Plot Holes of Fallout 4 - Spoilers

I know your used to Bethesda's dialogue but come on you can try harder:p
To be perfectly honest, I find your sentence structure to be entirely atrocious. I've seen Brazilians, who barely know English, type in a more readable manner.

Random exclamation points, random hyphens, unnecessary use of (), constant start-stopping with random interjections like "God!" like you're some high school girl, random remarks like "books don't matter", that have nothing to do with what was stated.

I'm not even trying to be insulting or anything, it just really is rather difficult to read, and it's actually getting worse the more you post. It's just a really bizarre form of typing.

Also, you avoided the point... again.
Any other sage words you want to contribute moron?
Also subtle racism against Brazilians :p classy:p

Mate sorry to break it to you but you wouldn't know what a point was if it was lodged knee-deep in your ass:p
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Any other sage words you want to contribute moron?
Also subtle racism against Brazilians :p classy:p
Yeah, constantly using the word moron, instead of actually trying to respond to the argument at hand, is an obvious diversionary tactic that undermines any point you might have made.

And that's not racist, and I never implied all Brazilians were like that. I've just met a lot who really do try to visit English based forums, only to not be able to type in a way people understand. I compliment them on trying as hard as they do though.
Quite the opposite good sir :p I use the word moron to highlight how moronic your statements are as i break them down, idiot:p They're there go back and read them as you seem to skim through anything you cant retort back..i only use that word for esteemed gentlemen of the cloth such as yourself:P Also please stop being mother theresa to Brazilians learning the language they dont need your help:p

OOOH diversionary tactics...are you a stealth operative?:P

Also MORON when i fu**ing told you dialogue exposition has been done for centuries and gave Martin as an example - you said booh booh! books don't count...i dare you idiot go back and read it and now you mention i mention that books dont count...:p lovely:p
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Don't overuse the word moron ... the guy has the same right as everyone else to voice his opinion. Argue about his opinion. Don't call him names.

Excuse me sir but are you the decider of the overuse of the word? If you think i am bullying him i will stop because i didn't want to bully him...but do i not have a right to voice my opinion that his opinion is moronic?

On further note dude you are right i came off a bit too aggressively in some of my posts, i assure you i am not in fact angered, i just type rough and drive my points hard..apologies:p i will tone it down :p
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Also MORON when i fu**ing told you dialogue exposition has been done for centuries and gave Martin as an example - you said booh booh! books don't count...i dare you idiot go back and read it and now you mention i mention that books dont count...:p lovely:p
Uhh no, I said
He writes books, which can only present information one way, via the text of the book. Games are not books, nor should they try to act like books for they are not books, they are games, and have multiple ways available to them to present information.
No where in there does it say books don't count, or that I don't like them, or anything else you asserted now or previously.

It says games =/= books, and have more means to display information then books, and shouldn't act like books because they aren't books.
Dude i told you about books having dialogue exposition and you sidelined me by saying videogames are not books...ergo your book argument doesn't count? Do you comprehend that?
DO you do logic?

Lets not even discuss the absolute retardation that is books can only use text when we are actually arguing about methods of delivering information. Like say reading a letter in a book (OOOOOHHHHH mind blown!!!!!!!) or just dialogue as per usual :p
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Say what you like about the main stories of TES games, but their lore is fantastic. And while Bethesda doesn't have anyone as brilliant/insane as Michael Kirkbride writing for them anymore, they still manage to add interesting new elements to the background of the world with every new game. Hell, even the MMO had a lot of great lore.

