Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

What do you mean "now do"? I've watch all the episodes that are available online, it's the same old B&B applied to modern times. They were doing this stuff a decade+ before youtube
I never liked B&B I only midly liked Daria, but back then what they did was their thing, but now that Youtube exists that kidn of routine is just tired and pointless, they switched from music videos to riffing on the Internet Laughingstock for the past years, so nothing new on the horizon, give that money to something new.
Why should they change themselves just because everyone is doing it now? They were the pioneers of what they were doing and this is what they do best. That's like saying metallica should switch to R&B because their genre is mainstream now.
Because that's a 10 year old routine for a show that had no business being revived? Why was it even revived? what new ideas the guy had that needed to be preoduced nowadays? if they have no new ideas they sould just let it rest.

and Metallica sucks. And they already changed their style to something even blander than they were years ago, but that's for another topic, right now it's Uninspired Cartoon gets an RPG developed by Obsidian.
I just watched the 1% and the humor dalek episodes and they were great. Actually, I'm gonna go ahead and get excited for this game...
Walpknut said:
Because that's a 10 year old routine for a show that had no business being revived? Why was it even revived? what new ideas the guy had that needed to be preoduced nowadays? if they have no new ideas they sould just let it rest.
Because its better than the shit MTV has on now and they need the ratings? Ever think of that?
Post by Anthony Davis (Ex-Obsidian Dev)
Anthony can you at least tell us if the South Park game is:

A: Completly controlled by Trey & Mark. Obsidian is just the Company that implents everything.

B: It's a "work together" project where both parties work hand in hand together on everything.

C: Obsidian had free reign aside from what Matt & Parker did.

Please just tell me where ca. this project is.

Solidly B. Zane and others proved VERY early that we could visually hit the target they wanted, which was to make the video game LOOK like a TV episode. From camera, to content.

It's actually pretty amazing to work Matt and Trey, as well as the people who work on the actual TV show at SP Studios. You have know idea how cool it is to write some dialogue for the kids, and then get audio from SP Studios for those lines. Their team at SP Studios actually provide US with concept art too. They are just a great gang to work with, very funny too obviously.

SP can be very topical, which indicates how fast they work and often they can change gears for TV. They really are professionals, and they understand that TV and video games are two different mediums with two different development processes. They understand that they can change the topic of this week's TV show on a dime for some breaking news event, but that same mode of operation doesn't work in video games. Video games that focus on topical humor don't tend be topical when they are released due to how long it takes for video games to be developed.
Bakura said:
Walpknut said:
Because that's a 10 year old routine for a show that had no business being revived? Why was it even revived? what new ideas the guy had that needed to be preoduced nowadays? if they have no new ideas they sould just let it rest.
Because its better than the shit MTV has on now and they need the ratings? Ever think of that?
That's a pretty low bar, and really ever think of actualy asking for something good?
I like B&B because it's true to the show's old days and respectful of the fans. At least it's not been grittily reboot with amazing cg and pg-level shenanigans to appeal to a wider market. It's a show about stupid jokes told by stupid teens about stupid people but that's how it's always been and that's the appeal. Mike judge is an awesome duder, the only thing I've been disappointed in from him was the king of the hill finale and that was probably one of the hardest things to do right, tie up the entire run's threads in a limited amount of time.

South park is high up there too, though hit and miss some of the time which is expected considering each episode takes only six days from start to finish. With a longer time to write a script and make changes I think they can pull together something excellent.

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/f9FjVWMWXmQ?version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/f9FjVWMWXmQ?version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
nsfwish warning
Hopefully this will lead to a cRPG based on Team America: World Police. Now that would be intriguing.

The Vault Dweller said:
I found South Park to be relatively tasteless...
Relatively tasteless? It's utterly, sublimely tasteless.
Walpknut said:
Bakura said:
Walpknut said:
Because that's a 10 year old routine for a show that had no business being revived? Why was it even revived? what new ideas the guy had that needed to be preoduced nowadays? if they have no new ideas they sould just let it rest.
Because its better than the shit MTV has on now and they need the ratings? Ever think of that?
That's a pretty low bar, and really ever think of actualy asking for something good?
Yes, yes it is a low bar. What is your point? I just want something interesting on TV. Not much else to say about it. And yes I have asked for something good, *coughyugiohabridgeonadultswimcough*, but sadly the 1-800-DialaAwsomeIdea hotline that people use to tell important people about there awsome idea is not working right now.
Oh yeah some guy's 10 minute edits of a shitty anime episode on tv, tv will be saved....
A lot of things, what? are B&B, South Park and TGO TAS the only shows in the whoel world?
Uh.... maybe you don't know the function of a forum, we share our opinions, and I have a lot of different opinions on different things here, positive and negative...

You know what show would work as a social rpg? Ugly Americans, it would both be funny, have a unique aesthetic and have enough lore to make a story.
Surf Solar said:
Though I wish Roshambo would still ramble on these boards.

Ah, the fun Rosh and I used to have on these boards. We literally would say to each other: "Who gets it today? JE, MCA for Fergie?" Then we'd just have at them. We were always hardest on Avellone. :D

As for this game... Good for Obsidian. Money is money and the more you have coming in the better obviously. That being said, I doubt very much it's a game I'll play.
Chris Jones way back in his dev profile interview:

Pop Culture played a big role in Fallout, what pop culture influences you?

TV was the worst influence in my laugh at the time. I could spend hours channel surfing in the middle of the night. Thankfully, I have TiVo now and I watch a lot less TV now. Cartoons and comedies were big influences, shows like the Simpsons, MST3k and South Park (we watched the bootleg original South Park over and over and over at Interplay when it came out. Good stuff.)

I seem to remember one Fallout artist ended up working over at South Park's studios too, don't remember who though.
This is definitely unexpected news. Are they making their own engine for the game? I, unfortunately, believe Obsidian does a better job with other developers' engines. I also think the South Park universe will present limitations to Obsidian's strongest skill - writing. We'll see how this pans out.

Looks like they're using Onyx. I haven't played Dungeon Siege 3 - not too sure if this will be a bad thing. Turn Based. Hmm hmm hmm. Matt and Trey went specifically to Obsidian, supposedly.

Here's a video