Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Lol Democrats aren't evil even though some literally ironically worship Satan whether it exists or not. Hey guys if you make millions of dollars and do nothing but lie to get more millions you are evil. It doesn't matter if you are on the left or right.
AOC and her Squad all got crushed. In Seattle all the "Abolition" candidates who are Socialist, they say they are Socialist, they believe in Socialism, lost in landslides. Seattle elected its first Republican District Attorney for the first time in forty years, the Socialist candidate in Seattle Mayor race lost in a landslide, in Buffalo the write in candidate won in a landslide while the AOC and Squad endorsed candidate lost, TO A WRITE IN CAMPAIGN! Minneapolis rejected replacing the police with social workers, School Board election all across the country are rejecting CRT and are electing Republicans, In the Senate Race in New Jersey the career Democrat lost to a trucker who only spent 200 dollars in his campaign, Youngkin turned Virginia Red for the first time in almost 20 years, New Jersey next governor maybe a Republican. We had enough.
Are you sure they did? I am not saying there are no socialists out there but ... honestly the word Socialist/Socialism is thrown around so much these days ... just like Nazis ... it has become absolutely meaningless as a term.

Here is the thing. There is a difference between social policies and socialist policies.

For example let us say I want to expand health care and make it like either the NHS (Britain) or have private and government funded health care (like Germany), than those are not socialist policies, they are social (democratic) policies.
Or let us say I want to have more affordable education then again those are social policies.

What would be a socialist policy? A socialist policy would be to for example nationaliste Facebook and to force all companies to have unions where the unions own them.

Do you have many politicans that support that idea?

Here is also a definition of

Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and democratic control, such as workers' self-management of enterprises

You might hate AOC and the "Squad", that's all nice and fair I don't care about them. But I can asure you, they are not socialists.
Lol Democrats aren't evil even though some literally ironically worship Satan whether it exists or not. Hey guys if you make millions of dollars and do nothing but lie to get more millions you are evil. It doesn't matter if you are on the left or right.
Yeah... pretty much this. Republicans are just more honestly evil while Democrats try to hide their policies' evils. Both lie plenty though and hide even more than that. But Republicans will be like "Yes we want to do this" and attempt to do it. Dems will be like "No we don't like that" and still try to do it.
I can't wait for another Republican to get voted in so the riots can start back up.
The cliché is indeed that socialism, in its pure form, has never really been attained, because it is inherently communal, and human populations as of today are way too large and concentrated to support this kind of society. You end up with abject faiures - or smoke-screens for just more corporate shilling, like you get with Democratic party - or even the vast majority of European left-wing parties, who are all - by now - just more puppets in the machinery.

I am convinced that the ideals of socialism cannot ever be attained, simply because our societal structure in the end cannot allow it. I'll go as far as to admit that it is a weak ideology, because it leans on humanitarianism, compassion etc - which is soft, and usually stands no chance against its opposite, the macho, muscular fascistic adherence to violence. There's a reason lefties are associated with hippies, hair-colored softies, gay-community etc. The surge of victory in many a revolution can sometimes appear to prove the opposite, but as peace settles, and society normalizes, the strong and aggressive forces driven by corporate ambition will push its way back.

This doesn't mean that the alternative - corporate slavery - is an automatic ideal, or something we should surrender to. If the corporate masters of this world will eventually win, inevitably, and enslave us all, sooner or later - I'd prefer it happened later. Much, much later, and for that - resistance remains essential.
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I can't wait for another Republican to get voted in so the riots can start back up.

You mean the one infront or inside the capitol?

There has never existed socialism in the US. The leftiest parties there, have always been *at most* centre-right. Most non-American leftists tend to sympathize with Democrats simply out of partisanship - or merely wanting to oppose the even-more right wing Republicans.

Well to be fair during the 1920s there was a socialist and leftist movement that even sympathised with the Soviet Union. They had conections with worker movements and had political rallies and the like. It was never a giant movement but it existed. However after 1945 particularly after 1949 when the cold war came in to full swing those movements began to lose any favour particularly within the public. They kinda ceased to exist. Today "socialism" is gaining in some more academic circlees traction due to the fact that well people often hear the word google it and think, huh, that doesn't sound that bad! But you are right of course. Leftism, like real leftism, never had any big influence in US politics.
AOC and her Squad all got crushed. In Seattle all the "Abolition" candidates who are Socialist, they say they are Socialist, they believe in Socialism, lost in landslides. Seattle elected its first Republican District Attorney for the first time in forty years, the Socialist candidate in Seattle Mayor race lost in a landslide, in Buffalo the write in candidate won in a landslide while the AOC and Squad endorsed candidate lost, TO A WRITE IN CAMPAIGN! Minneapolis rejected replacing the police with social workers, School Board election all across the country are rejecting CRT and are electing Republicans, In the Senate Race in New Jersey the career Democrat lost to a trucker who only spent 200 dollars in his campaign, Youngkin turned Virginia Red for the first time in almost 20 years, New Jersey next governor maybe a Republican. We had enough.

So telling parents that you own their children and that you are not allowed to know what teachers are teaching their kids isn't evil? Or forcing businesses to close and forcing employees to inject a experimental vax into their bodies for fear of losing their job isn't evil? Funny way of looking at things.

