Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

The girls robotics team we're fortunate they were well known and had some form of connections with the right people .

And yeah we got involved and started this mess so that's why it was important to not just throw in the towel like that.

Trump might have started this mess but Bidens the one that piled on so he can own it.
Based on what we have available to us regarding what happened I can't decide which was the bigger factor in why this went down the way it did. Incompetence or simply not caring? It's both, but which is more prominent here?

More good news, this time in my own state. They were so desperate to run one of the children doesn't even have shoes on. The mother seems like she didn't relax until they were actually touched down in America.
We now have people here that have had a harder life than 99% of the population can even imagine. I'm surprised at how white they look. Put the two women in jeans and shirt as well and they would blend right in.


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Think about it this way

In 20 years, we changed the very cultural fabric of Afghanistan. People say 20 years when we spent 40 propping up S. Korea. People scream 2500 dead when we threw 40 thousand lives in S. Korea. And guess what? While we didn't have unity' we kept S. Korea up till this very day. What would Vietnam be like if we didn't wuss out?

People went from no music, tvs, movies, etc, to those things being common, everyday things the average Afghani could enjoy

Then the BIG one, women and girls. Seriously, imagine coming off old hardline Taliban rule. As a female, you whole life, future, fashion, etc, changed overnight as the religious shit bags were kicked out. Women were going to the olympics. Now imagine either gaining or being born into those freedoms for 20 years, your told that everything is going back the way it was because the new leaders think everyone should live like Mohammed did hundreds of years ago

This sounds callous but 2590 dead is a fucking speck compared to the 40k dead in Korea. Soft ass Americans just fucking gave up and threw the Afghans to the wolves. We didn't just stay for the money, even though most would argue we actually LOST money. We did it because Charlie Wilson tried to warn us earlier and we told him to fuck off. We were wrong then. We realized that the Taliban simply were a bunch of fucking savages hardly better than the warlords themselves. They didn't open Afghanistan to the world, they just pulled a N. Korea and said fuck the people, whatever it takes to stay in charge and run shit theocratically. They wouldn't stop harboring terrorists because to do so would make them look like fakes. The only reason they fight ISIS is because they do not want competition

So yeah, if the libs and the leftists and other bleeding fucking hearts really want America to do some good, essentially not be selfish only for once, they should have supported a surge back and not a pullout.

What went wrong? Bad luck, incompetence sure, but mostly apathy. Many of my fellow Americans just went to sleep. The news didn't give a shit anymore. Nobody talked of the good we did but constantly harped on the screwups. Sound familiar?
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I watched a long video from a German Gamer/Streamer who was actually a Paratrooper in Afghanistan before he started streaming and due to the recent events he felt the need to explain in his views what made Afghanistan so difficult. What he said about Afghanistan was even worse than I thought. About 20% of the Afghan population, according to him, live in the urban areas like Kabul. So the overwhelming majority of people are actually living in rural communities. He said there are many villages which have probably never seen a single NATO soldier in several years or something. Next to that you have almost no roads in Afghanistan. It can take days to reach some rural regions. He also talked about the culture, the people and how many different tribes and nations are present in Afghanistan. It's incredibly diverse.

Again. I think people understimate how incredibly underdeveloped Afghanistan as a nation is. Most of the country is literaly stuck in the middle ages. Particularly when it comes to the ideology and culture. So no. I do not think it's just like South Korea. Or even comparable.

People scream 2500 dead when we threw 40 thousand lives in S. Korea. And guess what? While we didn't have unity' we kept S. Korea up till this very day. What would Vietnam be like if we didn't wuss out?
But most of those casualties happend in a direct military confrontation between opposing armies. So in a more traditional war with trenches, soldiers, actuall tank engagements and the like. North Korea was an army which started a surprise attack and when they got their teeth kicked in the chinese took over and pushed everyone back to the original border what's known today as the DNC. But after that? You had no casualties anymore. So I am not sure that's really a fair comparison.

Besides when you look at the casualties as a whole? You have also other troops, like Germany, Britain and other NATO members. Not to mention the Afghan army which did a lot of the fighting in those 20 years as well and lost more people than all NATO members combined. This was a conflict with a lot of casualties. Some sources say up to 66.000 people with the Afghan military and police force.
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Didn't expect to see pro Afgan involvement. I don't know if we can actually afford it right now. There are historians saying that there could be more conflicts that we get caught up in after this pullout as it may be a sign of the US decline.

Coming out with some spicy takes here lately.
"If we're doing medical triage and having to decide who we can save and you're unvaccinated god took care of you so far you can go out in the parking lot and he can take care of you there."
Some intresting info in the video if you have 7 minutes. I forgot Trump turned to being pro vaccine. I'm so used to the pushback from it.

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If we had to go, a drawdown to about 6k soldiers in Afghanistan, over a much longer period, would have been more effective. Most of the time would be to buy equipment the Afghanis prefer or at least, kick up the training for American equipment.

The whole point was to do something for Afghanistan besides punishing the Taliban. If most of the help goes to the cities then so be it. While Afghanistan wouldn't turn into the U.S. the situation was leagues better than when the Taliban were running things.

I thought the pivot/drawdown was inevitable. It was the method that was the real issue. A serious troop reduction means we have to kick self sufficiency training into overdrive and not just turn into GTFO ASAP. That is not a gradual reduction but a rout.
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I'm honestly leaning toward Libya and Syria being worse than Afghanistan for the effects they had. Our involvement in those two places left the world a worse, more unstable place for having gotten involved. Afghanistan was just a money pit where some people had better lives for awhile and others got droned only for it to return to how it was in the first place. Still bad, but not as bad as the other two.

Atleast we're out. Should have evacuated as many of the population as we could though. Not just operation allies.