OXM article excerpts

DarkLegacy said:
At least our fears of the dialogue sucking are now gone.. :roll:
Because of just one screen? Don't you think that you're being a little unfair here? The game is not even ready yet for god's sake!!
I personally somehow managed to enjoy these screenshots for what they were : Fallout-inspired post apocalyptic first person shootzor.
I was expecting faaaaar worse than this, I actually like some of these !
Soulforged said:
DarkLegacy said:
At least our fears of the dialogue sucking are now gone.. :roll:
Because of just one screen? Don't you think that you're being a little unfair here? The game is not even ready yet for god's sake!!
Agreed. We can't just say the dialog will rule because of one screen. I mean, it's Bethesda after all... One screen won't tell anything, we have to know more to actually know it won't suck...
Soulforged said:
DarkLegacy said:
At least our fears of the dialogue sucking are now gone.. :roll:
Because of just one screen? Don't you think that you're being a little unfair here? The game is not even ready yet for god's sake!!
Every piece of information they show is official information and supposed to represent their game. It's pretty fair to judge by the information *they* think is ready to be seen.
I don't have time to read the whole thread before I leave for work, but I noticed the belt he's wearing the exact belt the Vault Dweller wore in the exile shot of Fallout with the three piece shoulder pad and all.

Again, if someone already mentioned it, I apologize.
I like most of these screenshots, personally.

But the Behemeth? Why is it in the game at all, and moreover why does it look so much like the Nemisis in resident evil?
I'm liking most these screens a lot. The party shot is pretty stupid and the Super Mutant *is* stupid, but other than that everything else looks fine.

Unlike most of you, I think the ghoul looks very ghoulish. I think that the term 'zombie' used in the description was more in the sense of personality. Which makes sense for "feral" ghouls like the Metropolis ghouls which would attack anyone on sight as if they were... well... zombies.

The dialog shot looks very good too. Please note though that I'm talking solely about the character. He looks really detailed and the face looks very nice. Clothing design is pretty cool. On a side note, did anyone notice the word: "Jerich.." on the right edge, a bit above the middle? What is that?

The armored character shot also looks very nice. Correct me if I'm wrong but this has been confirmed that there are no screenshots of the Power Armor models from Fallout1/2 as of yet right? If so than I have no complaints about the armor design.

The dogmeat and leg decapitation shots shows the Vault suit very closely and I think it looks great. The pose of the Super Mutant after being shot does look pretty ridiculous but I guess watching the animation will help me get a final verdict.

Of course, the last shot is the best one of the lot. Very nice atmosphere there.

I have stopped considering this game as a true Fallout sequel a long time ago which allowed me to look at this game at a completely different view point. It really looks like its shaping up to be a pretty decent Post-Apocalyptic game which is what it will always be for me, just another post apocalyptic game...
The dark humor of talking to an old lady who's really nice to you, and then blow her head off, put her head on a counter, and pretend to talk to her...there's a certain charm to that.

Wow, former Fallout developers must be really proud of 'em. Anyway, I lolled. :ok:
stingray420 said:
Not that I am one to defend bethesda, but I assume that at the end of the tutorial you will be able to look over your stats on a sheet like interface and modify them like you were able to in Morrowind. It would be nice if you could skip the tutorial, but i don't think they have ever allowed that in any of their games.

It's not so much about skipping the tutorial, rather it's about clunky and inefficient interface design.
With the original Fallout character sheet, you can see your skills change as you alter your statistics all on one screen.
With this, there will be a lot of unnecessary flicking back and forth between screens to see the different effects of different attribute values.
Sloppy and lacking foresight.
On a side note, did anyone notice the word: "Jerich.." on the right edge, a bit above the middle? What is that?

It's probably the name of the dude. Incidentally, I bet he has the same voice as all the Redguards in Oblivion, and shares it with Sheriff The Simms.

