OXM article excerpts

This picture:


...irritates me from a user interface design point of view.
This illustrates that while choosing your stats, you'll only be able to see one at a time, and you won't be able to see the effect these stats have on your skills.

These guys can make the pretty but know absolutely fuck all about game design.
I have to say that some of that scenery and the details really are astounding.


Now with all the good stuff covered, lets get to the rest.

I really can't get over the power armour. Its trash elemental. But the mutants, and Behemoth in specific, are horendous. A shiver literally runs up (or is down?) my spine each time I look at it. And I ocassionally maniacally shout. It has no place in the Fallout universe. Its not a mutant, its more like a dump of synthetic muscle formed into a humanoid shape.

The kiddy booklet serves an indication of how Beth is going to treat the players. (hint: like babies)
kiddy booklet said:
C is for charisma, it's why people think I'm great. I make my friends all laugh and smile, and never hate!

(great rhyme by the way :ok: )
Is that really all the information we're going to be given when determining the characteristics of the PC? Don't worry about the intricasies of the game, its supposed to be "immersive". You still don't get it do you? This is the way. This isn't a game. No. Its an "immersive" experience. (I cringed every time I typed "immersive", *cringe*).

The ghoul looked better when blurred. I petition that all ingame ghouls are blurred. Say they excrete some toxic (glowing!) gas that hinders the sight, or something. Just keep them blurred. Admitedly however, the level of detail is pretty impressive, though in the way that a high res picture of a piece of shit is impressive.

*shivers as he tabs through pictures to check what else to comment on, forgetting about Behe...*

Another gripe. The 'wireframe' weaponry. Do you really have to go round with a barrel and trigger held together with chicken wire? Its so damn fugly! I understand that the earth was engulfed in a cataclysmic soup of nuclear pandemonium, but hey, there's no excuse for foregoing style.


I really hope that this isn't all from the beginning of the game, because encountering minigun-weilding mutants at the doorstep of the vault is totally wrong. I get the impression from all this, and the previous coverage, that (incredibly enough) Bethesda is just trying to create a wicked cool, "immersive" (*cringe*) environment, to then just release a plethora of mundane standard quests and missions, tailored to seem appropriate within the [cross]fallout[/cross] post-nuclear context. All that wrapped up in some barely significant overacrching plot line, which guises the MMO-style griding with an illusion of meaning.

Why Bethesda? Why? Why did you have to pick on the poor old fella? Couldn't you have left him to slowly fade away, to rest in piece, in our memories forever beautiful? You had to go gravedigging, taking the wrong brain (and torso, head, legs, arms, though only the wrong right arm) and creating this abomination of a former glorious entity. And why? All because of a folly.

Lohan said:
Oooh Fallout! I liked Fallout. It'd be fun to make a Fallout 3.
The dark humor of talking to an old lady who's really nice to you, and then blow her head off, put her head on a counter, and pretend to talk to her...there's a certain charm to that
He has used his famous head joke in Oblivion already.It was at the end of Dark Brotherhood.
starts to feel more like a fantasy game to me, not a fallout. Guess it will be an average game you play for 2 days, just like oblivion. Just wish they chose 2d and text descriptions because it gives space for imagination, 3d is doomed to be only an average game
zamppe said:
Just wish they chose 2d and text descriptions because it gives space for imagination, 3d is doomed to be only an average game

I disagree. In my opinion 3D could be great, if done properly. You could still have text descriptions, and good graphics (key word:good) never hurt.

The problem arises when you simply create a vain cutsey world in which everything is just supposed to be whizz whizz bang bang, be a roler coster ride. The 'role playing' is being butted out in the place of "immersion" (*cringe*). Its more like a movie with areas of interaction. The monkey-brained player gets all excited when hes handed a banana and occasionally can make an arbitrary choice a or b. Now thats revolutionary.

My judgments could be unfair and, as of yet, unsupported, but I'm simply expressing my (rather dependable) gut feeling.

here we have

Mad Max:


My Fallout tribute illustration:

and than this screen shot:

i don't say they were inspired by my illustration but i`m glad they stay true to fallout :)
As long as every ghoul isn't "feral" then why is everyone flipping their keyboard over this? Some of the ghouls in fallout were effectively zombies and attacked without provocation, what is so absolutely unacceptable about having a few on the east coast?

