El Pagano Loco said:TorontRayne said:Debunking huh? Wow. Now this is getting interesting.
My initial comment was that Gold and Platinum COULD exist on the Moon. My point was ALWAYS that the POSSIBILITY existed, and could be pursued in the future. Never anything beyond that. Thanks for keeping me entertained. This is great.
Backpedaling really? If you read the post to begin with you would see that I mentioned that the articles were not entirely credible, but the notion has been considered quite a bit. Once again I never claimed damning proof either way.
What notion? What possibility? Even the articles you provided yourself mentioned no notion or not even any shred of suggestion there might be gold or platinum there. For fuck's sake non of them even had the words "gold", "platinum" or any mention of anything like it in them. The fuck are you talking about?
No but the one eom posted did. The ones I posted mentioned REE primarily. You said only Helium-3 and Water existed on the Moon and nothing else. You stated that nothing else of value could be found there. I just posted those to show you that many things could be there, but you simply won't accept it which is fine. You didn't respond to his post, so you may have missed it.
Edit: You seem to be stuck on the Gold thing. I did mention REE a few times. You may have missed that while I was editing. REE will be pretty valuable in the future I think. You may be trying to argue the "gold and platinum" point, when I am more trying to argue the "elements of value" point.