Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

It would only bother me if I were on a sports team and got pushed out of a scholarship if some guy decides to transition. That would would be it though. Just have an open league with scholarships for trans people.
Seems to be the best solution for the most people that I can tell.
There are without a doubt unresolved issues here and I know that really bothered me not long ago. But then I just thougt. Why do I actually give a fuck? The people in question are the athletes and their leagues. They are the ones affected. They have to solve it. And only they can. And any public outcry be it in one or the other direction is neither going to change that nor is it helping.

But it sure is a great topic to make your blood pump! Regardless what political opinions you have.
There are without a doubt unresolved issues here and I know that really bothered me not long ago. But then I just thougt. Why do I actually give a fuck? The people in question are the athletes and their leagues. They are the ones affected. They have to solve it. And only they can. And any public outcry be it in one or the other direction is neither going to change that nor is it helping.

But it sure is a great topic to make your blood pump! Regardless what political opinions you have.
Lol, pretty much. I usually saty outta this one as there is no real impact. Some people like conflict though.
Yeah I can't imagine worrying about other people's dicks and pussies as much as right-wingers do
What sexual repression will do to a mf heh
Dude just said Double D has to start worrying about his dick. Shit just got spicy, y'all.
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So you were originally accusing a 15 year old of harrasing a grown man? LOL
Impossible. Men can't be sexually harassed. If a woman is aggresive it's just an ego boost for you boys.
Yeah I can't imagine worrying about other people's dicks and pussies as much as right-wingers do
Believe me, we leftists have our retards too. What I learned - as a leftist - is that there are a high amount of people, more than I like to admit, who will pretend to care. But when it comes to actually solving something they chicken out. Or let me say it this way. If someone is really a transgender athlete where she managed to get into the womens league there is no real point in fighting for her.

There are other issues that have to be tackled and fought for. But they do not generate as much press. Some are like cats chasing the most flashing thing infront of them while ignoring actual and real existential issues - what do people think? How many "unhappy" transgenders can you find in a detroit ghetto? I would argue if someone's an athlete in the spot light they are not in real danger of being marginalised, evicted from their homes, beaten to death or what ever. Sure they have their struggle. But is it really the kind of people that need such immense support? I am not so sure.

Like I said. Its a topic everyone can say something and which doesn't affect them really in their "normal" lives. You can ignore it if you have too. Because you don't have to care really. It's not only a topic which you can get "right wingers" to behave like crazy lunatics.
So they are gonna drone strike weddings and in the long run have zero effect bedsides killing people.
Isn't that already normal? Like the french drone strike in Mali which killed 19 people on a wedding or something?