Think about it this way
In 20 years, we changed the very cultural fabric of Afghanistan. People say 20 years when we spent 40 propping up S. Korea. People scream 2500 dead when we threw 40 thousand lives in S. Korea. And guess what? While we didn't have unity' we kept S. Korea up till this very day. What would Vietnam be like if we didn't wuss out?
People went from no music, tvs, movies, etc, to those things being common, everyday things the average Afghani could enjoy
Then the BIG one, women and girls. Seriously, imagine coming off old hardline Taliban rule. As a female, you whole life, future, fashion, etc, changed overnight as the religious shit bags were kicked out. Women were going to the olympics. Now imagine either gaining or being born into those freedoms for 20 years, your told that everything is going back the way it was because the new leaders think everyone should live like Mohammed did hundreds of years ago
This sounds callous but 2590 dead is a fucking speck compared to the 40k dead in Korea. Soft ass Americans just fucking gave up and threw the Afghans to the wolves. We didn't just stay for the money, even though most would argue we actually LOST money. We did it because Charlie Wilson tried to warn us earlier and we told him to fuck off. We were wrong then. We realized that the Taliban simply were a bunch of fucking savages hardly better than the warlords themselves. They didn't open Afghanistan to the world, they just pulled a N. Korea and said fuck the people, whatever it takes to stay in charge and run shit theocratically. They wouldn't stop harboring terrorists because to do so would make them look like fakes. The only reason they fight ISIS is because they do not want competition
So yeah, if the libs and the leftists and other bleeding fucking hearts really want America to do some good, essentially not be selfish only for once, they should have supported a surge back and not a pullout.
What went wrong? Bad luck, incompetence sure, but mostly apathy. Many of my fellow Americans just went to sleep. The news didn't give a shit anymore. Nobody talked of the good we did but constantly harped on the screwups. Sound familiar?