Vaccines are good. I've had my jab and so have my family and we all feel fine.
It's not going to work 100% for 100% of People and that's sadly just what happens. Complications will happen, but that's so much better than the alternative.
No one is saying they own your child, the state is running around being a Parent for you. But you don't own your child either, that's a human, not property. Goverments sometimes have to step in because Parents are too stupid to look after their kid properly, blame it on the insane Republicans like Alex Jones or those ones Who die via Covid because they didn't believe they could die of Covid.
Teachers aren't teaching Kids witchcraft or how to get away with murder. I don't know what you're refering to there. If it's American history, America is a pretty shitty Country, beaten only in the West by England. Even Germany learnt their lesson.
Also it depends, are those businesses exploiting People? Underpaying People? Not caring about the concerns of the employers And/or public? Or just being a dick? Well, good riddance.
You mean the one infront or inside the capitol?

Well to be fair during the 1920s there was a socialist and leftist movement that even sympathised with the Soviet Union. They had conections with worker movements and had political rallies and the like. It was never giant movement but it existed. However after 1945 particuarly after 1949 when the cold war came in to full swing those movements began to lose any favour particularly wihin the public. They kinda ceased to exist. Today "socialism" is gaining in some more academic circlees traction due to the fact that well people often hear the word google it and think, huh, that doesn't sound that bad! But you are right of course. Leftism, like real leftism, never had any big influence in US politics.

I was going to say "except possible marginal little back-yard communes" :]
Vaccines are good. I've had my jab and so have my family and we all feel fine.
It's not going to work 100% for 100% of People and that's sadly just what happens. Complications will happen, but that's so much better than the alternative.
No one is saying they own your child, the state is running around being a Parent for you. But you don't own your child either, that's a human, not property. Goverments sometimes have to step in because Parents are too stupid to look after their kid properly, blame it on the insane Republicans like Alex Jones or those ones Who die via Covid because they didn't believe they could die of Covid.
Teachers aren't teaching Kids witchcraft or how to get away with murder. I don't know what you're refering to there. If it's American history, America is a pretty shitty Country, beaten only in the West by England. Even Germany learnt their lesson.
Also it depends, are those businesses exploiting People? Underpaying People? Not caring about the concerns of the employers And/or public? Or just being a dick? Well, good riddance.
Oh, yes we should just give our children for the government to raise. I am starting to see why Kiwi Farms stat that England should sink into the bottom of the ocean. You serve as a good example.
Oh, yes we should just give our children for the government to raise. I am starting to see why Kiwi Farms stat that England should sink into the bottom of the ocean. You serve as a good example.

You should change your name to Ranger Boohoo
I got into an argument with my mom because she said Boeing making her husband get the shot is Communism and I flipped the script.
Guys, you are not looking at it this way! If Virginia went back to being Red does this mean that Chris Chan is more fucked then he was originally? Red States do tend to punish prisoners worse then Blue States.
You should change your name to Ranger Boohoo
You are just upset that I believe in the same thing as Ayelander in that England should sink into the bottom of the ocean.
I am convinced that the ideals of socialism cannot ever be attained, simply because our societal structure in the end cannot allow it. This doesn't mean that the alternative - corporate slavery - is an automatic ideal, or something we should surrender to. If the corporate masters of this world will eventually win, inevitably, and enslave us all, sooner or later - I'd prefer it happened later. Much, much later, and for that - resistance remains essential.

Things will change one way or another. It's simply bound to happen. Because time stops for no one. We just can never say how it will turn out. I mean the largest factor right now which will also definetly shake up the corporate world, is the fact that we have no sustainable economies and societies. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to see that this will lead to issues one way or another. And slowly but steadly even corporations realise, wait a min a planet without a decent environment where people can actually live in doesen't allow for profits to be made. Like literaly no profits. Because poor people can not consume. There are no mega corporations and Billionairs in Somalia after all.

So either we will see a more eco-friendly, sustainable and more equal future (you can't have sustainability without social equality). Or most of modern civilisation will go down and collapse opening the door to new barbaric forms of government. So more and more failed states will pop up. There are literaly only those two options. Star Trek or Mad Max, if you so will. How this sustainable future will be achieved or what it will look like? If we actually achieve it. That I have no clue.

But one thing is for certain. Just as how society today has nothing in common with the society of the 1950s the society in 2070 will have nothing in common withour society today. Change always happen what ever if we like it or not.

Except for War. Because War, War never changes ...
Guys, you are not looking at it this way! If Virginia went back to being Red does this mean that Chris Chan is more fucked then he was originally? Red States do tend to punish prisoners worse then Blue States.

You are just upset that I believe in the same thing as Ayelander in that England should sink into the bottom of the ocean.
They are just following Commiefornia footsteps.
There are no mega corporations and Billionairs in Somalia after all.

Not the best example, since Somalia ended up being the toxic-waste dumping-ground for... corporations around the world :v due to their lack of territorial control - as well as illegal fishing, and any other illegal action that was deemed profitable.

Another reason Somalia is not a very good example, is - again - due to a lack of functional government and regulations, it developed for a time a plethora of competing telephone companies, each one setting up their own antennas, willy nilly, and for a while Somalia had the highest contentration of internet cafes per capita in the world.
In other words - a corporate haven, if it wasn't so bombed out, starved and shitty.
The best though to come out of this election and shows that anybody can run for office and win is the blue collar trucker who is running for New Jersey Senate President. He is beating the career Democrat and he only spent 200 dollars to do it. He didn't even proofread his election site either. This guy is amazing: