So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I doubt this will ever be acknowledged though as pretty much all the anti left talking points will be instantly blasted to dust. If anything I'd be a centrist if I were in Europe. They already have many of the things I admire and most of my positions would be maintaining what is already in place or incremental updates. I'm left wing in the US though as that is the only way to get any of these things. Like healthcare or education reform.
Once we get there I'll be much more centrist. I'm just stuck with Dems in the US since it's a binary system. Just gonna have to vote to reshape them further left in this case.
The thing is though I am American so my politics reflect that view. If it makes you happy, just replace the word leftists with progressives and liberals with dems.
I consider myself more centrist with right leanings but to many who disagree with me I would be a bigot/transphobe/corporatist, AKA, a right winger.
Generally, anyone who is not willing to compromise would not be a centrist in my book.
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