Just sounds like a load of excuses to me. Oh dice-rolls are actually fine because after you bother dealing with that shit for dozens of hours so that your skills actually level up then the game gets good? Why should I have to torture myself for dozens of hours in god awful gameplay just so that my skills will level up enough to make the game bearable to play?
Acrobatics handling height jumped? Fine. Handling how fast you can jump? Fine. Handling how well you can turn mid-air? Fine. But the way that it worked from what I remember is not excusable. And quite frankly, why does 'jumping' need to be a skill anyway? It's a redundant skill that just made the gameplay worse. The problem I have is that the moment your character so much as begin to graze an edge they dead-stop. It does not 'add' to the RPG-experience. It just makes jumping a tedious clunky fucking chore and Acrobatics can fuck off as a skill. Why not make walking a skill too? Why, now you can now longer strafe because your skill is too low, better walk 34 miles before you can strafe. Great game design, truly.
And yes
of course the games travelling system is actually not bad at all because there's all of these ways to travel that a
new player obviously will know about when they start the game.
The movement speed is slow, the mist makes it hard to see anywhere so it makes it hard to navigate, the world map isn't exactly detailed so it is hard to know whether or not I'll have to navigate through nooks and crannies. Maybe long distance travelling from towns to towns works fine with being able to use a Silt Strider and shit but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about just walking from point A to point B. The mist 'is' making it hard to see. The low movement speed you got at the start of the game 'does' make it a chore. The map not being detailed means that a new player 'will' be forced to deal with unexpected obstacles that just hinder progress that in no way makes the game more fun. And how am I supposed to use a Silt Strider when I'm lost in the ashlands exactly? Or teleportation magic of that matter, did you forget that that also depends on your skill so that you get the oh so joyous time of casting it and failing it 50 times over before it actually does what it is supposed to do?
And yes of course NPC's spewing out paragraphs of text is a good dialogue system. Yup, does not feel like a chore at all for a new player that isn't even invested into the lore yet to be forced to read tons of text of things that may or may not be relevant to the gameplay. Yup. Maybe you enjoy that shit but me? I'm already frustrated dealing with my attacks not registering. I'm already pissed off at the damn jumping mechanic. I'm already bitter having to deal with the god damn mist that is all over the place that made it a chore to get to the damn NPC in the first place. And now I have to magically pick the right topic dialogue out of 20 topics that actually has some unique text to it for this NPC and then read 2 big paragraphs of text that may or may not be relevant to me. Yeah. Great fun. Loved it. Not bad at all that most topics are just copy pasted between NPC's. Nah. Not at all.
So let me sum this up, you're basically making the same excuse as others I've heard fawn over Morrowind have done. Basically "the game gets better once you know how it works". And yknow what? Maybe it does get better? Maybe it it a really good game after you figure out how everything works. What topics are actually worth picking with what NPC's, remembering their fantasy names that confuse me, once the skills are higher leveled so that you don't miss constantly. Maybe the game does get better.
The problem I have with this excuse is this; Why should I have to deal with the game being utter diarrhetic shit for dozens of hours before the game finally becomes remotely bearable?
You know how the game works so
you can enjoy the game because to
you these issues don't seem like issues because
you know how to work your way around them.
I don't.
And I realize that no one will start Morrowind automatically knowing how everything works the first time they play it. (And I have no idea how they manage to get far enough into the game for them to actually start liking it or how they could possibly like it from the get-go with how shit it is. Maybe back when it was released and we didn't have a whole lot of other options it could draw people in but nowadays? I don't get it.) Some people manage to push through the shit to find the supposed diamond in the rough deep inside of Morrowind. I have no idea how they do it. I can't.
But I don't care. I don't care how they got into it. I don't care how they managed to get to the diamond in the rough. All I care about is whether or not the game is enjoyable enough for me to actually get invested into it. And after torturing myself for 60 hours I have nothing but complete and utter loathing for that game.
You know how to play Morrowind so to you it isn't that bad.
Congrats. Have fun. But to me it just sounds like you've got a bit of a case of Stockholm Syndrome.
So defend the game all you'd like. But you're just sounding like an apologist to me.
You would most likely not be making these kind of excuses for any other game.
Hell, I've seen you bitch (just like the rest of us) at FO4 for less.
But not Morrowind. Nope. For some reason, 'that' game gets a pass or at the very most a little slap on the wrist?
See here's the thing, I don't need to 'defend' Fallout 1 for example. There's nothing in it that I have to 'defend'. Fallout 1 is simply good enough at being what it is on its own merits and either you enjoy its gameplay or design or you don't. But you're saying you have to "defend" Morrowind? Doesn't that speak volumes about how bad Morrowind actually is? You shouldn't 'need' to "defend" it, you should simply be able to point at it and go "it's actually fine, it's just you who don't enjoy it".
But I can enjoy a first person game. I can enjoy an RPG. I can enjoy a first person open world RPG. I can enjoy paragraphs of text (for gods sake I love reading books). I can enjoy dicerolls in the appropriate kind of combat system. I can enjoy a UI that is well designed.
I can enjoy all of those things, so why can't I enjoy Morrowind? To me the answer is simple, it is because Morrowind isn't a well designed game.
So defend it all you want to but I wasted 1 hour and 40 minutes going over this post and I'm not letting that god damn game waste any more of my time. If you succeed at defending Morrowind then congrats, but even if you don't I have no interest in pointing out why. I'm so sick and tired of this succubi stealing my life away so I'm done.
In closing, here's a smiley.
Morrowind sounds like it is your guilty pleasure and that you need to justify why it is actually good. Like, I have guilty pleasures too. Mostly with music. I enjoy listening to dumb club songs every once in a while. But as much as I enjoy "Stupid Hoe" by Nicki Minaj I will 'never' defend its musical composition, vocal fluidity or artistic expression. Because it is a song about a "stupid hoe"... By Nicki fucking Minaj.
Then again, top 10? Really? Morrowind is one of the 10 greatest games you've 'ever' played? That just doesn't make any sense to me. It's like you just told me you enjoy eating glass. I know there's the whole different strokes for different folks and all but that seems a bit extreme.