All right, let me clear some shit up here.
@Practicat said that maybe in time more people will wizen up to what Bethesda is doing and call them out on it.
I pointed out that those who have experience with TES' and Fallout's alterations over each game will be replaced by newcomers.
@ZigzagPX4 then asked if NMA had any faith in future generations.
I replied and said that I don't in the young ones because they are young.
Young gamers don't give as much of a shit about games as we do because they haven't had time to develop a strong interest in it. To them, it's mostly just something they do for fun and couldn't care less how a series progresses so long as the game itself is simply fun. I know this because I was one of them when I was young. Hell, I was one around the time Fallout 3 was released and it wasn't until like 2009 that something in my brain flicked on and I started to look around me and notice how shit everything had become.
I'm not saying anything at all about the intelligence of adults and I'm not saying kids are getting dumber over the years. I'm saying kids are dumb, period, because they are kids. You were dumb as a kid. I was dumb as a kid. The kids these days are just as dumb. There are deviations but they are not the norm. So do I personally have faith in the kids of all people being the ones that finally goes "no!" to Bethesda's dumbing down of their IP's? Absolutely not. Because they're kids and they just want something fun to play and Bethesda games can be really fun on their own merits. I don't have much faith in adults either though. Because a lot of adults are still dumb as a sack of bricks. But at least they more-so over the kids have the capacity to look around them and notice how shitty a lot of things have become.
That's it.
I don't have faith in any group of people or demographic. Because I'm a bitter cynical asshole. But the ones I have the least faith in is the kids. But at the same time I don't blame them for it. They can't help it that they're young and inexperienced and haven't become as jaded as me. Hell, one could argue that they're better off because of it.