Not going to play the "oh yea what if [Insert incredibly specific rare hypothetical scenario that makes me look right] game.
Yeah, you're right. Why should anyone ever think about what he should do in the unlikely event of geting cancer, some serious sickness, like a depression, or maybe injuries, like from a car accident, or health issues from 30-40 years of work maybe. Pfff ... how could I even get the idea to ask something as crazy like that ...
Why don't you remove any air bags or seat belts from your car? Or any fire extinguisher from public buildings! Or lightning rods, who the hell needs those anyway? I mean the fuck, some incredibly specific rare and hypothetical scenario should not cloud our judgements! How much cheaper could we make cars without air bags! Or crumple zones.
Your only argument at this point is backed up by nothing and is simply: "Do you want to pay 100,000,000+ dollars or pay nothing?". It's intellectually dishonest and assumes someone's proposed system's effects without actually analyzing the logic, facts and arguments behind it.
Eh? But this is the kind of reality that you see right now in the US, and isn't happening in Germany. But I guess those people starting donnor websites in the US must be illusions, right?
So this is far from 'just' anecdotal evidence. It just happens that I had such a case in my family. But, you know what! The father of my room mate and good long time friend, also had cancer some 6 or 7 years ago, and a teacher in the school where I am working, is right now in treatment! You know what they don't do? Complaining about how shitty it is that they don't have to pay 100 000 for the treatment, because they have been able to get affordable health care.
What kind of argument is there that is defying logic and facts? That you will never have an absolut perfect system that never suffers from issues? Oh gosh! The horror that is German or Swedish health care! But which actually works in practise. Like I ever said anything about Obama care in the first place how effective - or ineffective it is, frankly I don't know it! But that doesn't mean health care in general doesn't work, just because they can't get it to work, thx to corruption, lobbyism and who knows what else.It's simply ridiculous to see how the US is struggling with something that apparantly works in other places. For one of the 'richest' nations in the world, it has become a runing joke really - like that guy who protested against public health care but later asked for donnations to cover his medical bills.
And I am also not sure why we're talking about the potential issues for 'private' doctors when we talk about people getting treatment for fucking cancer and other serious health issues. Again, how many private doctors do you guys know that are ACTUALLY(!) suffering? I sure don't. Does it mean they have to adjust their prices, or do something else that isn't covered by public health care? Like offering people also a foot massage or toilet seats made of gold? Maybe! But god forbid, that there is a system that actually tries to help people that otherwise could not afford the treatment. Talking about obscure rare and hypothetical scenarios here ... private doctors having issues ... yeah, man.