Look, I'll just go ahead and admit up front that I'm not nearly as atuned to or worried about the canon regarding ghouls, but if there's two things an RPG cannot survive without it's:

1). Giant rats
2). Zombies

If anything in the Fallout universe is going to fill the role of "zombies" it's gotta be the ghouls. And to suggest the look of the ghoul is wildy different from the original game is a bit of a stretch; that side-by-side comparison between the OB zombie and the Fallout 3 ghoul is absurd. If any of the "talky" ghouls look exactly like the feral one, then we might have a problem, but as it stands I think it looks fine.

Also: stop freaking out over the binary dialogue screen already, sheesh! It's not like conversations in Fallout never featured junctures where there were only 2 options; in fact, it was quite common.
Well, due to screenshots, children will be in the game. As to whether they appear outside the vault and in harms way is another thing.

I'm sure the dialogue was simply limited in the conversation screenshot, as in there are only two choices to choose from in that branch of the conversation.

The child book is meant to look as if it's for a child, obviously.

As to whether the whole 'growing up thing' will feel right or wrong, that is yet to be seen. However, I'm sure the design team will be spending quite a lot of time designing this part of the game to be very natural feeling. Though, from a design standpoint, that 'fast forward' in time should (or some other dramatic comparable change) appear some where else in the game for content balance. That might be interesting to see what, but I'm betting it's just a one time thing, but in that case it's only distracting from the over all game.

I'm betting the ghoul in the screen is an insane or radioactively fucked up ghoul, different from other social ghouls that might appear in the game. I completely agree with bloody hypocrite in saying that people's first reaction is to blow their heads off, but that can be a interesting mechanic when the player meets friendly ghouls. (shooting them on sight and fucking an alignment or faction liking them.)

I'm happy to finally see the minigun, as it's iconic to fallout for me. The Chinese rifle was starting to irk me.

I think that the screenshot of the super mutant getting his leg blown off is terrible. How the fuck did he end up in that position? Couldn’t they take a shot of something less retarded happening on the screen? Hell, even the minigun is clipping through the ground!

I'm not terribly upset with the behemoth as a super-super-mutant, if it's a boss and has a good story behind it, then I'm fine. I compare it to Frank Horrigan if anything.

Overall the screenshots have made me a bit happier about the outlook of the game, but I can't say a damn thing until I play it.
First pic: This is Oblivion and its zombies... Or Ghouls or whatever they were called. Copy paste.
Second pic: That's not the vault right?
Third pic: Looks kinda nice :)
Fourth pic: Quest compass? Check. Enemies' onscreen "life" info? Check. Handholding for people who are too STUPID not to check the control config menu before anything else? Check! This is Oblivion 2!
Fifth pic: Yup, no shadows. And Burnout, no Fallout, inspiration ;) Looks stupid in the screenshot, but it's not something you can really screenshot.
Sixth pic: It looks, it looks like they tried to improve on Oblivion's dialogs. Look at the guy's stance... And his face is not completely ugly and weird, it's kind of realistic, even though that's totally NOT what Fallout needs... Forgettable realistic faces? No thank you... Stupid bethesda, do they even know gamdesign other then immersive+HDRlighting+soil erosion=hit?
Seventh pic: Wft's that? A Power Armor? The minigun looks nice but the blur... and the robot...
Eighth pic: I don't know, but I don't like the trees. The rest seems ok.
Nineth pic: Dogmeat never seemed so unfallouty. It must be the shoulder pads. The gun on his back seems ok, not AK...
Last pic: This one's like WOW!!! Spot on! If only the rest of the game, gameplay too, was that good! Dude, if they had released this screenshot like in the first place, before any other, things could have been different.
The last 3 shots are good, with the last one being very good. I'm not crazy about Dogmeat returning though. Seriously, even though Dogmeat is now an "easter eggish" character, I don't like at all that factions and characters are returning despite this being set on the East Coast.
I thought setting it on the East Coast was a great idea, as they could cut loose a lot of the "lore" and create their own imprint on the series. But from what we've seen, it seems that they're struggling to put that in, while changing the gameplay instead.
This is the wrong approach from all fronts from where I stand.

But yeah, those last 3 screenshots are good.

I don't actually mind the ghouls appearance that much, but like someone said... The whole shot feels totally zombie like. Super Mutant Behemoth meh. Leg blown off, wtf is happening. Argh...

