This ghoul has seen it all

Well yeah, Wasteland 2 is using a lot of crowdsourced assets and Unity store items too.
Akratus said:Aesthethics aren't influenced by budget though. So far Eternity looks quite good, and I must concur that Wasteland 2 is not very well designed aesthetically and graphically. It's not much of a good looking game in comparison to some, although aesthethics are far more important than graphics. But a game can be behind in that and still be fun, like XCom.
So true.Now if only they ditched all that nonsense about R2WP, we'd have a true sequel to TOEE. Ohwell.
Not true. In Infinity Engine games there are no discreet turns, only different durations for actions, for example a casting time of 6 or a casting time of 9. Whenever you issue an order to a character, the duration of his action starts ticking down, and it has no relation to how far along other characters might be on the durations of whatever actions they're performing (except that they're all measured by same yardstick of the game's ticks or pulses, as fred2 just mentioned).The only game I can think of that was actually RTwP was Jagged Alliance Reboot. All these other RPGs are actually Turn Based in Real time. Special abilities, spells, ect, only happen once the current combat round (turn) ends.
This is true (enough), but we're not supposed to; PoE harkens back to the Infinity engine ~which was only ever RT/wP AFAIK.Stanislao Moulinsky said:Now if only they ditched all that nonsense about R2WP, we'd have a true sequel to TOEE. Ohwell.
It would be really nice to get a ToEE2 (or other name for it). It's the best D&D combat implementation that I know of.
** Who here would back an Arcanum 2 by Obsidian? (Improved rule set and Fully balanced for TB combat with no pressure to make it realtime / pause for market reasons.)