Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol


I doubt this will ever be acknowledged though as pretty much all the anti left talking points will be instantly blasted to dust. If anything I'd be a centrist if I were in Europe. They already have many of the things I admire and most of my positions would be maintaining what is already in place or incremental updates. I'm left wing in the US though as that is the only way to get any of these things. Like healthcare or education reform.

Once we get there I'll be much more centrist. I'm just stuck with Dems in the US since it's a binary system. Just gonna have to vote to reshape them further left in this case.

The thing is though I am American so my politics reflect that view. If it makes you happy, just replace the word leftists with progressives and liberals with dems.

I consider myself more centrist with right leanings but to many who disagree with me I would be a bigot/transphobe/corporatist, AKA, a right winger.

Generally, anyone who is not willing to compromise would not be a centrist in my book.
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It would depend on what the compromise entailed for it to be acceptable. Sometimes absurd compromises are put forth so it can be rejected and then one side can accuse the other of being uncompromising/dogmatic and the stalemate continues. I'm using an extrme example here, but I don't think you should always compromise depending on the situation. Like with Nazi's. Not calling anyone a Nazi, just an example.

Like compromising on spending money on our own country to fix the myriad of issues it currently has thats currently killing people probably isnt a compromise thats actually worth having unless its blocked otherwise.
I am pretty certain DarkCorp would not compromise with Stalinism. A better example I think.

Also. People love captalism. Till they have to actually live under it ...

I consider myself more centrist with right leanings but to many who disagree with me I would be a bigot/transphobe/corporatist, AKA, a right winger.

Generally, anyone who is not willing to compromise would not be a centrist in my book.
Are you willing to compromise on being a bigot/transphobe/corporatist then? :scratch:

Also, might I ask where you got these superpowers and can you detail exactly what they do?
Are you willing to compromise on being a bigot/transphobe/corporatist then? :scratch:

Also, might I ask where you got these superpowers and can you detail exactly what they do?
They give you the power to hate trans people and black people and a special mana-restoration skill when you suck the dick of large corporations and businesses.

In the context of American politics, the trans issue for example, would be unisex bathrooms. Immigration? Creating additional pathways to American citizenship rather than blanket amnesty for illegals. UHC for health issues that bankrupt your average American.

Its not that hard really. It is more about are you even willing to entertain the idea that you don't get everything you want.

In regards to infrastructure, it definitely would be a more pragmatic choice than, free healthcare for illegals.
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Crni and Squid

All jokes aside, I clearly spoke of compromise in the context of LOCAL politics. Even progressives hate Stalinism duh.

I compromised already. Those folks can call me whatever they hell they want as long as they do not try to make it illegal to express my opinion.
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In the context of American politics, the trans issue for example, would be unisex bathrooms.
Not that I care much about this bathroom thing but I was just thinking right now. Instead of allowing a few transwomen in women bathrooms and a few transmen into men bathrooms, now all males and females can go into the same bathroom? How's that a compromise though. You could say that now all men are allowed to go into the female bath rooms and all women are now allowed into the male bathroom.
Not that I care much about this bathroom thing but I was just thinking right now. Instead of allowing a few transwomen in women bathrooms and a few transmen into men bathrooms, now all males and females can go into the same bathroom? How's that a compromise though. You could say that now all men are allowed to go into the female bath rooms and all women are now allowed into the male bathroom.

Or, maybe its an extra CHOICE? Who says I am doing away with men and womens bathrooms? Kind of an extreme assumption to make in my opinion.
Or, maybe its an extra CHOICE? Who says I am doing away with men and womens bathrooms? Kind of an extreme assumption to make in my opinion.
But then what's the point of it calling it a compromise because this does not satisfy ... either side really. Again. I am not having a stake in here really.
There is a left wing in America. It just doesn't resemble left wings elsewhere. Left wing isn't something strictly defined and the American new left is defined by "social justice and expansion of equality". Left is not strictly defined by anti captialism just like how right wing sometimes used to be anti capitalist, pro monarchist movements.
The thing is though I am American so my politics reflect that view. If it makes you happy, just replace the word leftists with progressives and liberals with dems.

I consider myself more centrist with right leanings but to many who disagree with me I would be a bigot/transphobe/corporatist, AKA, a right winger.

Generally, anyone who is not willing to compromise would not be a centrist in my book.
Corporatism definitely is NOT a traditionally right wing thing.
But then what's the point of it calling it a compromise because this does not satisfy ... either side really. Again. I am not having a stake in here really.

How is it not satisfying for both sides?

Your a man thay doesn't want women in a place where you piss/shit, you go to MENS room. A woman? Womens room. Then you have a bathroom where you simply don't give a fuck.


Tell that to progressives or dems who think any voter who isn't for the immediate elimination of fossil fuels l is a corporatist energy stooge.

Or that any businesses investing into poor neighborhoods is corporations trying to gentrify and take over.
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Tell that to progressives or dems who think any voter who isn't for the immediate elimination of coal is corporatist oil stooge.
That's not what corporatism means, though. Corporatism doesn't mean you are pro corporations in the modern sense. It means you want all labor to be represented by a collective of major national trade union organizations(or fascis) that represent your interest to the state.

So you're not willing to compromise about being a bigoted, transphobic, corporatist?
How is he corporatist?
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That's not what corporatism means, though. Corporatism doesn't mean you are pro corporations in the modern sense. It means you want all labor to be represented by a collective of major national trade union organizations(or fascis) that represent your interest to the state.

This is the more logical definition. I speak of the progressives and dems that think my example IS corporatism.
This is the more logical definition. I speak of the progressives and dems that think my example IS corporatism.
Oh, I see. My apologies.
Well, I edited it to address the other guy too just in case.

This corporatism thing can be a real sticking point for me sometimes because like.... NO ONE is a corporatist anymore. lol
Oh, I see. My apologies.
Well, I edited it to address the other guy too just in case.

This corporatism thing can be a real sticking point for me sometimes because like.... NO ONE is a corporatist anymore. lol

Yeah, I highly doubt you would find many American or people in general, who think that a corporate republic is actually beneficial to anyone.