Regarding the Codex in Mass Effect, I honestly don't see what's so unbelievable or fourth-wall-breaking about it. I figured it was just a mobile device with a databank of information on it. Kind of like a sci-fi Kindle of some sort. Is that really such a stretch?
And while Bethesda doesn't have anyone as brilliant/insane as Michael Kirkbride writing for them anymore,
Kirkbride has historically denied being the main source behind most of the crazy stuff, putting it mostly on Kurt Kuhlman. Not that Kirkbride wasn't responsible for a lot of it mind you, but that Kurt was the real driving force behind it.
And while Bethesda doesn't have anyone as brilliant/insane as Michael Kirkbride writing for them anymore,
Kirkbride has historically denied being the main source behind most of the crazy stuff, putting it mostly on Kurt Kuhlman. Not that Kirkbride wasn't responsible for a lot of it mind you, but that Kurt was the real driving force behind it.

But dude the question remains, do you do logic? :P

Thats all for tonight folks, CONCLUSION: HE DOESN'T :P
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Don't overuse the word moron ... the guy has the same right as everyone else to voice his opinion. Argue about his opinion. Don't call him names.

Excuse me sir but are you the decider of the overuse of the word? If you think i am bullying him i will stop because i didn't want to bully him...but do i not have a right to voice my opinion that his opinion is moronic?

Yeah well, you know, as far as I see it, you're a newcomer, a rough wake up call doesn't hurt anyone. And I personaly don't care if someone says, I have been lurking this forum for 4 billion years.

Just don't call him a moron, or any names ok? I am just saying, be more sensible, it's simply irritating and toxic. Someguys is just having an opinion, he's not attacking anoyne. You don't have to like it. But that won't change it. And NMA is not the place that shuns people just for their opinion, as long their opinion is not offensive. What we don't like, and definetly won't tolerate, are people runing around and starting every second sentence with "moron".

On further note dude you are right i came off a bit too aggressively in some of my posts, i assure you i am not in fact angered, i just type rough and drive my points hard..apologies:p i will tone it down :p

I am not a moderator. So I am not warning you or anything. Feel free to do what ever you want. I just thought It would be a good moment to show that we as a community, simply don't like such behaviour. No matter from who it comes. Sometimes a debate can be agressive, we all get that. Still, I feel you have shown a form of hostility, while Someguy didn't.

Anyway. Let's forget it.
I'd rather we ran the guy through the wringer for pages and pages trying to defend his nonsensical claims than to outright insult him.

One of them is the classier way to make him feel bad about himself.

Don't overuse the word moron ... the guy has the same right as everyone else to voice his opinion. Argue about his opinion. Don't call him names.

Excuse me sir but are you the decider of the overuse of the word? If you think i am bullying him i will stop because i didn't want to bully him...but do i not have a right to voice my opinion that his opinion is moronic?

Yeah well, you know, as far as I see it, you're a newcomer, a rough wake up call doesn't hurt anyone. And I personaly don't care if someone says, I have been lurking this forum for 4 billion years.

Just don't call him a moron, or any names ok? I am just saying, be more sensible, it's simply irritating and toxic. Someguys is just having an opinion, he's not attacking anoyne. You don't have to like it. But that won't change it. And NMA is not the place that shuns people just for their opinion, as long their opinion is not offensive. What we don't like, and definetly won't tolerate, are people runing around and starting every second sentence with "moron".

On further note dude you are right i came off a bit too aggressively in some of my posts, i assure you i am not in fact angered, i just type rough and drive my points hard..apologies:p i will tone it down :p

I am not a moderator. So I am not warning you or anything. Feel free to do what ever you want. I just thought It would be a good moment to show that we as a community, simply don't like such behaviour. No matter from who it comes. Sometimes a debate can be agressive, we all get that. Still, I feel you have shown a form of hostility, while Someguy didn't.

Anyway. Let's forget it.