[edit] Heh, you know what else would be funny? A player character with an ethnicity that isn't Irish. ;)

[edit2] Confirmed: Jericho is the guy's name. Check out the "Dad" caption in the other dialogue screenshot
ToastMan said:
Unlike most of you, I think the ghoul looks very ghoulish. I think that the term 'zombie' used in the description was more in the sense of personality. Which makes sense for "feral" ghouls like the Metropolis ghouls which would attack anyone on sight as if they were... well... zombies.

Really? Let's play "find 5 differences". http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=480284&highlight=#480284
I have no problems with aggresive ghouls, I have a problem with ghouls trying TO EAT YOU BRAINZ. And probably guts too.

The dialog shot looks very good too. Please note though that I'm talking solely about the character. He looks really detailed and the face looks very nice. Clothing design is pretty cool.

Dialogue... you mean the one with yes/no answers?
Black said:
Really? Let's play "find 5 differences". http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=480284&highlight=#480284
I have no problems with aggresive ghouls, I have a problem with ghouls trying TO EAT YOU BRAINZ. And probably guts too.

Ok. You're entitled to your own opinion. Mine is just different.

Dialogue... you mean the one with yes/no answers?

It seems you chose to totally disregard the rest of what I said. I added that I was addressing the character design only, not the dialog options. I too think that simplifing the dialog is a bad move.

It's probably the name of the dude. Incidentally, I bet he has the same voice as all the Redguards in Oblivion, and shares it with Sheriff The Simms.

[edit] Heh, you know what else would be funny? A player character with an ethnicity that isn't Irish. Wink

[edit2] Confirmed: Jericho is the guy's name. Check out the "Dad" caption in the other dialogue screenshot

Oh ok, got it. Thanks!
I guess when they use the word "zombie" it's much more attractive for guys who have never heard about the Fallout universe, and who have never heard the word "ghoul" before. But let's be clear, the right word is "ghoul", we are not watching the last Mila Jovovich's film. And Black is true, I don't want to see stupid zombie, 'cause it would deal with caricature, and people are gonna start to think they are stupid. => but Harold, Lenny, Seth are here to prove them wrong. But I got to admit that what I've seen on these pictures is an amazing work! And like others have said before me, this one ROCKS =>



BTW, the pic reminds me one from Fallout Tactics :


Eh, the environment in that screenshot reminds me of Gothic and World of Warcraft, not Fallout.
Black said:
Really? Let's play "find 5 differences". http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=480284&highlight=#480284
I have no problems with aggresive ghouls, I have a problem with ghouls trying TO EAT YOU BRAINZ. And probably guts too.
There were mindless, aggresive ghouls in Fallout and IIRC some ghouls mentioned brains in combat taunts.

Remember than the first ghouls that the players meets in Necropolis are mindless and hostile. When the player descends into sewers, ey meets a group of ghouls whose leader shouts: "Don't shoot!" so that the player wouldn't confuse them with mindless zombies.
ToastMan said:
Ok. You're entitled to your own opinion. Mine is just different.
All right, but you hafta admit- that Ghoul is reaching for the VD like he's going to eat his brains out. Besides, I'm wandering what will target audience do if they find out that these new zombies can use weapons.
And about that shot- yeah, sorry about that, I didn't read it carefully. And someone at the Codex found where did they get inspiration. http://rpgcodex.net/images/news/Choices 2.JPG

The only shot I like is the one with VD and dogmeat, something like Mad Max meets the end of FO1.
Minigun doesn't look too bad either, but it's really hard to fuck up minigun. Even if they tried to.
Sorrow said:
Black said:
Really? Let's play "find 5 differences". http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=480284&highlight=#480284
I have no problems with aggresive ghouls, I have a problem with ghouls trying TO EAT YOU BRAINZ. And probably guts too.
There were mindless, aggresive ghouls in Fallout and IIRC some ghouls mentioned brains in combat taunts.

Yeah you're right, I remember the aggresive ghouls near the manhole when you arrive in Necropolis. Let's just say that some are crazy & others are just fracking intelligent freaks (well... just like some humans I guess :mrgreen: ).