Seems like this isn't the general vibe here, but I'm really excited about this game. There are plenty of options for quality, new and innovative cRPG's at this point, including Obsidian's own work with Pillars and Tyranny. And Wasteland 2, upcoming Wasteland 3 - I don't understand why people are upset that Obsidian isn't making another isometric crpg when they've made 3 recently. They want to try something more like one of their most successful projects, New Vegas. I miss New Vegas. Fallout 4 was such a sober, disappointing reminder that Bethesda really makes accessible dopamine-release loops with shallow rpg mechanics tacked on - Fallout 4 sucked, but obviously I wondered what would happen if they let Obsidian develop a follow-up and if they could make a half-decent rpg out of that framework.
Instead, we're getting a sort of spiritual successor to New Vegas, but in an original setting where Obsidian can flex their creativity and innovate the formula. That's great news. If you spend your time replaying Baldur's Gate and F1/2 all the time, and didn't like New Vegas, then, okay, don't be into this game either then I guess - you've still got Wasteland 3 and tons of other options incoming. Obsidian wants to make this game and as a fan of F:NV, I'm hyped.