Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Afghanistan needed a Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Someone who could carve a nationalist collective identity out of a former muslim power and could pull off being a benevolent dictator able to garner REAL love from his people. That is so rare, it's nearly impossible. And it's too late anyway.
What Afghanistan probably really needs is for foreign powers to just stay the fuck out for once ... and who knows in a 100 years they might be ready.

Well, Trump is kind of irrelevant right now and that's kind of a whataboutism.
I don't think so and respectfully disagree, which again doesn't mean that Biden as commander in chief isn't responsible here as well. He should definetly take some of the blame. But as it is often with such complex issues you can only work with what you're given. And if what you're given is extremly difficult and not well planed then yeah the options you have are very limited. So it's not what-aboutism but cause and effect.
What Afghanistan probably really needs is for foreign powers to just stay the fuck out for once ... and who knows in a 100 years they might be ready.

I don't think so and respectfully disagree, which again doesn't mean that Biden as commander in chief isn't responsible here as well. He should definetly take some of the blame. But as it is often with such complex issues you can only work with what you're given. And if what you're given is extremly difficult and not well planed then yeah the options you have are very limited. So it's not what-aboutism but cause and effect.
What I'm saying is that it's absolutely true that it isn't 100% Biden's fault. But he does have some responsibility since he's the guy in charge now and should take into account his predecessor's actions as well. I'm only bringing in Biden's specific role. Trump's role is established, though and I think I get what you mean.
ALSO, keep in mind that I don't know the logistics of what the best case scenerio for a pullout looks like under Biden and when it would be the time for it. Who knows? Maybe the complex situation would have made it take too long into his presidency if he didn't deal with it now. IDK
Sure. No disagreemt there. I just wonder what a better outcome would have looked like and if that was even really achieveable. We will probably never know because no one of us in the oval office. I mean who knows? Maybe this is one of those situations where you simply can only chose between shit in different colours.
There would be no better outcome with a pullout. We did a pullout in Iraq and ISIS went bonkers. Obama had to surge troops back in. Looks like koombayaj hippy bullshit doesn't work. The Taliban had always been ruthless folks who only really respected violence and force. From their basic and violent interpretation to Sharia law to silencing all forms of dissent, there were no illusions that the group was not very ok with compromise. The pullout was a weakness and they took advantage.

How much money was spent propping up the on the Marshall Plan? Nationalists in China and then Taiwan? North and S. Korea by the SU and US?

How much blood was spent in defending S. Korea ostensibly in a war that didn't effect the American mainland?

Afghanistans problem was such that the country had no resources, at least to be on par with the Saudis or the Kuwaitis. It was only in relevance to counter terrorism that it warranted action.

Charlie Wilsons War was a film that offered a scathing critique about how after America helped kick the Soviets out, we left the savages to fight amongst themselves. They were brown people in a backward ass nation that served no additional purpose. Many liberals/leftists would scream racism that we cared about Yugoslavia the eastern europe because at least they were white, yet abandoned the Afghans.

The simple question is this,

Are Americans willing to spend the effort necessary to rebuild a nation,
WHATEVER the cost? Will we remedy what the screeching liberals called the first Afghan mistake? Again, we got our answer.
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I think it's less about pulling out and more about how Biden and his admin should have planned better for thisthan they did. The majority of Americans wanted to leave according to research centers and both left and right wing news outlets. The number drops dramatically when it is mentioned that pulling out will mean Taliban control. Which really gives a great sample of how a lot of voters think about issues.

Also wasn't Marshall Plan and Korean war both successes? Marshall helped rebuild EU quickly as a trade partner. Iirc korean war helped with protecting South Korea from neighboring influences trying to control them or spread.
I think it's less about pulling out and more about how Biden and his admin should have planned better for thisthan they did. The majority of Americans wanted to leave according to research centers and both left and right wing news outlets. The number drops dramatically when it is mentioned that pulling out will mean Taliban control. Which really gives a great sample of how a lot of voters think about issues.

