This ghoul has seen it all

He is probably more suited to speak his mind on politics than you so....
HE SURE DOESN'T FUCKING SOUND LIKE IT.He is probably more suited to speak his mind on politics than you so....
Who knows more, Noam Chomsky, Condecorated Lingüist, Philosopher, Historian and Social scientist, or a guy with a dog avatar on a Fallout forum.
So you are saying that he doesn't know what he is talking about because he is talking about something that is true?
Are you gonna continue looking like a tool by trying to seem smarter than one of the world's biggest authtorities on the field?
Meanwhile I could probably saturation-bomb your fat fucking head and manage to hit exactly no nervous tissue whatsoever. Still gonna try and convince me that this washed-up old fart is doing anything but repeating yesterday's news like it's some kind of profound revelation because of his EXTENSIVE CREDENTIALS?Hmmmm I hit a nerve.
I can but you are too busy raging to bother.
What credentials and degrees on social sciences do you have? Lurking Subreddits and 4Chan doesn't count tho.
Man, this is some intense Dunning Krugger effect.