PG-13 Terminator

The Dutch Ghost said:
How the hell stem cells will be involved in the design of a better terminator, I haven't got a clue, unless they mean they use it to clone human tissue.
Otherwise it sounds as if the writers just put it in as stem cells are a current day topic.
Might have something to do with I-950 model. Besides, as I understand different time line SkyNets came up with different tactics how to deal with human vermin.
I still feel the stench from watching T3, it's like the director can't come out with any idea (or the script writer) and tried to stitch the whole film of the first 2 movies.

I_eat_supermutants said:
I really would have been happy if this franchise died at Terminator 2.
Indeed. The ending pretty much sums up the whole film. Thought it makes you wonder how will Kyle Reese exist if his father didn't go back to the pass in the coming future (without skynet)... :o
Mikael Grizzly said:
Am I the only one looking forward to T4?

Sorry to be so negative but I hate false praise.

I read some of the storyline and that sounded okay, just nothing special.
But I have heard some bad things about the acting and movie execution.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Then i guess you must probably LOVE the sarah connor chronicles John Connor....

Actually I quite dislike that series and its concept, and I feared for a while Alien and Predator might have been given the same treatment.
As a long time Alien fan, somethnig inside me is always dieing with each new Aliens vs Predator flick that is coming out ... to many good old franchises I have known and enjoy have been changed into cash cows only for the purpose of milking.

Mikael Grizzly said:
Am I the only one looking forward to T4?
well on a board with so many people that have their experience with the one or other good old franchise geting raped for the money. Probably yes youre alone ! :mrgreen:

But to say something more serious, I think its less the issue that T4 will be in some form entertaining.

The real issue at least in my eyes is that some people just cant let certain movies/stories ... just die. I mean Terminator, Alien(s), etc. Many of them have as movies (or books in some cases) many values but always trying to find new ways so they dont "stop" is a bad thing in my eyes cause some had well ... great endings or have been finished and I would much more like to see some new projects instead of always resurecting old things.
It has a decent rating on IMDB and Jonathan Nolan apparently was invloved with the script. I may actually check it out but I still won't hold my breath for a classic.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Am I the only one looking forward to T4?

It seems to be a stupid fun, just like every other Terminator movie. So yeah, I'll see it once it's out. I never took Terminator movies seriously so I don't really understand all the "raping" complaints. It's just a stupid action movie, c'mon people! Have you nothing better to bitch about?
exactly ... and the alien movies are just another stupid sci-fi-horror-flick ...

I can understand if people only watch some things for the enjoyment and have no personal conection to it thats how I see the Lord of the Rings and the movies while some fans and setting of the books think its a pretty bad adaption (I agree that it lacks somewhat compared to the books but in my eyes its still a very good movie) so I would not call my self a LotR fan. But that is what makes some fans and others not. And what ever if Terminator was just senseless action or not they could have tried at least with T4 to stay somewhat close with the T1 and T2 style and design. Or even better make a completely new post apocalyptic movie without the name of Terminator no conection to it and a completely new story why not get people with true creativity? It was the same reason why this Terminator SCC series used the name, hype and money. Thx god people still dont buy EVERYTHING since they removed the series already after the third episode since no one here wanted to see it looks like there is still hope left for humanity :mrgreen:
Beverly Hills Cop and Dangerous Minds was rated R. The definition of PG-13 has changed. It pretty much means rated R now.
Well the movie was okay, better than Terminator 3 at the very least.
I'm starting to become convinced that Bale has been at his Batman role for too long, it's sort of channeling into his John Conner performance.

Aside from that, some cheesy special effects that really made me laugh, decent action scenes, Arnold shows up at one point (well, his likeness), and it was generally fun and well made.
It doesn't even half-way approach Terminator 2 or 1, and the post-apocalyptic wasteland is a bit generic, much less the skull strewn wastelands of T2 or the junkyards of T1, just typical greyness with blown up shit.

However, it was fun, and I'll give it that, it didn't make me fall asleep at the very least.
Just lower your expectations a bit and it will meet them, it's genuinely good enough to be a satisfactory sequel, but it's not on the level that fans will be raving about it.
but I dont want to lower my "standarts" :cry: ! regarding a good franchise only to excuse uncreative work... had to listen to that argument all the time while explaining people why AvP sucks compared to the usual Alien and Predator movies :cry:
There was no Summer Glau *swoons* but all in all, I'd say this movie was pretty bad ass... Asides from the moronic boisterous teenager sitting behind me that had to blurt out the most IGNORANT remarks.

"Oh, I believe that, he fell from that height and is not even hurt, what a joke."


"How would the radio stations still be playing music."

*sigh* I need to start paying the extra dollar to go to the 21 and up theater to avoid crap like that.
Eyenixon said:
Well the movie was okay, better than Terminator 3 at the very least.
I'm starting to become convinced that Bale has been at his Batman role for too long, it's sort of channeling into his John Conner performance.
If you have any doubts to Bale's commitment to delivering the goods on Terminator listen to this (heard on radio the other day):


Pretty funny when people lose it like that, at least he's going off because he wants to do things right.
Eyenixon said:
I just found that out in this thread.

Wasn't planning on watching it anyway, once a series hits the three mark on sequels I'm out.
Except for Rambo.
I liked Rambo III.
Die Hard 3 was also great!
Just saw it, it wasn't a very good movie. Decent action flick overall, but it just isn't a Terminator one without Ahnold. And I mean the real Ahnold, even if T3 kinda sucked at least he was still there, not a fake digital rendition.