Also wasn't Marshall Plan and Korean war both successes? Marshall helped rebuild EU quickly as a trade partner. Iirc korean war helped with protecting South Korea from neighboring influences trying to control them or spread.

I used the Marshall Plan as an example of what we needed to do to rebuild Europe or the money we found to help rebuild Japan.

What I am saying is essentially Europe and Japan were worth rebuilding due to geopolitics but Afghanistan isn't. Afghanistan doesn't have the resources nor the location to justify a continued presence. At least to Trumps and Bidens thinking.

Afghanistan is expensive and people get hurt or die. Well fuck, nothing good comes easy. You may reduce the troops but you stay the fucking course. Thats why I said we spent 40 years worth of resources and time on S. Korea. We spent 20 years in Afghanistan so far.

We had 40,000 dead Americans with 100,000 wounded as a price to supporting S. Korea. We lost 2500 Americans in Afghanistan with 20,000 wounded and we essentially ready to give up.

I am trying to point out that while we didn't do the job most efficiently, it doesn't mean to throw in the towel. I am trying to say Biden should have CHANGED the deal the same way Trump changed the super shitty Iran deal. After kicking out the Taliban, I thought we stayed behind to rebuild because we learned Charlie Wilsons lesson and thought leaving a country to what amount to a bunch of religious whack jobs was a bad idea.
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Looks like koombayaj hippy bullshit doesn't work.
It actually does. You just have to do it from the begining. In other words. The United States should have never get involved with their own troops in those regional conflicts.

I think it's less about pulling out and more about how Biden and his admin should have planned better for thisthan they did. The majority of Americans wanted to leave according to research centers and both left and right wing news outlets.
Yeah but when you look at the tune they sing now ...

Maybe. I mean Look. I am honest here I don't know. What I do though is that I remember some people actually warned about going into Afghanistan 20 years ago with a military force without at least some sort of strategy and long term plan. Which no one had at least at that time and for many years to come. I've been also watching recently a sort of documentary which was called "Why our generals failed" which looked at military leaders from WW2 and comparing their decisions and strategy with Vietnam and Afghanistan. And what it comes down to is that very view people, if at all, had actuall strategies outside the combat. Like the United States has become really good in fighting. Like it's literaly the most powerfull military force this planet has ever seen and in the last probably 60 or 70 years the United States military has not lost one major engagement. But neither within the military nor the political leaders seems to a mindset present in dealing with anything outside of direct military confrontations. And this nonexistant strategy and overal focus on direct confrontations of course leads to mistakes. Of which some are very grave. As we've seen pretty much all recently. There is a sort of naive and arrogant mindset within the US government and the military force where they belileve most if not even all issues can be simply solved by "carpet" bombing and their military power.

I can also remember two Members in Congress who said something like "We need restraint" right after 9/11 because the whole country was in a state of schock, grief and anger. Which is also not always the best kind prerequisite for decision making with such high stakes. Just a few days right after the attack there was already a very huge and almost unilateral support for a government which was heavily criticised and slightly unpopular before the 9/11 attacks. While it is clear that Bin Laden and Al Quaide have been responsible for this terrorist attack I think after 20 years it became painfully obvious that many of the decisions which followed by the Bush administration shouldn't have been made. It didn't lead to a safer nation. It didn't stopp world wide terrorism. And it didn't even help the countries those military actions supposedly meant to "help". So after 20 years what are you left with really? Maybe we should try to learn from all this and actually decide not to intervene in different countries trough military forces.

Maybe the right decisions would have been to just leave Afghanistan once Bin Laden was found. I don't know. I really don't. But what I am certain about? Going in there like that and staying for so many years without any long term plan outside of "bomb the shit out of them", that definetly isn't a good way of solving anything. It costs billions in money and countless of lives. Not just American lives.

