back in the RPG game space.

But I should explain that I am a temporary contracted employee at Obsidian. I am considering joining another company in the spring of 2012 and have been talking with them since August, so in the meantime I am working at Obsidian on one of their games as a senior programmer. My contract extends thru March of 2012, at which time all parties (myself, Obsidian and the other company) can decide what the next step should be.

Will Ooi: Could you give us some more information about what your title of Senior Programmer will involve, and how you'll fit in to the company's hierarchy?

Tim Cain: As a senior programmer, I have been assigned to work for Dan Spitzley on their New York project. I am working on various coding tasks concerning combat and general gameplay. The group is very open to design suggestions from all of its members, and they hold weekly meetings where the game is played and anyone can suggest changes to gameplay, anything from new abilities to UI to voice over. Everyone at Obsidian is very passionate about their games, and it shows in their development process.

I was the producer on South Park RPG for some time. I don't recall directly interfacing with Matt & Trey, but the SP Studios guys I worked with were great.

Apart from this. My comment that Obsidian was at least doing some writing on it was based on that the SP creators probably weren't working entirly on all the written content on this game (which wouldn't really make sense for an RPG) and the fact that, according to the Obsidian producer Alvin Nelson, Eric Fenstermaker is working on it who is one of Obsidians writers/designer and has a very similiar style of humor to south park. (Just read his twitter)(And as far as I know you very much enjoyed Vault 11, no?)


Ofc. This could all turn to shit down the road with the SP guys walzing in and coming up with ridiculus mandates but at this point optimism isn't exactly the wrong reaction.
Sub-Human said:
Console only?

Where the heck have you gone, Obsidian.

Qouth Surf Solar, " They apparently edited ' and PC.' in the article now, it wasn't there when I created the thread."

Though it could be some sort of trick.

I'm on the fence with this one. I need more information on the setting. So far, I'm picturing a modern version of the N64 FPS, but in GameBro.
UniversalWolf said:
I've seen that show a bit. Never noticed the actors were prettyboys, but I guess so. It could work as a cRPG. I prefer the "generic monsters" portions to the "overarching plot" portions though.

The monsters are not always that generic though. But the last episodes I watched had quite many "demons" (but that is normal considering the fact that they are needed for the story).

The monsters are more similar to The Witcher just that it is set in "our" time line. I think it has great potential for a game particularly as you can not simply beat every creature the same way because some require extensive research and different tactics.
Ex-Obsidianitie and Lead Narrative Designer of New Vegas John Gonzalez.

Very glad that I can finally tell people about this. The game was already looking so damn awesome when I left Obsidian last Feb. Can't wait to play it. Next up: Book of Mormon, the Game
I have to go with Solar on this one. I am not sure if I see the "potential" for a South park "RPG". there are simply some things which are not really that great for RPGs or games in general.

Not to mention it somehow is a spoiled business if you consider how many movie-to-game adaptions are out there which simply suck. I guess the restrictions by the studios are quite hard and the pressure to finish the game as well.

I am not saying it cant work. But I guess one has to wait and see. South park is nice as show but I am not sure if it holds the same appeal as "game".