Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Oh I know. I already have Lindsey Ellis (Nostalgic Chick and Hot Dog Girl), Jamie Marchi , Zoey Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian block me on Twitter. It's funny. I don't say anything bad to them. All I tell them is if they really cared about women who were victims of sexual assault then to stop using them as a shield, saying you speak on behalf of all victims or treating them as a monolith to further their goals to gaining more power or virtue signal. Guess I am not the right type of woman or victim for them. :shrug:
In the grim dark world of 2020 not wearing a mask is a sexual offense.
Why not just give tax benefits and refunds for people who use disaster insurance so the government only has to pay for the poor?
The damn lefties ruining everything again!!!1!!1

It definitely isn't the right burning down buildings and tearing shit apart. Sorry but you are on the wrong side of history. I shouldn't have to use a trigger warning and say FAR LEFTISTS every single time. 90 percent of blacks vote Democrat.
It definitely isn't the right burning down buildings
They burned down the riechstag 70 years ago....but now that I think about it, isn't national socialism just another violent left leaning ideology which sees a one party government dictate ones private life and excessive control on the markets just to different yet equal extreme as communism?

therefore Leftists burned down the Riechstag!
Well, when I talk about politics I am not talking about almost 100 years ago. Generally speaking your Right leaning terrorists are not getting funded by rich people, so they are not as effective. They might shoot up a random abortion clinic.
I accidentally got a 12 pack of Diet Pepsi in the mail. It still sits on the floor unopened.