What I am trying to say is the United States maybe should have never get into Afghanistan in the first place even with the terrorist attacks from 9/11. Because it begs the question, if something like that happens again, will we then have another 20 year war with some country? Is that really a good and efficient way in dealing with those kind of complicated issues? I think not.
Gotta say that it is funny seeing the Taliban have a Twitter account despite saying things like:
"Death to Jews."
"Gays are a crime against Allah and must die."
"A woman who feels pleasure during sex is a whore."
"The best way to put a woman in her place is with the back of your hand."
Yet the former president can't have a account because he says that CNN is fake news and that Brian Stelzers looks like a nervous pedophile. At least Facebook and YouTube are consistent with their bias then again Jack Dorsey does look like a wild mullah. Vegan Bin Laden is what I call him.
Gotta say that it is funny seeing the Taliban have a Twitter account despite saying things like:
"Death to Jews."
"Gays are a crime against Allah and must die."
"A woman who feels pleasure during sex is a whore."
"The best way to put a woman in her place is with the back of your hand."
Sounds like conservatives have been fighting the wrong side all along ...
Sounds like conservatives have been fighting the wrong side all along ...
You know, it is really insulting seeing you say that to me as my family is conservative, Jewish and Indigenous Mexican with LGBTQ and Black members in my family. In fact I dare say that what you said to me is racist and bigoted. Typical Lefty who thinks he knows better then conservative minorities. Keep taking those L's and coping. I can see why my youngest brother, who is gay, always says that he receives more hatred from the Left then he does from Christians or Right Wingers. Case in point, this close minded post. Just keep stepping on those rakes.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? It reminds me of this:

"Those goddamn Christian Conservative Trump supporters are just like the Taliban!"
Yeah, I don't see Trump supporting Christian Conservatives mutilating the genitals of little girls and forcing them to marry 40 year old men, beheading people and beating women in the streets but you do you bro.
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You know, it is really insulting seeing you say that to me as my family is conservative, Jewish and Indigenous Mexican with LGBTQ and Black members in my family.
Maybe. But then you should ask your self, why is it insulting?

See you really do not have to go that(!) far back in US history and you will find mainstream conservatives in high positions that could have said exactly the same thing that you quoted and particularly gay people have seen a damn lot of suffering in the United States not long ago - Just look up harvey Bernard Milk. And you know, you actually can still find some high profile conservatives repeating that s tuff. Gay people? Against god! Women? Belong in the kitchen! Jews? God plz no! Begone with those Jesus-Killers and bankers!

Was my comment a bit hyperbolic? Yes it was. It's called sarcasm. It's a joke. I've seen you make jokes - in a similar fashion about us "leftist". And you know what? That's totally fine. Because as far as I go you can say what ever you want about us leftist, that we're baby killers, racists, what ever - as long you leave out personal insults just saying.

In fact I dare say that what you said to me is racist and bigoted.

It is? How exactly? Please enlighten me.

Do you even know what my actual sexual orientation is exactly? Listen a movement that calls it self "conservative" and tolerates people like Mike Pence in their ranks who was even vice president for fucks sake - and far worse individuals exist in those circles ... has no right to speak on what's "homobophic" or "racist" or what isn't.

What's next, telling me that the conservative movement was always a beakon for human rights, civil rights, equality, race relations etc.? Is Marthin Luther King some sort of saint among conservatives? Is he as much loved like Reagan? The fact that you have some minorities that have conservative views and values today doesn't change the fact that conservatism was often and still is the road block when it comes to the rights of minorities and improvements for them. Be it black people, women and others. - And I know what I am talking about. Sadly.

The only time when conservatives really started to change their "tune" here was when public support became so overwhelmingly large that even they couldn't ignore it any longer.

Overall, 83% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say homosexuality should be accepted by society, while only 13% say it should be discouraged. The share of Democrats who say homosexuality should be accepted by society is up 20 points since 2006 and up from 54% who held this view in 1994.

