Patches for Fallout 2

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I have posted a question but I have not recieved an answer so here it is as a reminder.

I do not know if it can be done but I was asking if you could change the picture of the weapons that the character holds in game. It is really annoying to be carrying a laser rifle yet in the game, it looks like I am carrying a flamer.

Pretty much I was wondering how difficult it would be to deisgn, animate, and add in new weapon pictures. If the weapons carried by the PC and NPCs look like they did in their pictures, it would be very refreshing.

I can probably help you with this one... Well sort of anyway. Unless you can do 3D animations you are limmited to what is there, though you can use FRM Workshop to make new critters FRMs and possibly Photoshop to edit the frames but there are hundreds of different frame per FRM so it could take a while. If you have any other FRM related questions feel free to PM or start a new thread/topic with you question as the topic if you cant find what you are looking for

If you meen totally new animations, it can be harder as Wild said. But isn't there already a animation for the laser rifles? Or am I to tired to remember it when I've cleared the game 5

Changing the inventory look shouldn't be that hard, just look at all the MOD for that... :)
So you mean just changing what FRM it uses to one that is already there? That would to too diffucult I imagine
Well as far as I know, it would be difficult. The laser rifle for example will need a new picture and the proper animations that go with it.

The PC or NPC that carries it would require a new animation where the character actually shoulders the rifle, aims, and fires. Carrying/movement with the weapon could possibly be tacked on to existing animation.
Could anyone provide an aternative d/l link for these patches since the ones here on NMA doesnt work (just puts me in waiting line and then sais my key is invalid or something).

or maby if someone could send them to me via e-mail:

im just getting into playing FO2 again and would really like to have these patches before i start playing.

by the way - where to is Celest gone ?
Havent heard of him for weeks now....

I agree, it was a while since we saw him, I miss him ;)

As he said, he don't have a internet connection, so we can only wait and see :)
I normaly dont harass newbes, but cremo that is a completely pointless post. I'm not sure where to start...
I would say it was completely off topic but then again I'm not sure where it would be on topic unless you were in the role playing forum and you were pretending to be an Elephant :?
I like pies...

Is that spam? I'm pretending to be fat...

But seriously cremo don't.


I'm sure Cest will be back in no time :)
Come on, spamming the patch thread only gets me unreasonably happy due to false other words...STOP SPAMMING
Hey! I like Peanuts too!!

BTW, this is not considered spamming as it is NOT unsolicited, nor is it cheap fake ham.
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