And once again, when I view these screenshots with human characters in them... I'm so afraid that in game they will start walking around like they did in Oblivion, with those unbelievably stupid looks on their faces and that feel of complete lack of purpose.
Yes, that might be superficial of me. But that thought is worthy of nightmares to me.

EDIT: BTW Brother None, did you get my PM? Internet connection went wonky on me as I sent it.
Mungrul said:
This picture:


...irritates me from a user interface design point of view.
This illustrates that while choosing your stats, you'll only be able to see one at a time, and you won't be able to see the effect these stats have on your skills.

These guys can make the pretty but know absolutely fuck all about game design.

Not that I am one to defend bethesda, but I assume that at the end of the tutorial you will be able to look over your stats on a sheet like interface and modify them like you were able to in Morrowind. It would be nice if you could skip the tutorial, but i don't think they have ever allowed that in any of their games.
So, apparently there's a quote from Todd. And, y'know, he states the obvious but o well.
The game it's closest to is Oblivion. So now when someone asks, 'Is it Oblivion with guns?' my main answer is, 'in all the best ways.'"

Right in your face BN, from Todd! It IS Oblivion with guns, even devs say so!
Whoops, you've already noticed.
O well ~~
It looks like they're combining several unfallouty things from other famous game franchises to appeal to gamers other than *shock* Fallout.

The minigun is good... but the Paladin looks like crap.

The last one is right on, the two before are passable, the other range from disappointing to crap.
Brother None said:
Anyway, Bethesda's dark humour so far is pretty far removed from Fallout's dark humour, which was: FEV - designed to be the saviour of humanity - becomes its biggest threat, against this thread only an atomic bomb - that almost destroyed humanity - can be used for a final solution. That's dark irony, dark humour. Not decapitating old ladies.

I also liked how FEV turned out to be the savior again in Van Buren.
Okay, a review.

1) The ghoul looks good, really good, following the aesthetic of previous Fallouts.

Also, guys, note the adjective "Feral" implying it's a wild, crazed type of ghoul. Just like the ones you met in Necropolis.

2) The status screen is not bad, it definitely echoes the character sheet's status pictures.

3) I like it. I really do. I can't lay a finger on what makes me like it, but I do...

4) Oh yeah, this is really special. I'll propably follow Briosa's advice and keep a save at the end of the creation process if there is no way to skip it.

5) The Behemoth looks better from this angle... still don't know WHAT THE FUCK IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE.

6) Is this shot awesome or what? IT IS. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SHOT.

7) Not bad from an atmospheric point of view, has a slight Junktown vibe.

8) It's good, really good. The armour from this angle looks like properly powered armour (exoskeleton and such), the minigun is used properly too... definitely not a bad shot.

9) Haha, they couldn't resist making a Mad Max'esque shot :)

10) Hmm... not bad character art, though the dialogue interface... hmm, it actually breaks immersion, contrary to what they wanted to achieve. Give me my CRT monitor back.

11) MP9 at last!

Though I'd like to ask one thing - why was the mutant breakdancing on his head?

Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised by the screenshots.

I love this rifle, it looks like an evolution of StG-45(M) :) .

Is this the Fallout's signature 10mm SMG? It's probably some other gun.

A paladin in some other power armor shooting some other minigun. It looks pretty cool - the pile of vomit in the background doesn't.

Nice overal mood. I wonder if the things suspended in brown puke are stones or some kind of living organisms. They look almost alive.
I like the most of the screens. The zombie is.. well.. a zombie or so, the behemoth... mah.. but the landscape, the dog and so on are cool.

I always thought this is how Dogmeat was supposed to look - a filthy, half-feral mongrel with an attitude problem.He looks like a mix-bred Husky or something on the screen. Bleh.

Still, the screens with VD and Dogmeat solo are the best of the bunch, and pretty cool, themselves.

Props to Toddler for coming out of the closet, and admitting the oblivious. I mean, obvious.

The dialogue screenie made me lol, as did the "leg shot" (oh gawd..) one. Lol in not a light-hearted, cheerful way. More in a "about to kill myself" way, but still.

I'm not sure how Bethesda is managing to do it, but Fallout 3 looks, in my eyes, worse and worse each time i see new bits of info about it.


Welcome to the present. :/