Among Republicans and Republican leaners, more say homosexuality should be accepted (54%) than discouraged (37%) by society. This is the first time a majority of Republicans have said homosexuality should be accepted by society in Pew Research Center surveys dating to 1994. Ten years ago, just 35% of Republicans held this view, little different than the 38% who said this in 1994.

Views on homosexuality, gender and religion | Pew Research Center

There is a ton of research on this shit. And I am by no means saying there are no shitheads among left and left leaning people. Racists, homophobes and all sorts of assholes exist certainly on that side of the political spectrum as well. But when you look at polls and surveys you will always find a larger number with conservatives and conservative leaning folks that reject homosexuality. And it's even more with religious folks.

I am very glad that there are more and more younger conservatives out there that do not hink like that anymore and you know what? I have a lot of respect for those conservatives. More power to you guys and girls out there! But don't tell me conservatives are the one fighting for "our" rights. Mkay?

Typical Lefty who thinks he knows better then conservative minorities.
I am in here Germany part of a minority my self. And I am in no rush to run to conservatives when it comes to who should defend the rights of homosexuals.

I can see why my youngest brother, who is gay, always says that he receives more hatred from the Left then he does from Christians or Right Wingers
Da fug has that to do with me though? Just because I made a joke about conservatives (which has some historic relevance) it's suddenly about leftists being homophobic?

And maybe your brother just didn't have the ... luck to meet the right christians. How old is he exactly? I met some very fundamentalistic people that said "Homosexuals should be euthanased" and I met some really moderate christian people that think gay people deserve love and compassion (but still will burn in hell, you know for being sinners and such) and than there are very few christians who think gay people are just like everyone else. There is a reason why I am an atheist you know. But even you do agree that there is a problem with christians and "right wingers" here so there is that.

But I guess if it isn't a conservative talking point that homosexuality is a "sin" to god ... then I really must imagine things here. Damn! Those rakes really show their effect on me ...

And yes. Joe Biden and many other Democrats have been shit heads on those issues as well. But when it comes to who has blocked same sex marriage the most and the longest?


Case in point, this close minded post.
Do you seriously believe conservatives today to be the group that you have to go to when it comes to rights for women, gays and minorities? I mean for the love of god ... you can't be serious here. Then why is it that when ever it is about legislation to PROTECT(!) said groups it's always some conservative nutjob coming out of the woodwork fighting tooth and nail to preserve the old ways. Or when I take Germany as example and the greens already in the 1990s wanted a law where rape is considered a criminal act in marriage. Do you know who voted against it? Exactly. Conservatives. Same with same sex marriage. Who voted always against it? Conservatives. They literaly are THE road block here whe nit comes to laws and improvements for minorities.
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Maybe. But then you should ask your self, why is it insulting?

See you really do not have to go that(!) far back in US history and you will find mainstream conservatives in high positions that could have said exactly the same thing that you quoted and particularly gay people have seen a damn lot of suffering in the United States not long ago - Just look up harvey Bernard Milk. And you know, you actually can still find some high profile conservatives repeating that s tuff. Gay people? Against god! Women? Belong in the kitchen! Jews? God plz no! Begone with those Jesus-Killers and bankers!

Harvey Milk was a pedophile that raped young teenage boys. Something that the Left tries to cover up. I don't know what you have been smoking but a lot of Conservative groups have been more open to LGBTQ people for a while now in the states. Fuck, the former ambassador for the Middle East under Trump was a gay man! You won't give him credit though for that since you have a foaming at the mouth hatred for Trump.
Maybe. But then you should ask your self, why is it insulting?

It is? Do you even know what my actual sexual orientation is? Listen a movement that calls it self "conservative" and tolerates people like Mike Pence in their ranks - and far worse individuals ... has no right to speak on what's "homobophic" or "racist" or what isn't. What's next, telling me that the conservative movement was always a beakon for human rights, civil rights, equality, race relations etc.? Is Marthin Luther King some sort of saint among conservatives? Is he as much loved like Reagan? The fact that you have some minorities that have conservative views and values today doesn't change the fact that conservatism was often and still is the road block when it comes to the rights of minorities and improvements for them. Be it black people, women and others. - Amd I know what I am talking about. Sadly.

