Still Mildly Glowing

Oh hey there, how are you doing? My post got moved to this thread because it triggered Liberals too much.Cheryl Selby is a fucking idiot. I live in Olympia and she is a retard. When she was running for reelection all she did was talk about "diversity" and "inclusion" and said nothing about the rampant homeless and heroin crisis plaguing the city. Whenever a woman brings up the fact that they can't go to a Walgreens without getting accosted by a homeless man, high as kite, threatening them for 20 dollars or they will bash their car windows open she just changes the subjects to "gay rights" or "trans rights". Everyone, if you ever wondered what a city would be like run by a bunch of incompetent hippies from a liberal arts college who only care about social media activism, look no further then Olympia Washington.
Also, you're right.