Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol


It's because they are:

1 Fascist(even though we don't know what this means, we just know it's bad)
2 White(even if they aren't white)
3 Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bad
4 Straight probably
I like that schools are getting mad and now trying to sue the parents because they want to know what the fuck these teachers are teaching their kids. This isn't new though. I remember a story my dad told me about a teacher from the Evergreen State College telling him that he can't wait to teach these kids that everything their parents taught them is wrong. That was back in the 90's. I guess better late than never that parents are finally noticing this. I think that, just like with cops with police cameras, that maybe now we should have cameras in every classrooms. Parents should have a right to know what these teachers are teaching their kids.
Man socialists sure are quick to dub somebody not human when they want to liquidate them.
My favorite is how they are very anti-death penalty but goddamn do they want to kill babies. I mean, we should all feel sorry for the pedo rapist child killer and give him a second chance but stopping a woman from having a abortion and putting the baby up for adoption is drawing the line! It reminds me of the South Park Free Hat joke:

Although I agree with @Señor Wally take in that it is probably better to legalize abortion as to stop back alley ones from springing up but goddamn are the other excuses just so self righteous and false moralizing. Abortion is evil period but is one of those evils that we have to live with. Keep it safe, legal and rare. That I can understand however the Left just seems like they really, really want to kill babies given that they now want abortion to be up to the third trimesters and even, disgustingly enough, partial and post birth. Sorry but you can't make yourself look moral and righteous with that one.
Sorry but you can't make yourself look moral and righteous with that one.
Funny. That is how we "leftists" think exactly about the "pro-life" side. Fucking leftist Carlin!

This isn't as partisan as people believe. It somewhat has become a partisan thing over the years due to fringe and extreme positions making it into the conservative-mainstream.
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Pro-Lifers aren't very pro-life when it comes to taking care of the citizens of its nation. Carlin says a lot of it well in a joking manner from what I remember. I do find it ironic that we care about unborn babies but once they're born it's "get fucked."

And saying adoption is great, is nice, and well mannered I guess until you realize how many people are never adopted. And they go on to have issues usually as they never had many, if any, people to show them compassion and love.

If you're such a bastion of light and protector of life then advocate for universal healthcare, making sure the disabled can survive, support anyone's right to opportunity is protected despite their religion, sexuality, and/or race, support unemployment and welfare programs, support WIC, support assisted living, support income based living. And so on.

Or don't and call those horrible "leftists" hypocrites while we can ignore how to improve the lives of our neighbors in our state, in our country. But whatever. Haha libtards or something. Haha, government shouldn't have to take care of issues in our communities, our communities should. Cool, start volunteering in your free time and offering help to strangers around. Or don't to own the libtards or whatever.
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Hey now! The whole country might burn to the ground but it's worth it as long as you own da libtards.
Didn't you know Squid? America is only doing so bad because we leftist filled the minds of (mostly young) people with the likes of Marx!
Hey now! The whole country might burn to the ground but it's worth it as long as you own da libtards.
Didn't you know Squid? America is only doing so bad because we leftist filled the minds of (mostly young) people with the likes of Marx!
Funny. That is how we "leftists" think exactly about the "pro-life" side. Fucking leftist Carlin!

This isn't as partisan as people believe. It somewhat has become a partisan thing over the years due to fringe and extreme positions making it into the conservative-mainstream.

Yet you and your ilk want to spare the pedo rapist child killers. SAVE THE PEDOS! KILL THE BABIES! You fucking cuck. Also see the usual simps circle jerking each other. God damn do communist swine really want to kill babies. Than again Leftists love killing babies. Going to cry harder about @TheGM ruining your safe space? Hear stories about that. Pathetic... All your and your buddies arguments on this are terrible and make you all look like moral abominations.
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What is actually happening in here anymore wtf....
Where did all this vitriol and rapid fire trolling come from?


There is more in this thread about the topic, but it seems wokeness is reaching it's crescendo soon. What will it have accomplished? What will remain?
I honestly don't know maybe a leftist pissed in her coffee killed her dog or something ...

Yet you and your ilk want to spare the pedo rapist child killers. SAVE THE PEDOS! KILL THE BABIES! You fucking cuck.
Seriously you need to chill some and stop with the slander and insults.

If you would have said "leftist want bla bla bla" I don't care free speech and all that. That's something entirely different than saying "You want to spare pedo rapists child killers". You know when it comes to this kind of stuff you really seem to be someone who's very easy to trigger. You need to stop and take a step back from time to time and think trough what you're actually writing and saying to people. You would also get much less banned from this forum that way.

Just some friendly advice here - and I mean it when I say friendly. But you know what? You be you. I don't give a fuck anymore. Because when you continue like that at some point you'll get a perma bann. And it will resolve itself one way or another.