No you don't know what you are talking about as you are a ideologue with TDS. If Larry Elder is made governor of California are you going to say that he is the Black face of White Supremacy? Also, it was the Republicans in America that have always been against slavery and segregation. They were founded on it. The Democrats used to call the Republican party the "Nigger Party". I know my country's history. You don't. At all.
Oh and lets look at what famous Communist and Socialists leaders have said about LGBTQ people:

Maybe. But then you should ask your self, why is it insulting?
And yes. Joe Biden and many other Democrats have been shit heads on those issues as well. But when it comes to who has blocked same sex marriage the most and the longest?

Yes and that was with the old evangelical wing of the Republican party. The Bush Republicans. They have no power anymore and are no longer the popular mindset with younger Conservatives. They are a dying breed. They are getting voted out of offices as they are out of touch with the newer and younger members of the Republican party. Yet you still cling to the past and believe that it is still the era of the "Satanic Panic" when evangelicals Republican puritans were in control and trying to control peoples lives. Guess what? They are not really around anymore and are not popular with younger conservatives.
Maybe. But then you should ask your self, why is it insulting?
And maybe your brother just didn't have the ... luck to meet the right christians. How old is he exactly? I met some very fundamentalistic people that said "Homosexuals should be euthanased" and I met some really moderate christian people that think gay people deserve love and compassion (but still will burn in hell, you know for being sinners and such) and than there are very few christians who think gay people are just like everyone else. There is a reason why I am an atheist you know. But even you do agree that there is a problem with christians and "right wingers" here so there is that.
Believe it or not but my brother is a devote Christian. Used to go to mass when he was younger and still reads the Bible several times a month. His beliefs probably helped him in those first few hard months after his late boyfriend was killed. I just think that you have a irrational hatred of Christians. One that borders on bigotry. You need to drop it. There and many Lefties in America that are also Christians. Many Blacks are Christians as are Latinos. That was why gay marriage failed to pass in California because the minority communities is deeply Christian.
Do you seriously believe conservatives today to be the group that you have to go to when it comes to rights for women, gays and minorities? I mean for the love of god ... you can't be serious here. Then why is it that when ever it is about legislation to PROTECT(!) said groups it's always some conservative nutjob coming out of the woodwork fighting tooth and nail to preserve the old ways. Or when I take Germany as example and the greens already in the 1990s wanted a law where rape is considered a criminal act in marriage. Do you know who voted against it? Exactly. Conservatives. Same with same sex marriage. Who voted always against it? Conservatives. They literaly are THE road block here whe nit comes to laws and improvements for minorities.
Lets see... What is it that Lydon B Johnson said about Blacks?
"I am going to have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"
Oh and there is also this:

The Left love their slaves... err... I mean the Black Community.
Also, again, the Republican party was founded on ending slavery and segregation. Now the Right is trying to protect women from a bunch of autogynephilics that want to prey on women and girls under the guise of "Trans Rights". Sorry but I don't want a hulking six foot man with a beard who is wearing a dress to use the same bathroom as me. The Left however calls me a bigot for this while the Right actually wants to protect my rights as a woman. Oh but the Right is against sucking the brains out of a newly born baby that survives an abortion. The horrors! Oh and lets not forget about the Left being for defunding the police which is now leading to women getting attacked and raped more in places that have their police defended. The Right wants there to be more funding to police in order to protect more women.
Oh and how dare the Right be against such beautiful wonders that are in the gay community such as this:

Yeah that looks like something I would take my niece and nephew to. Such beauty, much culture and totally not degeneracy on par with Rome around the time of its fall. How could the Right be against such stunning bravery like this? Totally boggles the mind.
Just keep stepping more on those rakes.
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Regarding the bizarre tolerance of known terrorists on social media (Twitter in particular) this is neither new or even surprising. Twitter tolerated ISIS accounts that were even recruiting and spreading propaganda for years. they also banned accounts that would report that amazingly.....
The reasoning for this was apparently to track their physical locations more easily while using Twitter and to data gather on them as well. Who knows the truth though.
Much of this was even covered in a 2015 MIT tech review article that I still have:


Nothing new, nothing surprising. Exactly what I would expect from private companies with such strong and close ties to government intelligence if anything.
This is not an endorsement, just chiming in on the topic. Still up to the same old shit it seems. How shocking.

