AOC and her Squad all got crushed. In Seattle all the "Abolition" candidates who are Socialist, they say they are Socialist, they believe in Socialism, lost in landslides. Seattle elected its first Republican District Attorney for the first time in forty years, the Socialist candidate in Seattle Mayor race lost in a landslide, in Buffalo the write in candidate won in a landslide while the AOC and Squad endorsed candidate lost, TO A WRITE IN CAMPAIGN! Minneapolis rejected replacing the police with social workers, School Board election all across the country are rejecting CRT and are electing Republicans, In the Senate Race in New Jersey the career Democrat lost to a trucker who only spent 200 dollars in his campaign, Youngkin turned Virginia Red for the first time in almost 20 years, New Jersey next governor maybe a Republican. We had enough.
So telling parents that you own their children and that you are not allowed to know what teachers are teaching their kids isn't evil? Or forcing businesses to close and forcing employees to inject a experimental vax into their bodies for fear of losing their job isn't evil? Funny way of looking at things.