Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

All the voice acting will be done by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, plus the South Park team, if I'm not wrong.
This is looking pretty awesome. The E3 presentation was pretty funny too. It has to be better than that old N64 game right? I think the trailer sold me on it. Jews can't be saviors ... :lol:
Kilus said:
They probably over paid for the South Park rights and access to materials.

Which is odd, since this project was started by Parker/Stone contacting Obsidian, and it's a pet project for them.

But yeah, high licensing cost is the only real explanation. Game can't be that expensive.
The game is on PC/PS3/Xbox 360 though, so selling two million units isn't THAT unheard of.

It would be nice to see a breakdown of costs to know why it requires so much.
Well if there is something an Obsidian game always needs is Polish time to iron out all the bugs.
Walpknut said:
Well if there is something an Obsidian game always needs is Polish time to iron out all the bugs.
Maybe they should outsource the bug ironing to CDPR then :smug:
Pre-purchase is up on Steam now. They want $60 for a PC game. WTF is this nonsense? If the console version is $60, the PC version should be $10 cheaper because thee is no platform holder. That extra $10 is supposed to be a license fee to the platform holder, i.e. Microsoft for Xbox and Sony for PlayStation. The PC has no platform holder. So basically that extra $10 is just going to line Ubi's pockets. Fuck that. I'll wait for a Steam sale now. Idiots. >_<

Note to rest of world: STOP paying $60 for PC games! >_<
Never paid any game more than 20€. (at least since euros exist)
And even then, i rarelly go that high.

Every single game go down to that price or often lower after a few years. It even go down faster now with steam and other online-stores. I stumbled across many HD games for less than 3 €, the last few months.

Beside that, buying many games on the launch date will make you feel cheated, as you will have to pay again for the add-on/expansions/dlc. If you wait enough, they would be already included when you buy the main game.

If is safer to wait at least two years.

By the time the price go down, you'll have plenty of time to discover some oldies, that you haven't tried before. Many great games were released in the last 30 years... (some of them are even free now)
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The points made about digital sales are totally valid, but I'm strongly considering pre-ordering just to support Obsidian and South Park.