You can actually read this article online now come to find out:

It's old, but I imagine we'll come to see a repeat of everything covered just with Taliban.
Regarding the bizarre tolerance of known terrorists on social media (Twitter in particular) this is neither new or even surprising. Twitter tolerated ISIS accounts that were even recruiting and spreading propaganda for years. they also banned accounts that would report that amazingly.....
The reasoning for this was apparently to track their physical locations more easily while using Twitter and to data gather on them as well. Who knows the truth though.
Much of this was even covered in a 2015 MIT tech review article that I still have:

Nothing new, nothing surprising. Exactly what I would expect from private companies with such strong and close ties to government intelligence if anything.
This is not an endorsement, just chiming in on the topic. Still up to the same old shit it seems. How shocking.
I also believe that is also the reason that many "MAP" accounts are still on Twitter. The FBI has a lot of those freaks on a watch list and basically they use Twitter to not only keep an eye out on them but also root out other pedos and put them on a list. I don't like them having a platform but it is better that law enforcement keep an eye on these sickos and root them all out then have them abusing kids and doing God knows what in private.
Harvey Milk was a pedophile that raped young teenage boys. Something that the Left tries to cover up. I don't know what you have been smoking but a lot of Conservative groups have been more open to LGBTQ people for a while now in the states. Fuck, the former ambassador for the Middle East under Trump was a gay man! You won't give him credit though for that since you are a foaming at the mouth loon.
Sources please!

Shows how much you actually know about gays and how they have been treated trough out the history of the United States as it was normal to pretty much see every homosexual as (potential) pedophile, I quote :

John Briggs was forced to drop out of the 1978 race for California governor, but received enthusiastic support for Proposition 6, dubbed the Briggs Initiative. The proposed law would have made firing gay teachers—and any public school employees who supported gay rights—mandatory. Briggs' messages supporting Proposition 6 were pervasive throughout California, and Harvey Milk attended every event Briggs hosted. Milk campaigned against the bill throughout the state as well,[106] and swore that even if Briggs won California, he would not win San Francisco.[107] In their numerous debates, which toward the end had been honed to quick back-and-forth banter, Briggs maintained that homosexual teachers wanted to abuse and recruit children. Milk responded with statistics compiled by law enforcement that provided evidence that pedophiles identified primarily as heterosexual, and dismissed Briggs' assertions with one-liner jokes: "If it were true that children mimicked their teachers, you'd sure have a helluva lot more nuns running around.

This is what people growing up in the 1950s have been thaught - like in schools - and obviously in the 1970s and 80s a lot of people still believed in it.

And even up to this day you will find people saying "gays corrupt your children and youth!".

John Briggs was a conservative by the way.

Fuck, the former ambassador for the Middle East under Trump was a gay man! You won't give him credit though for that since you are a foaming at the mouth loon.
YAAAAAAAAAAAY The republican party has arrived in the 21. Century! Good for them ... I guess. Want a participation trophy now?

Here is the thing. Having an ambassador that's a homosexual shouldn't even be a talking point. The fact that you have to actually name this, proves that this is rare among conservatives. Look! We are not that bad ... we ... we have this gay man here as a token to prove that we're not bad! Accept us! Accept us! Plz! Minorities! We love ya! But we will still vote against your rights to please our core voter base.