As i said already i agree i was more aggressive than him, by at least a few notches:P However as becomes grossly evident throughout the conversation i had with him (if you read it), especially towards the end, Thatguy has no interest, NONE, in argumentation, with abstract leaps, taking everything out of context, simply attacking whatever point he wishes, pertinent to the question at hand or not, has no understanding of simple cause and effect and generally dismisses and antagonizes everyone who comes across him without any coherent string of logic whatsoever. Much like a rabid dog with a massive chip on his shoulders. FFS at one point he completely reversed my argument without batting an eye dude! He may not be outright rude but i find his rudeness of character in the way of argumentation to be a much more distasteful and unbecoming affair. It regresses the forums into dick-waving competitions reserved for primates and the such with his classic approach that i will dub: "anything i will say can and will be used against u regardeless of context or actual sense:P" To me that is anathema because i joined these forums to if possible discuss constructively and create ideas with at least approximately like-minded people (hey they like rpgs:P) and yet all i see is thattroll shitting on the walls in every goddamn thread:P Yes he does not cuss, but my question to you mate is considering what he actually does (there is no argument behind his words he can't even remember what we are actually arguing about) is that any better? Mindless, juvenile dick-waving arenas...that's not in my taste:p
I'd rather we ran the guy through the wringer for pages and pages trying to defend his nonsensical claims than to outright insult him.

One of them is the classier way to make him feel bad about himself.


Of course it is:p i just went on overdrive from all that stupid and i never was much of a classy guy:p apologies again:P

Also i think making thatguy feel bad about himself is a lost cause...there is no self to salvage:P
The one that gets me is when you meet Shaun and he explains that the Institute needed DNA that was untainted and that's why he was kidnapped, yet the "scientists" that thought that was necessary let the rest of the vault die eliminating a pretty diverse gene pool in the process. Had they posted synths there to maintain the cryo-pods and there was just a malfunction allowing you to escape, imo, would have felt more organic.

Also how Shaun has clean DNA when he was meters away from the shockwave of a nuke, as a baby. How in the blazes were the future Vault Dwellers not blasted with at least some residual radiation I don't know.

The institute wouldnt know that at the time now, would they?

Also some people mention, why would they not go to another Vault. Because I think they realise that most of other Vaults are horrific places where not only they will most probably not find an untainted DNA, but find it corrupted or worse find nothing. Also before somebody says Vault 85, the Institute at the time wouldnt know that the experiment wasnt carried out and after Vault opening to the commonwealth everybody was effectively contaminated.

No, they wouldn't know in advance, but it seems a bit strange that it wouldn't make Shaun's DNA unclean or something. Nukes, well, they give off loads of radiation, and judging from the Glowing Sea the one that hit the outskirts of Boston seemed a particularily potent one, rads-wise.

I mean, by clean DNA I'm assuming they want some really clean one, if being a wastelander or even an Institute member disqualifies you somehow.

I do understand why they went to Vault 111 over the other Vaults. Far easier to kidnap someone who spent 160 years in cryostasis than attempt to raid one where the occupants are awake.. The only other working Vault was 81, and that one was guarded and probably still closed to the outside world at this point in time.
God, the glowing sea as cool as the area is doesnt make any sense. Why isnt Capital Wasteland even alike like that? What was so special about this nuke? Supporseldy the only one to hit Boston as well.

I have to agree, admittedly I dont understand why they would need Shaun in the first place. Why do synths need DNA?

Maybe one of the problems of Bethesda writing is inability to sacrifice ideas for overall improvement of the game and the story.
If they needed pre-war DNA they could have just gone to any pre-war skeleton and collected DNA from it, you don't need something to be alive to collect it's DNA. One could argue that the radiation plus FEV changed them, but there is pre-war skeletons in Vault 111 itself to choose from, it still doesn't make any sense.
I thought Vault 111 had guards as well? I would've paid more attention to see if there were if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't stop looking at those uncanny facial animations. I mean they could've went to a vault like 81 and laid waste to the guards with as many synths as they can waste resources on then the citizens who resisted they could knock out.
If they needed pre-war DNA they could have just gone to any pre-war skeleton and collected DNA from it, you don't need something to be alive to collect it's DNA. One could argue that the radiation plus FEV changed them, but there is pre-war skeletons in Vault 111 itself to choose from, it still doesn't make any sense.

It might have been a bit more complicated than that. Maybe they needed blood samples as well, or cells from his organs. That kind of thing.