Turns out having a nation within a nation makes things complicated.
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W-w-we just have to tr-trust the pr-process, right guys? Right? QAnon said we just have to trust the process.https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/09/us/supreme-court-oklahoma-mcgirt-creek-nation.html
I-I thought Gorsuch was based, guys. I guess making half of Oklahoma Indian country was all part of Trump's 4d chess.
Turns out having a nation within a nation makes things complicated.
We don't have a political discussion section, we have a General Discussion section. And if your continued existence here is any indication, you didn't get banned. You didn't even get warnings so far, at least not actual warning points.By the way, what's the point of a political discussion section of the site if you get banned for mentioning facts the lefties don't like? Why shouldn't leftists be held accountable for what they have done to Europe and the USA in their neo-religious blind rage? If they're going to call me childish insults, why can't I call them out for the children they've sold?