Also, it was the Republicans in America that have always been against slavery and segregation

That was 200 years ago. Here is a small hint. It's not the party of Lincoln anymore. The Republican party changed heavily, particularly in the Southern States over the course of history. Besides the Republican party was never the party of abolitionism from the begining and it isn't why the republican party was formed as abolutionists have been the anti-slavery movement of the time and they have been seen as radicals and extremists. Lincoln him self held the position that a nation can not be divided on the question. Lincoln was against slavery seeing it as an immoral act. "I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong," - "I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel.". But at the same time he was also a politican who understood that abolishing slavery was not a popular move not even among his own party. In the 1850s Lincoln was attacked for being anti-slavery in the 1860s he was attacked for not being anti-slavery enough. Many people back then, particularly in the north but not just there, have been anti-slavery but not necessarily part of the abolutionism movement as they asked them self, I quote "of what would become of the four million slaves if liberated: how they would earn a living in a society that had almost always rejected them, or looked down on their very presence". Or to take a look at the history of Douglass Adams who was an abolitionist and why he chose the Republican Party even though there have been movement with a much stronger stance against slavery :

Frederick Douglass and the Republican Party

On 28 February 1854, In Ripon, Wisconsin, the name Republican was adopted as the new label for the Jeffersonians11 and their first convention was held later that year on 6 July in Jackson, Michigan. Members of this new party included those who had been previously aligned with the Whigs, the free Democrats, the Free Soilers, and the American Party and later converted members of the Liberty Party. The Republican Party, to start off, didn't hold strong views toward the issue of slavery, and it was only brought up in the context of Jefferson's support for "the idea of a nation of small landholders, radically opposed to the established aristocracy" with its "opposition to slavocracy along with support for new railroads, free homesteads, opening of West by free labor and protective tariffs."12 Douglass, having been previously allied with the William Lloyd Garrison and his followers (see Essay by Jay Thompson)13, found himself appreciating the possible benefits that political action could have towards abolitionism and in 1856 moved from the Liberty Party to the endorsement of the Republican Party, but only after a period throughout the 1850s where "he would align himself primarily with the Liberty Party14 or Radical Abolitionists in principle, but come election time he would opt for expediency and support the Presidential candidate he deemed the most pragmatic compromise between his radical abolitionism and his growing political activism."15 This was his way of conveying his radical abolitionism to encourage supporters and those in the main parties, specifically the Republicans, to establish a more concrete stance on abolition and slavery. In an editorial in 1856, he appealed to the masses with the following:

>>From our political philosophy, we are at liberty to consider the state of the public mind, and look at immediate results, as well as remote consequences. We are liberty to inquire how far our vote, at a given time, will forward what we conceive to be the highest interests of society; and having considered this, we are at liberty, -nay it is our indispensable duty to cast our vote in that direction, which, upon a survey of the whole facts in the case, will best promote that great end.<<

Part of Douglass's attraction to the Republican Party was it's new found strength and the fact that it seemed the most viable route to take. The other of the two powerful parties, the Democratic Party, was made up in large part of white Southerners and proponents of slavery. Since its establishment in 1854, the Republican Party had become somewhat of "an alliance of antislavery forces…[it] would only limit the expansion of slavery within the existing United States, believing that slavery would gradually die out."17 He believed that the Republican Party, with at least a basis of antislavery sentiments, had the best chance of winning an election over the smaller (yet more dedicated) parties,18 and he hoped to build upon this basis when it was put into place, which he and hundreds of black Americans helped by casting their votes. Lincoln was not an Abolitionist president - at best, moderately antislavery - however this option was better than having a Democratic candidate in office, one who would do nothing but hurt the abolitionist cause.

Frederick Douglass Project: Katharine Beecher Brodock's "Antislavery, Abolitionism, and the Republican Party of the 1800s " Essay | RBSCP (rochester.edu)

So yes. You're right. Compared to the Democratic Party of the 1800? The Republicans have been more anti-salvery. But have they been an abolutionist movement? No. They became one over time when the conflict between slavery and anti-slavery started to take form over the decades.