Going to cry harder about @TheGM ruining your safe space? Hear stories about that. Pathetic...
Yeah well I am sorry to bring this to you but this forum has rules. If you have an issue with that maybe you should bring it up to the moderators?
I honestly don't know maybe a leftist pissed in her coffee killed her dog or something ...
No they just killed 13 soldiers and refuse to acknowledge that you all have blood on your hands. Instead the Left Wing big tech is censoring their loved ones who blame you dumb fucks and Biden.
B-but Drumpf was worse. Tell that to the mothers and siblings you immoral, ideological shit bags.
But what has this to do with me, like me specifically that you have to take your anger out in a way where I seem to be directly responsible for this? Is it impossible for you to distinguish here? You don't see me walking around calling you a Neonazi because of Charlottesville or because some white supremacist might have voted for Trump or something and because (I think) you probably agree more with Trump than Biden.

Again. Stop. Think. Consider who your talking to. We can have all kinds of debates even angry ones. But stop dragging what ever grudge you have into a forum with people you don't even know!

You're constantly accusing me and others here of being ideologues and all kinds of stuff from socialists to commies what ever but don't realise your self how politicised you are and how easy it is to trigger a reaction out of you.
God damn do communist swine really want to kill babies. Than again Leftists love killing babies.
Socialists are equal opportunity murderers. Whether it be Death Camps or Labor Prisons they have plenty of ways to off a large chunk of the population but sometimes you need to diversify your means of elimination and what better way then stabbing a baby in the face with coat hanger or sucking it out with a vacuum. But don't worry it turns out it wasn't murder at since they were never really human to begin with.
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Then I hope you think about this the next time you jack in to a tissue. Those could have been humans. And Normal sperm densities range from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. ...
But what has this to do with me, like me specifically that you have to take your anger out in a way where I seem to be directly responsible for this? Is it impossible for you to distinguish here? You don't see me walking around calling you a Neonazi because of Charlottesville or because some white supremacist might have voted for Trump or something and because (I think) you probably agree more with Trump than Biden.

Again. Stop. Think. Consider who your talking to. We can have all kinds of debates even angry ones. But stop dragging what ever grudge you have into a forum with people you don't even know!

You're constantly accusing me and others here of being ideologues and all kinds of stuff from socialists to commies what ever but don't realise your self how politicised you are and how easy it is to trigger a reaction out of you.
Okay, you want my honest, rational take with abortion. Here it is. The Left has been importing devout Roman Catholic Latinos and Arab Muslims into America. Don't get a shocked Pikachu face when the areas you are importing those very religious minorities begin to vote to outlaw abortion in their new homes. Texas has a large Roman Catholic Latino population. Even Left Wing Latinos are very much against abortion. This isn't a shock that this happened.
Okay, you want my honest, rational take with abortion. Here it is. The Left has been importing devout Roman Catholic Latinos and Arab Muslims into America. Don't get a shocked Pikachu face when the areas you are importing those very religious minorities begin to vote to outlaw abortion in their new homes. Texas has a large Roman Catholic Latino population. Even Left Wing Latinos are very much against abortion. This isn't a shock that this happened.
That's ... good to know, I guess? I am an atheist by the way. So I don't hold any high regards for any religion be it Islam or Christianity - I respect the believers though, I mean some of my best friends are devoted christians. I also have friends that are muslims. Even they think though abortion is a personal choice because it's something between the mother and god and they have no right to impose their religious beliefs on others. They also don't run around preaching to others and trying to missionize people. That's a very important part for me in how far my respect for religious people goes. You have strong beliefs? Cool! You want to bother me with them? Fuck off! - Sadly there is this guy who felt he needed to "gift" me religious books and constantly shov this "god is so awesome! Everyone else is so degenerate!" message in to my face. Luckily he got my "dude I really don't care signs" and stopped doing that.

But I digress. It was not the point of my post by the way. Look. I don't intend to change your mind. If you have a strong oppinion against abortion. You hate leftists. Ok I guess? Just know where it comes from. And the very extreme fringe oppinions here are rooted in religious extremism. The kind that runs around blowing up abortion clinics.

Anyway. The point was that you should simply not use direct insults and slander. No mater how emotional our debates can become. But this kind of vitriol simply sucks. And no political debate or what ever is worth that bullshit. But this will be (I hope) the last time I mention it because it's tiresome. I like you. I really do. But you have your own mind. Use it. Or don't.
If you guys hate that ISIS-K killed troops while Biden was in office wait until you hear how many were killed under Bush who started the conflict. Lmao.
Some of you are so genuinely partisan it's disgusting.
Only bad or worthy of attention when it's the Dems in power.

Good job. :clap: