I'll wrap on Fallout 4. As of right now, Bethesda has not done a key aspect, most RPG companies do. Story as a sales point. Let's be honest here, Bioware, Obsidian. Both market their games with what is unique about them. They show story and intrigue with just about much to keep you on your toes. With Bethesda's case, It seems like this is a company who are making RPG's for all the wrong reason. It's like if a MMO developer who focused on gameplay and mechanics, like bethesda. Just said, Fuck it. Make a offline version with a few tweaks. That is a bit far-fetched, but couldn't be anymore closer to the truth. They stopped really trying after morrowind.
Let's recap on what they are doing.
Taking mods from the nexus and implementing it, Like building a house simulator 2015 a feature i'll NEVER use. Unoriginal and not an appeal to me.
No traits. You know, They could have done it like a home brew table top game, Such as Dungeons and Dragons and went the flaws and traits route, But nope none of that shit. We have none now.
Skills, Who needs them when you have 70 perks with 4 ranks for each, Say hello to Fallrim 4. Where Skyrim and Fallout just smash as one into a incoherent mess that tries to appeal to everyone.
Romance, I generally like the idea. But i feel it's going to be as shallow as skyrim marriages. Although, I hope i'm wrong.
Voice'd protagonist very linear background and predetermined sexual orientation. Takes away from the character building char and relegates everyone into a more simple path that i feel shows in the end makes everyone's character the same.
No level cap, So essentially we all will end up with the same build and what not, Yay.
Same writer from Fallout 3 and Skyrim is coming back, Run to the hills.
That is just some, Not all. The lied so far about the unique groups or what new lie Todd Howard spewed from his arse. So far, I've seen generic mutant and generic raider. They can't even advertise the groups? Holy shit, They really are scared of getting exposed once the game comes out. Or i'd imagine the PR will be a nightmare. Overall, A lot of shady things coming out so far and with better RPG's out this year like Witcher 3. This game doesn't even stand a chance. The hype is total lunacy and fanboy fanaticism for a bygone developer who lost's it's touch with the reality of RPG's and for that, I will not, Shall not allow it to go uncriticized. Again, I'll state, No story or side quest feature's or something that convinces me they give two shits about the story of their game or it's lore. They just want to make a walk around simulator with bare-bone side content. Bethesda why try to hide generic gameplay footage at the gamecom conference in Germany? You really think it was worth making Copy Right take downs over it?
Someone explain to me why this game is getting so much the attention it doesn't deserve. Fallout in the past was never so vast of a fan base where it got the amount of shouting it is now? Did hell freeze over? I always thought fallout to be the Evil Dead of our time. Or Back to the Future. A cult following that is decent in size. But not massive as 14m views or whatever.
I'll give Fallout 4 4/10