Funny story about this whole "anti-white" bullshit we are seeing in corporations. Apparently, the main reason these corporations are doing it isn't because of any love for black people (LOL! If it was maybe give them a livable wage with health care benefits) rather, it is to stop people from forming unions. Hear me out. Unions are typically formed when employees, from all walks of life, come together and demand that their work place give them benefits. Health care, dental, safe working conditions, paid time off, child care, ect. Corporations hate unions with a passion. I mean, just look at what Coke Cola did in Columbia a few months back. They hired mercs to kill the union leaders at their plants. Now that shit won't fly in the West so how do corporations here prevent unions from forming? Why, by dividing people of course. Make them hateful and resentful of each other. The more people hate and resent each other the less likely unions will form. It is so sinister and Machiavellian. After all, the best way for a king and his court to not get outed by the peasants is to make the peasants turn on and hate each other.
Oh and another thing I will like to add too that will be ignored by Leftist on NMA but fuck them:
Leftists: "Trump thinks Nazis are fine people!"
Biden: "Don't worry about the genocide in China, it's just their culture."
Leftists: "Whatever you say Uncle Joe! You're so much better than Orange Man!
Not like Leftists, especially on here, have any standards... Fahrenheit 451 is right. Humanity, at least the Left in my opinion, need a fucking factory full of mirrors to take a look at themselves and reflect.