This ghoul has seen it all

stag's right. the rest of you, kinda right but kinda wrong too.
Public said:Stag said:Everything is opinion, it's silly to think otherwise.
Look, I liked Terminator. I enjoyed it. But, as I said in the Star Trek thread, there's such a thing as pulp, and you gotta realize that. Terminator is pulp. It is disposable.
Even facts are opinions?
Dude, not everything has to be for everyone's standards or tastes. If you don't care, then don't care. Lay it off. Go watch a porn and jerk of or something.
Don't read fan forums. Go do something creative. Cure cancer.
Cimmerian Nights said:...
I'd love to see another one like the 1st, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. They're trying to hard to make the next Hollywood Summertime Action Blockbuster.
PastaMasta said:Terminator 1 was good. The rest are....meh.
And the trademark of all 80s action movies - frenetic synthesizer score!dirtbag said:Anyone misses the characteriscly (sorry I'm tired, swedish and wont even try to spell that correctly, haha) metallic blue color in the future war scenes?! Why change that?
The Dutch Ghost said:I fear more a very over the top scenario and a very over the top John Connor who more raises irritation than inspiration in people.
Crni Vuk said:What I dont understand is why Terminator 4 has to look like a rip off from Transformers when they had with Terminator 1 and 2 the best references for the war in the future ...
I guess everything has to be a hoolywood bluckbuster today.
dirtbag said:Embarressing design of the new machines... The autobikes and the big "awzuuum" megarobot...
The Dutch Ghost said:When I see the trailer of the new terminator movie I honestly feel like I am watching a very expensive video game.
Pvt. Joe Bowers said:[addressing Congress] ... great films, with plots! Where you cared about whose ass it was, and why it was farting!
Then i guess you must probably LOVE the sarah connor chronicles John Connor....