However it's funny to see how long Rebublicans today ride that dick when it comes to the issues of conservatism and their stance on equality and civil rights ... why do you have problems wit us! Republicans freed the slaves! Now move into the back of the buss, boy!

Yes and that was with the old evangelical wing of the Republican party. The Bush Republicans. They have no power anymore and are no longer the popular mindset with younger Conservatives.
Yes! Finally there is a change here. But to say that those evangelicals have no say in conservative circles? That's a really bold statement and not backed up the reality. Betsy Devos, Mike Pence and more which have been part of the Trump administration and they still hold significant influence within the republican and conservative establishment - probably Mike Pence less these days ... but I think we all know why. Anyway. Seriously. Do you even know conservatism, like really? It doesn't seem to me that you actually do. Just the surface of it.

You have high profile republicans which over the decades changed their message to appeal to the christian (fundamentalist) demographic and base. Don't believe it? Look at one example. Their stance on Evolution. How many republican politicans are there that actually believe it to be true? My guess. You won't find many that openly state that they think the Theory of Evolution to be the explanation for well evolution. But almost all of them promote creationism. From all the republican presidential candidates in the previous election pretty much all of them saw creationism as absolutely "true" while only one of them didn't outright dennied the theory of evolution.
Again, there is ... research ... about this stuff.

Significantly fewer Republicans believe in evolution than did so four years ago, setting them apart from Democrats and independents, according to a recent Pew Research Center study. But behind this finding is a puzzle: If the views of the overall public have remained steady, and there has been little change among people of other political affiliations, how does one account for the Republican numbers? Shouldn’t the marked drop in Republican believers cause a decline in the 60% of all adults who say humans have evolved over time?
Republicans' views on evolution | Pew Research Center

And this has a lot to do with the christian right gaining momentum and influence within the republican party in a time of a changing demographic as younger people are less likely to actually vote for Republicans and conservatives in general. Republicans in particular have serious issues in interesting young voters to their cause.

Lets see... What is it that Lydon B Johnson said about Blacks?
"I am going to have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"

Why do you bring that up when I already adressed it? I quote my self :

And yes. Joe Biden and many other Democrats have been shit heads on those issues as well. But when it comes to who has blocked same sex marriage the most and the longest?


Yes. Many democrats had back in those days very appaling views. Just. Like. The. Republicans. But here is the thing you're missing. Where are all those Republican legislators from the 1960s and 70s marching on the forefront with civil rights movements? Where. Are. They? Show them to me. Show me those Republicans and Conservatives that marched with MLK, that stood with Malcom X, that walked trough Selma and the countless other battles and fights the civil rights movement had from the 1950s trough the 1980s.

If Republicans have been this shining beason of equal rights than there should be countless of them to find. Right? When we're talking about the issues today within conservative movements than it is not very helpfull to say, yeah you see but in the 1970s democrats have been shit too! What relevance does that have to our time and someone like Rev. Ralph Drollinger. "Environmentalists and people with “depraved minds” are also igniting "God's wrath," "Trump Cabinet's Bible teacher says gays cause 'God's wrath' in COVID-19 blog post (nbcnews.com).

Because here is the thing. While both Democrats and Republicans had some serious shitheads in their ranks ... the Democrats at the very least saw a change trough the 1980s and 90s. Much sooner than Republicans did. Who still have issues adapting to that reality. And in some cases they want even to reverse some policies and rights.

I do not agree with everything the democrats do or say and there are racists, sexists and homophobes in their ranks as well. But to believe that the Republicans and conservatives above all are the ... protectors of the LGBTQ communities and minorities? I really do not see the basis for that. Conservative legislators and politicans are usually the ones that block their protection and rights. Even today. What ever the "conservatives" here think as individuals, is one thing. I can't look into all their heads. But in the end the day the policies and ideas that come from conservative movements do not scream "yaaay gay rights!" in to my face.
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