Crni Vuk said:
depends. We believe that we need it. But as said. We do NOT need it to survive.
Again. If there would be no oil tomorrow for example (for no one), then that is how it would be. Everything how we know it today would stop, but people would not simply disappear. Life would go on. Somehow. Many would die, probably because of what ever issue humanity has to face. But some people would survive. So much for sure. Just like always.
Your argument is self-contradictory! "People would not simply disappear" but "many would die".
Your final point is also irrelevant because what concerns us isn't the non-existence of human beings but the fact that many would die. You yourself just admitted that!
But remove clean water for example as resource. And then you have a real problem.
Do you know how much clean water we have available? Are you aware of the use of oil and other resources to make clean water available?
I really would not be surprised if we see more wars in the distant future rather for clean water sources then oil.
Or both, especially given the importance of energy in cleaning and distributing water!
maybe I am wrong, but I have the feeling this isn't the point as its more about how we tend to believe that we really need oil while actually when you think about it, who is the group which needs it the most?
Almost everyone does! What do you think is needed, together with phosphates and other resources, for mass manufacturing and mechanized agriculture, not to mention distribution of goods?
The military and the industry/companies. The usual guy on the street? He only needs the products made of oil, and those can be after all replaced somehow, plastic is a rather new resource and it could be replaced in many situations by metal/wood or other resource
You won't believe it, but almost everything the "usual guy on the street" is using is made out of oil or uses it, from clothes to food containers to food. And not just oil but fresh water, phosphates, iron ore, and other resources, many of them obtained through infrastructure that involves oil.
Keep in mind that all of that was part of what powered up the Green Revolution, among others.
In fact, even renewable energy is partly dependent on oil, besides having lower energy returns.
There is the story from John Webster (
recipes for disaster) who decided to go without any oil or oil based products for 1 year. While it was difficult, it was not impossible. He actually managed it even quite "fine" considering how important oil seems to be for many people and every day life.
Almost all manufactured goods and processed food plus mechanized agriculture involve oil used for energy and/or petrochemicals.
While Oil is very important we should not make the mistake here to actually believe everything. There is a really huge industry and lobby behind it. And that naturally means it will have a much higher value for those groups and they will try to explain people how it is important for their and our all survival the economy etc. While I am not an expert I have the feeling they are exaggerating.
Nonsense. Realities of how manufacturing and mechanized agriculture work are not based on lobbying.