Post your nation-specific jokes HERE


An Englishman, an Irishman and a Sctosman where out in the desert when their Land Rover broke down. They decided to walk back to the base camp, since they could make it in a day or two. To conserve energy they decided to take one thing only from the Land Rover.
The Englishman took a bottle of water to cool himself down.
The Scotsman took some of the food supplies to keep himself sustained.
The Irishman tore the door off the Land Rover.
"Why are you doing that?" the Englishman asked.
"Well ,you see, when it gets too hot I can wind t'window down." replied Paddy.
7/10 good one.

Q:How do you get a swede down from the top of a flaggpole?

A: You wave.
an israeli walks in the streets of paris and sees a dog attacking a little girl,
he rushes and rescues her from the dog.

after the press and media arrives to write the story they ask him:

'so we write a parisian gentleman rescues littel child'

-'but i'm not from paris'

'so we write a french mister jumps to the help of little girl'

-'but i'm not from france'

'so we write a european man delievers french girl to safety'

-'but damn it i'm from israel'

later, in the evening paper was written:
'an israeli bully kills a little girl's dog'
4/10 - too serious

Jebus said:
Goddamn, I'm out of Poland jokes...

I thought this day would never come :'(
Easy, I have some about the villagers (polishes) :twisted:

Q. Why do Polish men have blond moustaches?
A. So they can look like their mothers.
The Overseer said:
Wait, doesn't France have the largest Jewish population in Europe?

Yes. Third largest Jewish population in the world since the USSR broke up, after Israel and the US. 'bout half a million.
Q. Why do Polish men have blond moustaches?
A. So they can look like their mothers.[/quote]

Ah yes...hmm...3/10. Not so funny

Question - How does the motorcycles that belongs to KKK-members sound like?

Answer - R-R-R-Rhhrr-Rhun--RHunn-RHunn-Nigghrrerr-Nhigger-Nigg- Ruhnn-Ruhnn
An american is drunk at the bar when 3 guys come in and sit next to him. He says to the closest one, "hey wanna hear a polock joke?" to which the man replies "I am a polish kick boxer and my friends are polish body builders. Now, are you sure you want to tell that joke?" "Nah," says the drunk "I don't want to have to explain it three times."
What's the only shitty thing about four Mexicans going over a cliff in a Cadillac?

A Cadillac seats five.
Question - How do you fit 45 somali people into one two seated VW- golf?

Answer - You throw in a piece of bread
i dont now any jokes of norway
so ai take a swedish joke
why takes the sweden with a car door in the desert

secret answear : so he can role up the window if it get hot
1. This joke has been told here before
2. Are you Mort?

After WW2, a Czech and a Serb are on a train.
The Serb says, "during the war, we'd shoot every German we'd come across. Or better, we'd hang them, to save ammo."
"Well," responds the Czech, "we would have loved to do that, too, but it was forbidden."
Well, at least I still have plenty of jokes about the Dutch -

Q: What would happen if the (Belgian) province of Limburg was ceded to the Dutch?

B: The IQ in both countries would go up.
A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They seat themselves and engage in animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores their conversation at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:

"Emma come first, Denna I come. Two asses, they come together, I come again. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come once-a-more.

"You foul mouthed swine," retorted the lady very indignantly. "In this country we don't talk about our sex lives in public."

"Hey, coola down lady," said the man. "Imma just tellun my friend howa to spell Mississippi."

Actually provoked a proverbial "LOL" so it's not bad.

DJS said:
2. Are you Mort?

Nah, when the Mort shall come all shall feel his presence. Plus, he's all ready registered.